index 2abb9371ca3..1ed48793c6e 100644
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ of launch configurations for running and debugging DevTools:
 ### Workflow for making changes
-1. Change your local Flutter SDK to the latest flutter candidate branch: `devtools_tool update-flutter-sdk --local`
+1. Change your local Flutter SDK to the latest flutter candidate branch: `devtools_tool update-flutter-sdk --from-path`
 2. Create a branch from your cloned DevTools repo: `git checkout -b myBranch`
 3. Ensure your branch, dependencies, and generated code are up-to-date: `devtools_tool sync`
 4. Implement your changes, and commit to your branch: `git commit -m “description”`
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ command palette (`F1`)) and add the following to your settings:
 	"env": {
 		"LOCAL_DART_SDK": "/path/to/dart-sdk/sdk"
 		// Path to the version that Flutter DevTools is pinned to.
-        "FLUTTER_ROOT": "C:\\Dev\\Google\\devtools\\tool\\flutter-sdk"
+        "FLUTTER_ROOT": "/path/to/devtools/tool/flutter-sdk"
index 8d315777b1b..d35d44e0879 100644
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Make sure:
    c. The local checkout is at `main` branch: `git rebase-update`
 2. Your Flutter version is equal to latest candidate release branch:
-    - Run `devtools_tool update-flutter-sdk --local`
+    - Run `devtools_tool update-flutter-sdk --from-path`
 3. You have goma [configured](http://go/ma-mac-setup)
 ### Prepare the release
diff --git a/tool/lib/commands/build.dart b/tool/lib/commands/build.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c392bc0c6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lib/commands/build.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
+import 'package:devtools_tool/commands/shared.dart';
+import 'package:devtools_tool/model.dart';
+import 'package:io/io.dart';
+import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
+import '../utils.dart';
+/// This command builds the DevTools Flutter web app.
+/// By default, this command builds DevTools in release mode, but this can be
+/// overridden by passing 'debug' or 'profile' as the
+/// [BuildCommandArgs.buildMode] argument.
+/// If the [BuildCommandArgs.useFlutterFromPath] argument is present, the
+/// Flutter SDK will not be updated to the latest Flutter candidate before
+/// building DevTools. Use this flag to save the cost of updating the Flutter
+/// SDK when you already have the proper SDK checked out. This is helpful when
+/// developing with the DevTools server.
+/// If the [BuildCommandArgs.updatePerfetto] argument is present, the
+/// precompiled bits for Perfetto will be updated from the
+/// `devtools_tool update-perfetto` command as part of the DevTools build
+/// process.
+/// If [BuildCommandArgs.pubGet] argument is negated (e.g. --no-pub-get), then
+/// `devtools_tool pub-get --only-main` command will not be run before building
+/// the DevTools web app. Use this flag to save the cost of updating pub
+/// packages if your pub cahce does not need to be updated. This is helpful when
+/// developing with the DevTools server.
+class BuildCommand extends Command {
+  BuildCommand() {
+    argParser
+      ..addUseFlutterFromPathFlag()
+      ..addUpdatePerfettoFlag()
+      ..addPubGetFlag()
+      ..addBulidModeOption();
+  }
+  @override
+  String get name => 'build';
+  @override
+  String get description => 'Prepares a release build of DevTools.';
+  @override
+  Future run() async {
+    final repo = DevToolsRepo.getInstance();
+    final processManager = ProcessManager();
+    final useLocalFlutter =
+        argResults![BuildCommandArgs.useFlutterFromPath.flagName];
+    final updatePerfetto =
+        argResults![BuildCommandArgs.updatePerfetto.flagName];
+    final runPubGet = argResults![BuildCommandArgs.pubGet.flagName];
+    final buildMode = argResults![BuildCommandArgs.buildMode.flagName];
+    final webBuildDir =
+        Directory(path.join(repo.devtoolsAppDirectoryPath, 'build', 'web'));
+    if (!useLocalFlutter) {
+      logStatus('updating tool/flutter-sdk to the latest flutter candidate');
+      await processManager.runProcess(CliCommand.tool('update-flutter-sdk'));
+    }
+    if (updatePerfetto) {
+      logStatus('updating the bundled Perfetto assets');
+      await processManager.runProcess(CliCommand.tool('update-perfetto'));
+    }
+    logStatus('cleaning project');
+    if (webBuildDir.existsSync()) {
+      webBuildDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
+    }
+    await processManager.runProcess(
+      CliCommand.flutter('clean'),
+      workingDirectory: repo.devtoolsAppDirectoryPath,
+    );
+    logStatus('building DevTools in release mode');
+    await processManager.runAll(
+      commands: [
+        if (runPubGet) CliCommand.tool('pub-get --only-main'),
+        CliCommand.flutter(
+          [
+            'build',
+            'web',
+            '--web-renderer',
+            'canvaskit',
+            '--pwa-strategy=offline-first',
+            if (buildMode != 'debug') '--$buildMode',
+            '--no-tree-shake-icons',
+          ].join(' '),
+        ),
+      ],
+      workingDirectory: repo.devtoolsAppDirectoryPath,
+    );
+    // TODO(kenz): investigate if we need to perform a windows equivalent of
+    // `chmod` or if we even need to perform `chmod` for linux / mac anymore.
