cat gifs on demand for any occasion or project. GET any resource for moar cats. No 5xx or 4xx's here: just cat gifs.
Use it anywhere you need a cat gif! For example
<img src='' alt='a random cat gif!'/>
or something like this to click for new cat gifs
<div id="catcontainer" onclick="moarcats();">
<img src="" alt="random cat"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function moarcats() {
var catcontainer = document.getElementById("catcontainer");
catcontainer.innerHTML = '<img src="" alt="random cat"/>';
return false;
Also allows cross origin requests.
wait, first here's a cat!
try /works for autorotating fullscreen gifs every 20s!
it may not work on your browser, but you can try /auto!
- every 60s is a new cat
- click the image to immediately get moar cats
- the X-cat-link header has a direct link to the current random cat
or got to /auto/full for all dem cats in full screen!
try /netcat out!
- drag him around!
- type
moar cats
for an adorable cat!
Awesome right? Fuck yeah here's another cat
you can haz! try /random
well here's one right now!
- /all for a list of all cat gifs
- /all/count for a count of all cat gifs
- /all/show to show all cat gifs. May be slow! stores static cacheable cats, like this motherfucker right here
After getting hit by social networks bandwidth became prohibitive, so enter a CDN from the nice folks at EdgeCast. During high traffic periods, you may find your self redirected to /meow,which serves a cacheable image from /cats.
Please submit your cat to
This is released under the Kitty License. If you like this code you should scratch your nearest cat.
Ordered by date of contribution