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Releases: foreverphoenix/the-phoenix-flavour

WTP 1.4.1 and ME1 1.0

29 Nov 13:04
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Multiple Updates

Welcome to Paradise was updated to 1.4, then 1.4.1 to fix an error on my side. I also added the Bioware section with version 1.0 of my new Mass Effect 1 guide. Published here as a release so that I have a backup.

Welcome to Paradise - Release 1.3

23 Oct 21:56
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What's new?

This update fixes a number of issues reported by users (thanks, guys!). I am also officially changing the list name to Welcome to Paradise. The website, Discord channels, and Mod Organizer 2 profile have all been edited accordingly.

Will likely be available for download from the Wabbajack server within half an hour.

Mod Changes

  • Hopefully fixed radio songs not playing for good
  • Updated xSE Plugin Preloader to 0.2.3 (XML unchanged, let me know if there are issues)
  • Updated Buffout 4 to 1.16.1
  • Fixed some untranslated UI bits (missing strings)
  • Removed Auto Gamepad Switch (caused some issues)
  • Fixed scrap tag for Stogie
  • Added High FPS Physics Fix plus pre-configured INIs
  • Removed the separate DEF_UI preset, now editing the one packaged with the main mod
  • Re-enabled compass markers for locations / Dogmeat / PA in DEF_UI
  • Turns out Archive2 is unreliable so I repacked a bunch of BA2s with CAO
  • Unpacked custom BA2 for Bleak Beauty, Musical Lore, More Where That Came From, and Elvani’s Track Pack
  • Fixed some purple cars by reverting them to vanilla, it’s a band-aid fix but the best I could do

Website Changes

  • Finalisation: Removed instructions for NVIDIA Inspector.
  • Finalisation: Added instructions for the newly-added High FPS Physics Fix and my pre-configured INIs.

The Phoenix Flavour - Release 3.5

20 Oct 12:36
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Apologies for the notification, this is not in fact a new release. I just want a backup of the current version.

Release 3.5 is the final version of TPF with optional mods.

The Phoenix Flavour - Release 3.4.4

10 Aug 09:25
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What's new?

This is a fix-it for yesterday's update because I messed up a surprising amount of stuff some of which was already fixed yesterday but were included in the changelog for completion's sake. All I can say in my defence is that 34°C in my flat is doing things to my brain.

Mysticism and Adamant update: Simon just released a huge update for Mysticism which is going to require us to update the CRP. Do not install the new versions of Mysticism and Adamant until Umgak had the time to update the CRP. You will be pinged on Discord or see the notification for the update on the Nexus if you are tracking TPF there. Do not ask for an ETA.

Initial Setup

  • Skyrim Script Extender: Updated instructions, now supporting SKSE 2.0.19 (latest update).

Mod Installation

  • Apparel & Weapons: Actually removed the (optional) flag from Open Face Guard Helmets.
  • Gameplay Overhauls: Trua - Minimalistic Faiths of Skyrim is no longer optional.


  • First Launch: Removed ENB config section for Serio's ENB that is no longer necessary with Rudy ENB.


  • Troubleshooting: Added section for the enblocal.ini VSYNC and SSE Display Fixes conflict.

The Phoenix Flavour - Release 3.4.3

09 Aug 16:42
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What's new?

With this update, we are switching to the recently released Rudy ENB for Cathedral Weathers which works better out of the box for our setup. It also utilises almost all ENB features without too much of a performance impact which is pretty impressive.

I've also finally gotten around to fixing up some personal tweaks and putting them on Nexus. Of course they were added to the guide as well.

Initial Setup

  • Skyrim Script Extender: Updated instructions, now support SKSE 2.0.18 (latest update).
  • INI Files: Added instructions to increase particle count to 1500 under BethINI Detail.

Mod Installation

  • Updated download instructions for a bunch of mods (incremented version numbers).
  • Tweaks: Added Miscellaneous Tweaks Collection.
  • Tweaks: Removed Morrowloot Miscellania - Better Ancient Knowledge (included in Miscellaneous Tweaks Collection).
  • Graphics Baseline: Updated instructions to unpack the aMidianBorn Book of Silence BSA through MO2 instead of CAO.
  • Misc Structures: Replaced Fences of Skyrim with SD's Farmhouse Fences.
  • Apparel & Weapons: Open Face Guard Helmets is no longer optional (CRP dependency).
  • Apparel & Weapons: Removed Open Face Guard Helmets (conflicts addressed in the CRP).
  • Unique Artifacts: Removed Better Shrouded Armor - Ancient Replacer Only - Plugin Replacer (conflicts addressed in the CRP).
  • Non-Player Character: Updated the customisation instructions for GDO (new console commands).
  • Non-Player Characters: Updated FOMOD instructions for Nether's Follower Framework.
  • Combat & Encounters: Added No Road Predators Redone.
  • Content Addon: Temporarily removed It Beats For Her (hidden on the Nexus).