+    if (!Platform.isWindows) {
+      final canvaskitDir = Directory(path.join(webBuildDir.path, 'canvaskit'));
+      for (final file in canvaskitDir.listSync()) {
+        if (RegExp(r'canvaskit\..*').hasMatch(file.path)) {
+          await processManager
+              .runProcess(CliCommand('chmod 0755 ${file.path}'));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/tool/lib/commands/build_release.dart b/tool/lib/commands/build_release.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a2f19acefd..00000000000
--- a/tool/lib/commands/build_release.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
-import 'package:devtools_tool/model.dart';
-import 'package:io/io.dart';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import '../utils.dart';
-const _useLocalFlutterFlag = 'use-local-flutter';
-const _updatePerfettoFlag = 'update-perfetto';
-class BuildReleaseCommand extends Command {
-  BuildReleaseCommand() {
-    argParser
-      ..addFlag(
-        _useLocalFlutterFlag,
-        negatable: false,
-        defaultsTo: false,
-        help:
-            'Whether to use the Flutter SDK on PATH instead of the Flutter SDK '
-            'contained in the "tool/flutter-sdk" directory.',
-      )
-      ..addFlag(
-        _updatePerfettoFlag,
-        negatable: false,
-        defaultsTo: false,
-        help: 'Whether to update the Perfetto assets before building DevTools.',
-      );
-  }
-  @override
-  String get name => 'build-release';
-  @override
-  String get description => 'Prepares a release build of DevTools.';
-  @override
-  Future run() async {
-    final repo = DevToolsRepo.getInstance();
-    final processManager = ProcessManager();
-    final useLocalFlutter = argResults![_useLocalFlutterFlag];
-    final updatePerfetto = argResults![_updatePerfettoFlag];
-    final webBuildDir =
-        Directory(path.join(repo.devtoolsAppDirectoryPath, 'build', 'web'));
-    if (!useLocalFlutter) {
-      logStatus('updating tool/flutter-sdk to the latest flutter candidate');
-      await processManager.runProcess(CliCommand.tool('update-flutter-sdk'));
-    }
-    if (updatePerfetto) {
-      logStatus('updating the bundled Perfetto assets');
-      await processManager.runProcess(CliCommand.tool('update-perfetto'));
-    }
-    logStatus('cleaning project');
-    if (webBuildDir.existsSync()) {
-      webBuildDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
-    }
-    await processManager.runProcess(
-      CliCommand.flutter('clean'),
-      workingDirectory: repo.devtoolsAppDirectoryPath,
-    );
-    logStatus('building DevTools in release mode');
-    await processManager.runAll(
-      commands: [
-        CliCommand.tool('pub-get --only-main'),
-        CliCommand.flutter(
-          'build web --web-renderer canvaskit --pwa-strategy=offline-first'
-          ' --release --no-tree-shake-icons',
-        ),
-      ],
-      workingDirectory: repo.devtoolsAppDirectoryPath,
-    );
-    // TODO(kenz): investigate if we need to perform a windows equivalent of
-    // `chmod` or if we even need to perform `chmod` for linux / mac anymore.
