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Stripes CLI Commands

Version 2.5.0

This following command documentation is generated from the CLI's own built-in help. Run any command with the --help option to view the latest help for your currently installed CLI. To regenerate this file, run yarn docs.

Note: Commands labeled "(work in progress)" are incomplete or experimental and subject to change.

Common options

The following options are available for all commands:

Option Description Type Notes
--help Show help boolean
--version Show version number boolean
--interactive Enable interactive input (use --no-interactive to disable) boolean default: true


Show help for the build command:

$ stripes build --help

Disable interactive option

$ stripes app create "Hello World" --no-interactive

alias command

Maintain global aliases that apply to all platforms and apps [deprecated: use workspace instead]


$ stripes alias <sub> [mod] [path]
Positional Description Type Notes
mod UI module to alias string
path Relative path to UI module string
sub Alias operation string required; choices: "add", "list", "remove", "clear"


Create alias for ui-users:

$ stripes alias add @folio/ui-users ./path/to/ui-users

Remove alias for ui-users:

$ stripes alias remove @folio/ui-users

app command

Commands to create and manage stripes UI apps


$ stripes app <command>


app bigtest command

Setup BigTest for the current app


$ stripes app bigtest
Option Description Type Notes
--install Yarn add dependencies boolean default: true


Setup BigTest for the current app, and add dependencies:

$ stripes app bigtest

Setup BigTest for the current app, but do not add dependencies:

$ stripes app bigtest --no-install

app create command

Create a new Stripes app module


$ stripes app create [name]
Positional Description Type Notes
name Name of the app string
Option Description Type Notes
--assign Assign new app permission to the given user (includes pushing module descriptor to Okapi and enabling for tenant) string
--desc Description of the app string
--install Yarn install dependencies boolean default: true


Create new Stripes UI app, directory, and install dependencies:

$ stripes app create "Hello World"

Create app and assign permissions to user diku_admin:

$ stripes app create "Hello World" --assign diku_admin

Create new Stripes UI app, but do not install dependencies:

$ stripes app create "Hello World" --no-install

app perms command

View list of permissions for the current app (app context)


$ stripes app perms


View current app permissions:

$ stripes app perms

Assign current app permissions to user diku_admin:

$ stripes app perms | stripes perm assign --user diku_admin

build command

Build a Stripes tenant bundle


$ stripes build [configFile] [outputPath]
Positional Description Type Notes
configFile File containing a Stripes tenant configuration string
outputPath Directory to place build output string
Option Description Type Notes
--analyze Run the Webpack Bundle Analyzer after build (launches in browser) boolean
--createDll List of dependencies (comma-separated) to build into a Webpack DLL. string
--devtool Specify the Webpack devtool for generating source maps string
--dllName Name of Webpack DLL to create. string
--hasAllPerms Set "hasAllPerms" in Stripes config boolean
--languages Languages to include in tenant build array
--lint Show eslint warnings with build boolean
--maxChunks Limit the number of Webpack chunks in build output number
--minify Minify the bundle output boolean default: true
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--output Directory to place build output. If omitted, default value of "./output" is used. string
--publicPath Specify the Webpack publicPath output option string
--skipStripesBuild Bypass Stripes-specific steps in build (useful when building third-party Webpack DLLs). boolean default: false
--sourcemap Include sourcemaps in build output boolean
--stripesConfig Stripes config JSON string supports stdin
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string
--useDll List of DLL manifest files (comma-separated) to include in build. string


Build a platform (from platform directory):

$ stripes build stripes.config.js ./output-dir

Build a platform without minification of the bundle:

$ stripes build stripes.config.js ./output-dir --no-minify

Build a single ui-module (from ui-module directory):

$ stripes build --output ./output-dir

Builds a Webpack DLL called vendor with react and react-dom:

$ stripes build --createDll react,react-dom --dllName vendor --skipStripesBuild

Build using vendor and stripes DLLs:

$ stripes build stripes.config.js --useDll ./path/vendor.json,./path/stripes.json

inventory command

Manage local inventory cache to supply module data for stripes workspace.


