This project is intended solely for educational and technical research purposes. It is strictly prohibited to use this tool for illegally obtaining others' data. Users must ensure they have legitimate access rights to the relevant files. The developer shall not be held responsible for any misuse or illegal activities resulting from the use of this project.
binarycookies is a library for decoding .binarycookies files from Safari or WebKit.
The Safari cookies file, also known as the Safari binary cookies file (Cookies.binarycookies) format
More info:
- InvalidIndexOverBounds: cover index out of bounds, format error, cookie version invalid?
- InvalidSignature: cookie file must start with 'cook'
- InvalidStartCode: start code start with '[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]'
- EndCodeError
- EndHeaderCodeError
- DataOverSize
- SystemIOError: when use 'new' fuction, cover io error
use std::{fs::File, io::Read};
use binary_cookies::BinaryCookiesReader;
fn main() {
let mut target = File::open("/Users/foo/Library/HTTPStorages/boo.binarycookies").unwrap();
let mut data = Vec::new();
let _ = target.read_to_end(&mut data).unwrap();
let mut d = BinaryCookiesReader::from_vec(&data);
let _ = d.decode().unwrap();
for pages in d.origin_pages() {
for cookie in pages.cookies() {
println!("{} | {} | {} | {}", cookie.domain_str(), cookie.name_str(), cookie.value_str(), cookie.http_only);
use binary_cookies::BinaryCookiesReader;
fn main() {
let target = String::from("/Users/foo/Library/HTTPStorages/boo.binarycookies");
let mut dec = BinaryCookiesReader::new(&target).unwrap();
let _ = d.decode().unwrap();
for pages in d.origin_pages() {
for cookie in pages.cookies() {
println!("{} | {} | {} | {}", cookie.domain_str(), cookie.name_str(), cookie.value_str(), cookie.http_only);