This is a sample implementation of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in JavaScript.
The sample is using SQLite for persistence and provides the following API endpoints via HTTP:
GET /items
- To retrieve a list of all itemsGET /items/:id
- To retrieve a item using its identifierPOST /items
- To create a new itemPUT /items/:id
- To update an existing item using its identifierDELETE /items
- To delete multiple items providing an array of identifiers as payload ({ "ids": []}
)DELETE /items/:id
- To delete an existing item using its identifier
Send data to POST /items
and PUT /items/:id
using the following structure:
To run the sample on your local machine, you must have the following software installed:
To run the sample locally, you must provide the migrations.sql
file using the --sqlite
flag to provision the database on the first run:
# Build the project
spin build
# Run the sample
spin up --sqlite @migrations.sql
Logging component stdio to ".spin/logs/"
Storing default SQLite data to ".spin/sqlite_db.db"
Available Routes:
crud-api: (wildcard)
You can deploy this sample to Fermyon Cloud following the steps below:
# Authenticate
spin cloud login
# Deploy the sample to Fermyon Cloud
# This will ask if a new database should be created or an existing one should be used
# Answer the question with "create a new database"
spin deploy
Uploading http-crud-js-sqlite version 0.1.0 to Fermyon Cloud...
App "http-crud-js-sqlite" accesses a database labeled "crud"
Would you like to link an existing database or create a new database?: Create a new database and link the app to it
What would you like to name your database?
What would you like to name your database?
Note: This name is used when managing your database at the account level. The app "http-crud-js-sqlite" will refer to this database by the label "default".
Other apps can use different labels to refer to the same database.: sincere-mulberry
Creating database named 'sincere-mulberry'
Waiting for application to become ready.......... ready
View application:
Manage application:
# Ensure tables are created in the new database (here sincere-mulberry)
spin cloud sqlite execute --database sincere-mulberry @migrations.sql