$ stripes inventory
Option Description Type Notes
--fetch Fetch module names from Github and store in local cache. Note that there is a rate limit per IP to Github, so you can't call this too many times in a short time period. boolean default: true


Fetch module names from Github and store in local cache.:

$ stripes inventory --fetch

mod command

Commands to manage UI module descriptors


$ stripes mod <command>


mod add command

Add an app module descriptor to Okapi


$ stripes mod add
Option Description Type Notes
--descriptors Array of module descriptor JSON array supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--strict Include required interface dependencies boolean default: false


Add descriptor for ui-module in current directory:

$ stripes mod add

mod descriptor command

Generate module descriptors for an app or platform.


$ stripes mod descriptor [configFile]
Positional Description Type Notes
configFile File containing a Stripes tenant configuration string
Option Description Type Notes
--full Return full module descriptor JSON boolean default: false
--output Directory to write descriptors to as JSON files string
--strict Include required interface dependencies boolean default: false
--stripesConfig Stripes config JSON string supports stdin


Display module descriptor id for current app:

$ stripes mod descriptor

Display module descriptor ids for platform:

$ stripes mod descriptor stripes.config.js

Display full module descriptor as JSON:

$ stripes mod descriptor --full

mod disable command

Disable modules for a tenant in Okapi


$ stripes mod disable
Option Description Type Notes
--ids Module descriptor ids array supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string required


Disable the current ui-module (app context):

$ stripes mod disable --tenant diku

Disable module ids "one" and "two" for tenant diku:

$ stripes mod disable --ids one two --tenant diku

Disable module ids "one" and "two" for tenant diku with stdin:

$ echo one two | stripes mod disable --tenant diku

mod discover command

Manage instances for the current backend module with Okapi's _/discovery endpoint


$ stripes mod discover
Option Description Type Notes
--forget Unregister instances boolean
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--port Register a locally hosted instance running on port number (for use with Okapi in a Vagrant box) number
--url Register instance running at URL string


View current instances:

$ stripes mod discover

Register instance running at URL with Okapi:

$ stripes mod discover --url

Unregister running instances with Okapi:

$ stripes mod discover --forget

mod enable command

Enable an app module descriptor for a tenant in Okapi


$ stripes mod enable
Option Description Type Notes
--ids Module descriptor ids array supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string required


Enable the current ui-module (app context):

$ stripes mod enable --tenant diku

Enable module ids "one" and "two" for tenant diku:

$ stripes mod enable --ids one two --tenant diku

Enable module ids "one" and "two" for tenant diku with stdin:

$ echo one two | stripes mod enable --tenant diku

mod filter command

Filter module descriptors


$ stripes mod filter
Option Description Type Notes
--back Back-end modules only boolean
--front Front-end modules only boolean
--ids Module descriptor ids array supports stdin


Filter front-end module ids:

$ echo mod-one folio_two stripes mod filter --front

Filter back-end module ids:

$ echo mod-one folio_two stripes mod filter --back

mod install command

Enable, disable, and optionally deploy one or more modules for a tenant in Okapi


$ stripes mod install
Option Description Type Notes
--action Action to perform on modules string default: "enable"; choices: "enable", "disable"
--deploy Deploy modules boolean default: false
--ids Module descriptor ids array supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--preRelease Include pre-release modules boolean default: true
--simulate Simulate operation boolean default: false
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string required


Install and deploy module ids "one" and "two":

$ stripes mod install --ids one two --tenant diku --deploy

Disable module ids "one" and "two":

$ stripes mod install --ids one two --tenant diku --action disable

Install module ids "one" and "two" using stdin:

$ echo one two | stripes mod install --tenant diku

mod list command

List all module ids available in Okapi or enabled for a tenant


$ stripes mod list
Option Description Type Notes
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--provide limit to provided interface string
--require limit to required interface string
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string