-    if (!Platform.isWindows) {
-      final canvaskitDir = Directory(path.join(webBuildDir.path, 'canvaskit'));
-      for (final file in canvaskitDir.listSync()) {
-        if (RegExp(r'canvaskit\..*').hasMatch(file.path)) {
-          await processManager
-              .runProcess(CliCommand('chmod 0755 ${file.path}'));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/tool/lib/commands/serve.dart b/tool/lib/commands/serve.dart
index 869abdfbbb9..5c805bc55a5 100644
--- a/tool/lib/commands/serve.dart
+++ b/tool/lib/commands/serve.dart
@@ -6,56 +6,61 @@ import 'dart:io';
 import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
 import 'package:devtools_tool/model.dart';
+import 'package:devtools_tool/utils.dart';
 import 'package:io/io.dart';
 import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import '../utils.dart';
+import 'shared.dart';
-const _useLocalFlutterFlag = 'use-local-flutter';
-const _updatePerfettoFlag = 'update-perfetto';
 const _buildAppFlag = 'build-app';
 const _machineFlag = 'machine';
 const _allowEmbeddingFlag = 'allow-embedding';
 /// This command builds DevTools in release mode by running the
-/// `devtools_tool build-release` command and then serves DevTools with a
-/// locally running DevTools server.
+/// `devtools_tool build` command and then serves DevTools with a locally
+/// running DevTools server.
-/// If the [_buildAppFlag] is negated (e.g. --no-build-app), then the DevTools
-/// web app will not be rebuilt before serving.
+/// If the [_buildAppFlag] argument is negated (e.g. --no-build-app), then the
+/// DevTools web app will not be rebuilt before serving. The following arguments
+/// are ignored if '--no-build-app' is present in the list of arguments passed
+/// to this command. All of the following commands are passed along to the
+/// `devtools_tool build` command.
-/// If [_useLocalFlutterFlag] is present, the Flutter SDK will not be updated to
-/// the latest Flutter candidate. Use this flag to save the cost of updating the
-/// Flutter SDK when you already have the proper SDK checked out.
+/// If the [BuildCommandArgs.useFlutterFromPath] argument is present, the
+/// Flutter SDK will not be updated to the latest Flutter candidate before
+/// building DevTools. Use this flag to save the cost of updating the Flutter
+/// SDK when you already have the proper SDK checked out. This is helpful when
+/// developing with the DevTools server.
-/// If [_updatePerfettoFlag] is present, the precompiled bits for Perfetto will
-/// be updated from the `devtools_tool update-perfetto` command as part of the
-/// DevTools build process (e.g. running `devtools_tool build-release`).
+/// If the [BuildCommandArgs.updatePerfetto] argument is present, the
+/// precompiled bits for Perfetto will be updated from the
+/// `devtools_tool update-perfetto` command as part of the DevTools build
+/// process.
+/// If [BuildCommandArgs.pubGet] argument is negated (e.g. --no-pub-get), then
+/// `devtools_tool pub-get --only-main` command will not be run before building
+/// the DevTools web app. Use this flag to save the cost of updating pub
+/// packages if your pub cahce does not need to be updated. This is helpful when
+/// developing with the DevTools server.
+/// The [BuildCommandArgs.buildMode] argument specifies the Flutter build mode
+/// that the DevTools web app will be built in ('release', 'profile', 'debug').
+/// This defaults to 'release' if unspecified.
 class ServeCommand extends Command {
   ServeCommand() {
-      ..addFlag(
-        _useLocalFlutterFlag,
-        negatable: false,
-        defaultsTo: false,
-        help:
-            'Whether to use the Flutter SDK on PATH instead of the Flutter SDK '
-            'contained in the "tool/flutter-sdk" directory.',
-      )
-      ..addFlag(
-        _updatePerfettoFlag,
-        negatable: false,
-        defaultsTo: false,
-        help: 'Whether to update the Perfetto assets before building DevTools.',
-      )
         negatable: true,
         defaultsTo: true,
-            'Whether to build the DevTools app in release mode before starting '
-            'the DevTools server.',
+            'Whether to build the DevTools web app before starting the DevTools'
+            ' server.',
+      ..addUseFlutterFromPathFlag()
+      ..addUpdatePerfettoFlag()
+      ..addPubGetFlag()
+      ..addBulidModeOption()
       // Flags defined in the server in DDS.
