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sfeprapy.func.mcs_gen Introduction

fuyans edited this page Sep 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Available Distributions

To set the fire_load_density as a constant in the problem definition file:

fire_load_density 400

To set the fire_load_density as a stochastic variable (gumbel_r distribution) in the problem definition file:

fire_load_density:dist gumbel_r_
fire_load_density:mean 420
fire_load_density:sd 127
fire_load_density:ubound 2000
fire_load_density:lbound 50

A full list of distributions are described in following sections.

Gumbel distribution (right-skewed)

dist: str

Set to 'gumbel_r_' for Gumbel Distribution (right-skewed).

mean: float

True mean of the distribution.

sd: float

True Standard Deviation of the distribution.

ubound: float

Upper limit of the sampled values, i.e. the maximum value of the x-axis of a CDF.

lbound: float

Lower limit of the sampled values, i.e. the minimum value of the x-axis of the CDF.

Lognormal distribution

dist: str

Set to 'lognorm_' for Lognormal Distribution.

mean: float

True mean of the distribution.

sd: float

True Standard Deviation of the distribution.

ubound: float

Upper limit of the sampled values, i.e. the maximum value of the x-axis of a CDF.

lbound: float

Lower limit of the sampled values, i.e. the minimum value of the x-axis of the CDF.

Lognormal distribution (Modified)

This distribution gives 1-φ, where φ is a lognormal distribution.

dist: str

Set to 'lognorm_mod_' for the modified lognormal distribution.

mean: float

True mean of the distribution.

sd: float

True Standard Deviation of the distribution.

ubound: float

Upper limit of the sampled values, i.e. the maximum value of the x-axis of a CDF.

lbound: float

Lower limit of the sampled values, i.e. the minimum value of the x-axis of the CDF.

Normal distribution

dist: str

Set to 'norm_' for Normal Distribution.

mean: float

True mean of the distribution.

sd: float

True Standard Deviation of the distribution.

ubound: float

Upper limit of the sampled values, i.e. the maximum value of the x-axis of a CDF.

lbound: float

Lower limit of the sampled values, i.e. the minimum value of the x-axis of the CDF.

Uniform distribution

dist: str

Set to 'uniform_' for uniform distribution.

ubound: float

Upper limit of the values to be sampled, i.e. the maximum value of the x-axis of the distribution's CDF.

lbound: float

Lower limit of the values to be sampled, i.e. the minimum value of the x-axis of the distribution's CDF.