All notable changes to the "egg-language-server" extension will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- 0.1.6 fix bugs and update demo
- 0.1.5 Use GitHub Actions to support multi-platform deployment (CD) and continuous integration (CI)
- 0.1.4 Shield potential bugs
- 0.1.3 Add support for x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
- 0.1.2 Clearly inform users about supported platforms
- 0.1.1 Bug Fix: Still unable to use due to missing LS
- 0.1.0 Add icon
- 0.0.1 First published on VSCode Marketplace
- 0.1.8 增加 GitHub 自动 release
- 0.1.7 demo 修复剪辑错误;增加 GitHub Release 自动化
- 0.1.6 优化了使用说明
- 0.1.5 使用 GitHub Actions 支持多平台部署(CD)和持续集成(CI)
- 0.1.4 屏蔽可能存在的 bug
- 0.1.3 添加 x86_64-pc-windows-msvc 支持
- 0.1.2 明确告知用户支持的平台
- 0.1.1 修复问题:无法使用,因为未包含 LS
- 0.1.0 添加图标
- 0.0.1 首次发布于 VSCode Marketplace