  • ENB Preset Installation: Renamed this step to have a generic name (because I keep changing presets).
  • ENB Preset Installation: Swapped from Serio's ENB to Rudy ENB for Cathedral Weathers.
  • INI Tweaks: Added optional instructions to enable volumetric lighting (godrays).


  • How To Update: Added Skyrim Script Extender updating instructions.

Conflict Resolution Patch

  • Fixed conflicts between Open Face Guard Helmets and WACCF.
  • Fixed conflicts between Better Shrouded Armor - Ancient Replacer Only, WACCF, and Unique Item Tweaks.
  • Updated for Adamant 4.0.4. Updating instructions here.

The Phoenix Flavour - Release 3.4.2

30 Jul 13:18
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What's new?

First up, I totally forgot to use the Github release function so we have no backups from 3.3 to 3.4.2 - whoops. This update is just a maintenance update though.

Initial Setup

  • Skyrim SE: Added a note that non-English installations of Skyrim SE are not supported.
  • ESM Cleaning: Removed manual cleaning instructions for Update ESM (may cause issues and 3DNPC is no longer in the guide).

Mod Installation

  • Trees & Plants: Added Scathecraw HD 2K.
  • Buildings & Interiors: Updated FOMOD instructions for Obscure's College of Winterhold (no longer using Mannequins Stay Put).
  • Dungeons: Updated download instructions for CC's Enhanced Ore Veins.
  • Dungeons: Added instructions to remove Heartstone meshes/textures from Metallurgy.
  • Dungeons: Added instructions to remove the scathecrow textures from Forgotten Retex Overhaul.
  • Apparel & Weapons: Added Male Horns for Female Iron Helmet.
  • Unique Artifacts: Unique Zephyr is no longer optional (needs a conflict fixed in the CRP).
  • Miscellaneous: Added Ish's Respec Mod.
  • Skeleton & Animations: Added Relaxed Sneaking Animations.
  • Skeleton & Animations: Added Slof's Trotting Horse.


  • How To Update: Added this new page with instructions for updating various tools and certain mods.

Conflict Resolution Patch

  • Fixed a conflict between Ish's Respec Mod and Night Eye Overhaul.
  • Lowered the amount of Draughts of Fate Unwound available at Elgrim's from 99 to 2.
  • Fixed a conflict between Unique Zephyr and Unique Item Tweaks.
  • The Ring of Pure Mixtures is no longer disenchantable.
  • The Forgemaster's Fingers are no longer disenchantable.
  • The Dragon ingredients added by Skyrim Alchemy Fixed will no longer drop.
  • Not yet updated for Adamant 4.0 or newer.

The Phoenix Flavour - Release 3.3

07 Jun 11:23
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What's new?

I re-added the mod installation instructions that I completely missed in the original website setup. Whoops! It's not like they're important or anything. You can find them in the mod installation parent page. It's not a straight copy-paste, I re-structured it and re-wrote parts as well. All "generic instructions" (using CAO, resaving plugins, etc) were moved to the Basic Instructions page under Resources.

The "Unpack Example.bsa" instructions previously contained instructions to delete the BSA afterwards. Some users missed this step and others got confused so I removed it and added instructions to delete the BSA directly to the mod instructions where appropriate. Should be pretty hard to miss now.

Some mods are now flagged as (Conditional), meaning they are optional but depend on other mods. You must install a (Conditional) mod if you installed the mod that it depends on. Otherwise you must skip it.

And finally I added several new mods: Immersive Sounds Compendium with DylanJames' new AOS integration patch to the main guide and my favourite new music mods with a merged patch to the Customisation.


  • Step 7: Removed the zEdit section. zEdit will be re-added to the guide once mator provides ESL support.