@@ -81,15 +86,25 @@ class ServeCommand extends Command {
     final repo = DevToolsRepo.getInstance();
     final processManager = ProcessManager();
-    final useLocalFlutter = argResults![_useLocalFlutterFlag];
-    final updatePerfetto = argResults![_updatePerfettoFlag];
     final buildApp = argResults![_buildAppFlag];
+    final useFlutterFromPath =
+        argResults![BuildCommandArgs.useFlutterFromPath.flagName];
+    final updatePerfetto =
+        argResults![BuildCommandArgs.updatePerfetto.flagName];
+    final runPubGet = argResults![BuildCommandArgs.pubGet.flagName];
+    final devToolsAppBuildMode =
+        argResults![BuildCommandArgs.buildMode.flagName];
     final remainingArguments = List.of(argResults!.arguments)
-      ..remove(_useLocalFlutterFlag)
-      ..remove(_updatePerfettoFlag)
-      ..remove(_buildAppFlag)
-      ..remove('--no-$_buildAppFlag');
+      ..remove(BuildCommandArgs.useFlutterFromPath.asArg())
+      ..remove(BuildCommandArgs.updatePerfetto.asArg())
+      ..remove(valueAsArg(_buildAppFlag))
+      ..remove(valueAsArg(_buildAppFlag, negated: true))
+      ..remove(BuildCommandArgs.pubGet.asArg())
+      ..remove(BuildCommandArgs.pubGet.asArg(negated: true))
+      ..removeWhere(
+        (element) => element.startsWith(BuildCommandArgs.buildMode.asArg()),
+      );
     final localDartSdkLocation = Platform.environment['LOCAL_DART_SDK'];
     if (localDartSdkLocation == null) {
@@ -114,14 +129,16 @@ class ServeCommand extends Command {
     if (buildApp) {
       final process = await processManager.runProcess(
-          'build-release'
-          ' ${useLocalFlutter ? '--$_useLocalFlutterFlag' : ''}'
-          ' ${updatePerfetto ? '--$_updatePerfettoFlag' : ''}',
+          'build'
+          '${useFlutterFromPath ? ' ${BuildCommandArgs.useFlutterFromPath.asArg()}' : ''}'
+          '${updatePerfetto ? ' ${BuildCommandArgs.updatePerfetto.asArg()}' : ''}'
+          ' ${BuildCommandArgs.buildMode.asArg()}=$devToolsAppBuildMode'
+          ' ${BuildCommandArgs.pubGet.asArg(negated: !runPubGet)}',
       if (process.exitCode == 1) {
         throw Exception(
-          'Something went wrong while running `devtools_tool build-release`',
+          'Something went wrong while running `devtools_tool build`',
       logStatus('completed building DevTools: $devToolsBuildLocation');
diff --git a/tool/lib/commands/shared.dart b/tool/lib/commands/shared.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4d33b3e4c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lib/commands/shared.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:args/args.dart';
+import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
+extension CommandExtension on Command {
+  void logStatus(String log) {
+    print('[$name] $log');
+  }
+extension BuildCommandArgsExtension on ArgParser {
+  void addBulidModeOption() {
+    addOption(
+      BuildCommandArgs.buildMode.name,
+      allowed: ['debug', 'profile', 'release'],
+      defaultsTo: 'release',
+      help: 'The build mode to use for the DevTools web app. This should only'
+          ' be "debug" or "profile" for the purpose of local development.',
+    );
+  }
+  void addPubGetFlag() {
+    addFlag(
+      BuildCommandArgs.pubGet.flagName,
+      negatable: true,
+      defaultsTo: true,
+      help: 'Whether to run `devtools_tool pub-get --only-main` before building'
+          ' the DevTools web app.',
+    );
+  }
+  void addUpdatePerfettoFlag() {
+    addFlag(
+      BuildCommandArgs.updatePerfetto.flagName,
+      negatable: false,
+      defaultsTo: false,
+      help: 'Whether to update the Perfetto assets before building DevTools.',
+    );
+  }
+  void addUseFlutterFromPathFlag() {
+    addFlag(
+      BuildCommandArgs.useFlutterFromPath.flagName,
+      negatable: false,
+      defaultsTo: false,
+      help: 'Whether to use the Flutter SDK on PATH instead of the Flutter SDK '