List all available module ids in Okapi:

$ stripes mod list

List module ids that provide "notes" interface:

$ stripes mod list --provide notes

List module ids that require "notes" interface:

$ stripes mod list --require notes

List enabled module ids for tenant diku:

$ stripes mod list --tenant diku

List available module ids in Okapi (overriding any tenant set via config):

$ stripes mod list --no-tenant

mod perms command

List permissions for module ids in Okapi


$ stripes mod perms
Option Description Type Notes
--expand Include sub-permissions boolean default: false
--ids Module descriptor ids array supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required


List permissions for ids "one" and "two":

$ stripes mod perms --ids one two

List permissions for ids "one" and "two" with stdin:

$ echo one two | stripes mod perms

mod pull command

Pull module descriptors from a remote okapi


$ stripes mod pull
Option Description Type Notes
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--remote Remote Okapi to pull from string required


Pull module descriptors from remote Okapi:

$ stripes mod pull --okapi http://localhost:9130 --remote

mod remove command

Remove a module descriptor from Okapi


$ stripes mod remove
Option Description Type Notes
--ids Module descriptor ids array supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required


Remove ui-module located in current directory:

$ stripes mod remove

Remove module ids "one" and "two" from Okapi:

$ stripes mod remove --ids one two

Remove module ids "one" and "two" from Okapi with stdin:

$ echo one two | stripes mod remove

mod update command

Update an app module descriptor in Okapi


$ stripes mod update
Option Description Type Notes
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required


Update descriptor for ui-module in current directory:

$ stripes mod update

mod view command

View module descriptors of module ids in Okapi


$ stripes mod view
Option Description Type Notes
--ids Module descriptor ids array supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required


View module descriptors for ids "one" and "two":

$ stripes mod view --ids one two

View module descriptors for ids "one" and "two" with stdin:

$ echo one two | stripes mod view

okapi command

Okapi commands (login and logout)


$ stripes okapi <command>


okapi login command

Log into an Okapi tenant persist the token


$ stripes okapi login <username> [password]
Positional Description Type Notes
password Okapi tenant password string
username Okapi tenant username string required
Option Description Type Notes
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string required


Log user diku_admin into tenant diku:

$ stripes okapi login diku_admin --okapi http://localhost:9130 --tenant diku

Login with okapi and tenant already set:

$ stripes okapi login diku_admin

okapi logout command

Clear previously saved Okapi token.


$ stripes okapi logout

okapi delete command

Perform an HTTP DELETE request to a given Okapi endpoint


$ stripes okapi delete <path>
Positional Description Type Notes
path The Okapi path or endpoint to operate on. string required
Option Description Type Notes
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string


Perform a DELETE request to the "/users/123-456" path:

$ stripes okapi delete /users/123-456

okapi get command

Perform an HTTP GET request to a given Okapi endpoint


$ stripes okapi get <path>
Positional Description Type Notes
path The Okapi path or endpoint to operate on. string required
Option Description Type Notes
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string


Perform a GET request to the "/users/123-456" path:

$ stripes okapi get /users/123-456

okapi post command

Perform an HTTP POST request with a payload from JSON file/stdin a given Okapi endpoint


$ stripes okapi post <path> [file]
Positional Description Type Notes
file File containing JSON data string
path The Okapi path or endpoint to operate on. string required
Option Description Type Notes
--body The JSON to POST to the endpoint string supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string


Perform a POST request to the "/users" path:

$ stripes okapi post /users

okapi put command

Perform an HTTP PUT request with a payload from JSON file/stdin a given Okapi endpoint


$ stripes okapi put <path> [file]
Positional Description Type Notes
file File containing JSON data string
path The Okapi path or endpoint to operate on. string required
Option Description Type Notes
--body The JSON to PUT to the endpoint string supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string


Perform a PUT request to the "/users/123-456" path:

$ stripes okapi put /users/123-456

okapi token command

Display the stored Okapi token


$ stripes okapi token


Display the stored Okapi token:

$ stripes okapi token

perm command

Commands to manage UI module permissions


$ stripes perm <command>


perm assign command

Assign permission to a user


$ stripes perm assign
Option Description Type Notes
--name Name of the permission string supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string required
--user, --assign Username to assign permission to string


Assign permission to user diku_admin:

$ stripes perm assign --name module.hello-world.enabled --user diku_admin

Assign permissions from user jack to user jill:

$ stripes perm list --user jack | stripes perm assign --user jill

perm create command

Adds new UI permission to permissionSet


$ stripes perm create [name]
Positional Description Type Notes
name Name of the permission string
Option Description Type Notes
--assign Assign the permission to the given user (requires --push) string
--desc Description of the permission string
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--push Push the permission to Okapi by adding/updating module descriptor boolean default: false
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string
--visible Permission is visible in the UI boolean default: true


Create a new permission for this UI module:

$ stripes perm create ui-my-app.example

Create a new permission, update the module descriptor, and assign permission to user someone:

$ stripes perm create ui-my-app.example --push --assign someone

perm filter command

Filter permissions


$ stripes perm filter
Option Description Type Notes
--assigned User to filter by assigned string
--name Names of the permissions to filter array supports stdin
--unassigned User to filter by unassigned string


Filter by assigned permissions:

$ echo one two | stripes perm filter --assigned diku_admin

Filter by unassigned permissions:

$ echo one two | stripes perm filter --unassigned diku_admin

perm list command

List permissions for a user


$ stripes perm list
Option Description Type Notes
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string required
--user Username string required


List permissions for user diku_admin:

$ stripes perm list --user diku_admin

perm unassign command

Unassign permissions from a user


$ stripes perm unassign
Option Description Type Notes
--name Name of the permission string supports stdin
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string required
--user Username to unassign permission from string


Unassign permission from user diku_admin:

$ stripes perm unassign --name module.hello-world.enabled --user diku_admin

platform command

Commands to manage stripes UI platforms


$ stripes platform <command>


platform backend command

Initialize Okapi backend for a platform


$ stripes platform backend <configFile>
Positional Description Type Notes
configFile File containing a Stripes tenant configuration string required
Option Description Type Notes
--detail Display detailed output boolean default: false
--include Additional module ids to include with install array
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string required
--preRelease Include pre-release modules boolean default: true
--remote Pull module descriptors from remote registry before install string
--simulate Simulate install only (does not deploy) boolean default: false
--stripesConfig Stripes config JSON string supports stdin
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string required
--user Username to assign permission to string


Deploy, enable, and/or upgrade modules to support the current platform:

$ stripes platform backend stripes.config.js

View modules that need to enabled/upgraded for the current platform:

$ stripes platform backend stripes.config.js --simulate --detail

Pull module descriptors from remote Okapi prior to install:

$ stripes platform backend stripes.config.js --remote

Include modules "one" and "two" not specified in tenant config:

$ stripes platform backend stripes.config.js --include one two

platform clean command

Remove node_modules for active platform, workspace, and aliases


$ stripes platform clean
Option Description Type Notes
--install Install dependencies after cleaning boolean default: false
--removeLock Remove yarn.lock file(s) after cleaning boolean default: false


Clean and reinstall dependencies:

$ stripes platform clean --install

Clean and remove yarn.lock file(s):

$ stripes platform clean --removeLock

Clean only:

$ stripes platform clean

platform install command

Yarn install platform or workspace dependencies including aliases


$ stripes platform install

platform pull command

Git pull latest code for a platform or workspace including aliases


$ stripes platform pull


Pull all clean repositories including aliases:

$ stripes platform pull

serve command

Serve up a development build of Stripes


$ stripes serve [configFile]
Positional Description Type Notes
configFile File containing a Stripes tenant configuration string
Option Description Type Notes
--cache Use webpack cache boolean default: true
--coverage Enable coverage generation boolean
--devtool Specify the Webpack devtool for generating source maps string
--existing-build Serve an existing build from the supplied directory string
--hasAllPerms Set "hasAllPerms" in Stripes config boolean
--host Development server host string default: "localhost"
--languages Languages to include in tenant build array
--lint Show eslint warnings with build boolean
--maxChunks Limit the number of Webpack chunks in build output number
--mirage [scenario] Enable Mirage Server when available and optionally specify a scenario string
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--port Development server port number default: 3000
--stripesConfig Stripes config JSON string supports stdin
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string
--startProxy Start a local proxy server between the platform and okapi boolean default: false
--proxyHost Scheme and host name for the proxy server string default: http://localhost
--proxyPort Port number for the proxy server number default: 3010


Serve an app (in app context) with permissions flag set for development:

$ stripes serve --hasAllPerms

Serve a platform defined by the supplied configuration:

$ stripes serve stripes.config.js

Serve a build previously created with "stripes build":

$ stripes serve --existing-build output

Serve a platform with a local proxy server that points to a remote okapi server:

$ stripes serve --startProxy --proxyHost http://localhost --proxyPort 3010 --okapi

Serve an app (in app context) with a mock backend server":

$ stripes serve --mirage

status command

Display Stripes CLI status information


$ stripes status [configFile]
Positional Description Type Notes
configFile File containing a Stripes tenant configuration string
Option Description Type Notes
--hasAllPerms Set "hasAllPerms" in Stripes config boolean
--languages Languages to include in tenant build array
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--platform View development platform status boolean
--stripesConfig Stripes config JSON string supports stdin
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string

test command

Run the current app module's tests


$ stripes test


Positional Description Type Notes
configFile File containing a Stripes tenant configuration string
Option Description Type Notes
--cache Use webpack cache boolean default: true
--hasAllPerms Set "hasAllPerms" in Stripes config boolean
--host Development server host string default: "localhost"
--languages Languages to include in tenant build array
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--port Development server port number default: 3000
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string


Run Karma tests for the current app module:

$ stripes test karma

test karma command

Run the current app module's Karma tests


$ stripes test karma [configFile]
Positional Description Type Notes
configFile File containing a Stripes tenant configuration string
Option Description Type Notes
--bundle Create and use a production bundle retaining test hooks boolean
--cache Enable webpack's caching for quicker rebuilds during development. boolean default: false
--coverage, --karma.coverage Enable Karma coverage reports boolean
--hasAllPerms Set "hasAllPerms" in Stripes config boolean
--host Development server host string default: "localhost"
--karma Options passed to Karma using dot-notation and camelCase: --karma.browsers=Chrome --karma.singleRun
--languages Languages to include in tenant build array
--okapi Specify an Okapi URL string
--port Development server port number default: 3000
--stripesConfig Stripes config JSON string supports stdin
--tenant Specify a tenant ID string
--watch Watch test files for changes and rerun tests automatically when changes are saved. boolean default: false


Run tests with Karma for the current app module:

$ stripes test karma

Run tests with Karma for the current app module with watching enabled:

$ stripes test karma --watch

workspace command

Create a Yarn workspace for Stripes development, select modules, clone, and install.


$ stripes workspace
Option Description Type Notes
--clone Clone the selected modules's repositories boolean default: true
--default.okapi Default Okapi URL for CLI config string default: "http://localhost:9130"
--default.tenant Default tenant for CLI config string default: "diku"
--dir Directory to create string default: "stripes"
--install Install dependencies boolean default: true
--modules Stripes modules to include array


Create a "stripes" dir and prompt for modules:

$ stripes workspace

Create an "temp" dir and prompt for modules:

$ stripes workspace --dir temp

Create and select ui-users and stripes-core:

$ stripes workspace --modules ui-users stripes-core

Create without installing dependencies:

$ stripes workspace --no-install

completion command

Generate a bash completion script. Follow instructions included with the script for adding it to your bash profile.


$ stripes completion