Mod Installation

  • Removed Dwemer Spectres.
  • Removed Dwemer Spectres - EBT No Bleeding and Other Fixes.
  • Moved Adopt Aventus Aretino from Non-Player Characters (Step 26) to New Mechanics & Features (Step 36).
  • 3.9: Changed download instructions for Realistic Conversation (using a different main file).
  • 8.5: Arctic - Frost Effects Redux is no longer optional (conflict with ISC had to be resolved in the CRP).
  • 36.8: Re-added Irondusk's Saddlebags.
  • 37.2: Added Immersive Sounds - Compendium.
  • 37.3: Added Audio Overhaul - Immersive Sounds Integration.


  • New Music: Added this new section with five new music mods and a merged patch.

The Phoenix Flavour - Release 3.2.3

04 Jun 15:23
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What's new?

Maintenance update. Also we have a proper website now!

Mod Installation

  • 8.1: Updated download instructions for Frozen Electrocuted Combustion (file update).
  • 10.1: Updated FOMOD instructions for EVT Alternate Branch Textures (file update).
  • 37.1: Updated download instructions for Audio Overhaul for Skyrim, removed instructions to download the EBT Patch (now integrated into the CRP).
  • 37.1: Removed instructions to delete the SKSE folder (no longer preset) and added instructions to delete the modgroups file for Audio Overhaul for Skyrim.

The Phoenix Flavour - Release 3.2.2

22 May 23:27
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What's new?

Just a small maintenance update. Realistic Water Two received a big update today, then got hidden to fix oversights. It's back up now. You can probably expect a CRP update soon, but for now here are the updated instructions.

For those who use Arthmoor's additional towns from Customisation, there are now instructions for the Lanterns of Skyrim II patches. I missed them previously.

Wabbajack users: Stop pestering Lively about fixing the installer. When mods are updated, he has to update his own setup and recompile, and that takes time. Consider the fact that he has a life that includes more than updating the installer the second a mod update drops. Plus when a mod is hidden, like RW2 was today, there is nothing anyone can do and we all have to wait for the mod author to unhide the mod page.


Mod Installation

  • 1.9 Added instructions to delete a textures from the Particle Patch (fixes a bug where water spray would look much darker than intended).
  • 9.7 Updated instructions for Realistic Water Two.
  • 9.8 Added Realistic Water Two Patch Hub.


  • Added missing Lanterns of Skyrim II patch instructions for Arthmoor's Towns.

Load Order TXT

  • Added new RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm

The Phoenix Flavour - Release 3.2.1

21 May 12:20
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What's new?

This is a small update, fixing some 3.2 oversights as well as bringing the guide up-to-date with the latest mod updates (of which there were several).

Most notably, BethINI and the guide's instructions for it were updated. The process of re-doing BethINI is quite simple and detailed in a new FAQ section, How to redo INI files from scratch.

Late note: I forgot to do this earlier, but the Enhanced Vanilla Trees section is all updated now. You will need to regenerate DynDOLOD.



  • 2.9 Added section on what to do with 'creations' reinstalled alongside Skyrim SE.
  • 6.3 Updated BethINI settings. Added screenshots.

Mod Installation

  • Fixed some typos and duplicate instructions.
  • Incremented version numbers for some updated files.
  • Moved Bent Pines to Customisation.
  • 1.9 Added a temporary direct link to the Particle Patch while ENB Forums are down.
  • 8.1 Updated instructions for Frozen Electrocuted Combustion (file update).
  • 8.2 Removed FEC Extra Crispy Burnt Corpses (now obsolete).
  • 5.9 Updated instructions for AMB Dragonborn DLC (file update).
  • 10.1 Updated the Enhanced Vanilla Trees instructions for the latest version.
  • 10.3 Added instructions to remove snowy pine tree bark textures from Tree Bark in High Definition.
  • 20.1 Updated instructions for AMB Unique Items (file update).
  • 21.21 Added Realistic Skin and Hair Shaders - Falmer and Hagraven.
  • 21.22 Added Realistic Skin and Hair Shaders - Giants.
  • 29.1 Updated MM Hybrid Loot link (now available on the Nexus).


  • Split the tree tweaks section up into several smaller ones.
  • Rewrote Large Trees and Aspen Trees sections for EVT 2.0.
  • Removed support for Whiterun - Forest Borealis.
  • Moved Bent Pines here.


  • Added How to regenerate INI files from scratch.
  • Added Creation Club section.

Load Order TXT

  • Removed left-over beta files (AMB Patches).
  • Moved KarstaagReborn.esp to match mod order.
  • Added HagravenSkinShaders.esp (new in 3.2.1).