+          'contained in the "tool/flutter-sdk" directory.',
+    );
+  }
+enum BuildCommandArgs {
+  buildMode('build-mode'),
+  pubGet('pub-get'),
+  useFlutterFromPath('use-flutter-from-path'),
+  updatePerfetto('update-perfetto');
+  const BuildCommandArgs(this.flagName);
+  final String flagName;
+  String asArg({bool negated = false}) =>
+      valueAsArg(flagName, negated: negated);
+String valueAsArg(String value, {bool negated = false}) =>
+    '--${negated ? 'no-' : ''}$value';
diff --git a/tool/lib/commands/update_flutter_sdk.dart b/tool/lib/commands/update_flutter_sdk.dart
index 94464cdf66b..144fc6ea6e3 100644
--- a/tool/lib/commands/update_flutter_sdk.dart
+++ b/tool/lib/commands/update_flutter_sdk.dart
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
 import '../utils.dart';
-const _localFlag = 'local';
+const _fromPathFlag = 'from-path';
 const _useCacheFlag = 'use-cache';
 /// This command updates the the Flutter SDK contained in the 'tool/' directory
 /// to the latest Flutter candidate branch.
-/// When the '--local' flag is passed, your local flutter/flutter checkout will
-/// be updated as well.
+/// When the '--from-path' flag is passed, the Flutter SDK that is on PATH (your
+/// local flutter/flutter git checkout) will be updated as well.
 /// This command will use the Flutter version from the 'flutter-candidate.txt'
 /// file in the repository root, unless the '--no-use-cache' flag is passed,
@@ -30,22 +30,23 @@ const _useCacheFlag = 'use-cache';
 /// time since the GitHub workflow that updates this file runs twice per day.
 /// To run this script:
-/// `devtools_tool update-flutter-sdk [--local] [--no-use-cache]`
+/// `devtools_tool update-flutter-sdk [--from-path] [--no-use-cache]`
 class UpdateFlutterSdkCommand extends Command {
   UpdateFlutterSdkCommand() {
-        _localFlag,
+        _fromPathFlag,
+        abbr: 'p',
         negatable: false,
-        help: 'Update your local checkout of the Flutter SDK',
+        help: 'Update the Flutter SDK that is on PATH (your local '
+            'flutter/flutter git checkout)',
         negatable: true,
         defaultsTo: true,
-        help:
-            'Use the cached Flutter version stored in "flutter-candidate.txt" '
-            'instead of the latest version at '
+        help: 'Update the Flutter SDK(s) to the cached Flutter version stored '
+            'in "flutter-candidate.txt" instead of the latest version at '
@@ -55,12 +56,12 @@ class UpdateFlutterSdkCommand extends Command {
   String get description =>
       'Updates the the Flutter SDK contained in the \'tool/\' directory to the '
-      'latest Flutter candidate branch. Optionally updates your local checkout '
-      'of the Flutter SDK as well.';
+      'latest Flutter candidate branch. Optionally, can also update the Flutter'
+      'SDK that is on PATH (your local flutter/flutter git checkout).';
   Future run() async {
-    final updateLocalFlutter = argResults![_localFlag];
+    final updateFlutterFromPath = argResults![_fromPathFlag];
     final useCachedVersion = argResults![_useCacheFlag];
     final log = Logger.standard();
@@ -90,7 +91,8 @@ class UpdateFlutterSdkCommand extends Command {
         workingDirectory: repo.toolDirectoryPath,
-          .replaceFirst('refs/', '');
+          .replaceFirst('refs/', '')
+          .trim();
@@ -98,14 +100,14 @@ class UpdateFlutterSdkCommand extends Command {
       '${useCachedVersion ? 'from cache' : 'from upstream'}: $flutterTag ',
-    if (updateLocalFlutter) {
+    if (updateFlutterFromPath) {
       final sdk = FlutterSdk.current;
       if (sdk == null) {
         print('Unable to locate a Flutter sdk.');
         return 1;
-      log.stdout('Updating local Flutter checkout...');
+      log.stdout('Updating local flutter/flutter repository...');
       // Verify we have an upstream remote to pull from.
       await findRemote(
@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ class UpdateFlutterSdkCommand extends Command {
         workingDirectory: sdk.sdkPath,
-      log.stdout('Finished updating local Flutter checkout.');
+      log.stdout('Finished updating local flutter/flutter repository.');
     final flutterSdkDirName = 'flutter-sdk';
@@ -133,21 +135,23 @@ class UpdateFlutterSdkCommand extends Command {
-    final toolFlutterSdk = Directory.fromUri(Uri.file(toolSdkPath));
+    final toolFlutterSdkDirectory = Directory(toolSdkPath);
     log.stdout('Updating "$toolSdkPath" to branch $flutterTag');
-    if (toolFlutterSdk.existsSync()) {
-      log.stdout('"$toolSdkPath" directory already exists');
+    if (toolFlutterSdkDirectory.existsSync()) {
+      log.stdout(
+        '"$toolSdkPath" directory already exists. Fetching $flutterTag from GitHub.',
+      );
       await processManager.runAll(
         commands: [
           CliCommand.git('checkout $flutterTag -f'),
-        workingDirectory: toolFlutterSdk.path,
+        workingDirectory: toolFlutterSdkDirectory.path,
     } else {
-      log.stdout('"$toolSdkPath" directory does not exist - cloning it now');
+      log.stdout('Cloning flutter/flutter into "$toolSdkPath" directory.');
       await processManager.runProcess(
           'clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter $flutterSdkDirName',
@@ -159,10 +163,9 @@ class UpdateFlutterSdkCommand extends Command {
           CliCommand.git('checkout $flutterTag -f'),
-        workingDirectory: toolFlutterSdk.path,
+        workingDirectory: toolFlutterSdkDirectory.path,
     log.stdout('Finished updating $toolSdkPath.');
diff --git a/tool/lib/commands/update_perfetto.dart b/tool/lib/commands/update_perfetto.dart
index d1471fe4143..1433c9e4dcf 100644
--- a/tool/lib/commands/update_perfetto.dart
+++ b/tool/lib/commands/update_perfetto.dart
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import 'package:io/io.dart';
 import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
 import '../utils.dart';
+import 'shared.dart';
 const _buildFlag = 'build';
diff --git a/tool/lib/devtools_command_runner.dart b/tool/lib/devtools_command_runner.dart
index 942d6d921da..8d0130e4ae7 100644
--- a/tool/lib/devtools_command_runner.dart
+++ b/tool/lib/devtools_command_runner.dart
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // found in the LICENSE file.
 import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
-import 'package:devtools_tool/commands/build_release.dart';
+import 'package:devtools_tool/commands/build.dart';
 import 'package:devtools_tool/commands/fix_goldens.dart';
 import 'package:devtools_tool/commands/generate_code.dart';
 import 'package:devtools_tool/commands/serve.dart';
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class DevToolsCommandRunner extends CommandRunner {
       : super('devtools_tool', 'A repo management tool for DevTools.') {
-    addCommand(BuildReleaseCommand());
+    addCommand(BuildCommand());
diff --git a/tool/lib/utils.dart b/tool/lib/utils.dart
index 6d459c3caa5..cde41d8d040 100644
--- a/tool/lib/utils.dart
+++ b/tool/lib/utils.dart
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:convert';
 import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
 import 'package:devtools_tool/model.dart';
 import 'package:io/io.dart';
 import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
@@ -217,12 +216,6 @@ Future<String> findRemote(
   return remoteUpstream;
-extension CommandExtension on Command {
-  void logStatus(String log) {
-    print('[$name] $log');
-  }
 extension JoinExtension on List<String> {
   String joinWithNewLine() {
     return '${join('\n')}\n';