diff --git a/FSharp.Stats.sln b/FSharp.Stats.sln
index ce24a0c4..2e4599fe 100644
--- a/FSharp.Stats.sln
+++ b/FSharp.Stats.sln
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "docs", "docs", "{23F9FB2E-6
docs\Intervals.fsx = docs\Intervals.fsx
docs\LinearAlgebra.fsx = docs\LinearAlgebra.fsx
docs\Matrix_Vector.fsx = docs\Matrix_Vector.fsx
+ docs\Quantiles.fsx = docs\Quantiles.fsx
docs\NuGet.config = docs\NuGet.config
docs\Rank.fsx = docs\Rank.fsx
docs\Signal.fsx = docs\Signal.fsx
diff --git a/docs/Intervals.fsx b/docs/Intervals.fsx
index e2bab840..867f84c7 100644
--- a/docs/Intervals.fsx
+++ b/docs/Intervals.fsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: Intervals
-index: 19
+index: 20
category: Documentation
categoryindex: 0
diff --git a/docs/ML.fsx b/docs/ML.fsx
index 972bb4bc..b866206b 100644
--- a/docs/ML.fsx
+++ b/docs/ML.fsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: Machine Learning
-index: 19
+index: 21
category: Documentation
categoryindex: 0
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ _Summary:_ this tutorial demonstrates functionality relevant in the context of m
### Table of contents
- - [Dimensionality Reduction](#Dimensionality Reduction)
+ - [Dimensionality Reduction](#Dimensionality-Reduction)
- [PCA](#PCA)
## Dimensionality Reduction
diff --git a/docs/Quantiles.fsx b/docs/Quantiles.fsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c168327d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Quantiles.fsx
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+title: Quantile
+index: 19
+category: Documentation
+categoryindex: 0
+(*** hide ***)
+(*** condition: prepare ***)
+#I "../src/FSharp.Stats/bin/Release/netstandard2.0/"
+#r "FSharp.Stats.dll"
+#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 2.0.0-preview.16"
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 2.0.0-preview.16"
+#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, 2.0.0-preview.16"
+#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats"
+#endif // IPYNB
+open Plotly.NET
+open Plotly.NET.StyleParam
+open Plotly.NET.LayoutObjects
+//some axis styling
+module Chart =
+ let myAxis name = LinearAxis.init(Title=Title.init name,Mirror=StyleParam.Mirror.All,Ticks=StyleParam.TickOptions.Inside,ShowGrid=false,ShowLine=true)
+ let myAxisRange name (min,max) = LinearAxis.init(Title=Title.init name,Range=Range.MinMax(min,max),Mirror=StyleParam.Mirror.All,Ticks=StyleParam.TickOptions.Inside,ShowGrid=false,ShowLine=true)
+ let withAxisTitles x y chart =
+ chart
+ |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+ |> Chart.withXAxis (myAxis x)
+ |> Chart.withYAxis (myAxis y)
+# Quantile
+_Summary:_ this tutorial demonstrates how to handle quantiles and QQ-Plots
+### Table of contents
+ - [Quantiles](#Quantiles)
+ - [QQ plot](#QQ-plot)
+ - [Comparing two sample distributions](#Comparing-two-sample-distributions)
+ - [Comparing a sample against a distribution](#Comparing-a-sample-against-a-distribution)
+ - [Normal distribution](#Normal-distribution)
+ - [Uniform Distribution](#Uniform-Distribution)
+## Quantiles
+Quantiles are values that divide data into equally spaced groups. Percentiles are just quantiles that divide the data in 100 equally sized groups.
+The median for example defines the 0.5 quantile or 0.5 percentile. You can calculate the quantile by what proportion of values are less than the value you are interested in.
+_Note: There are many possibilities to handle ties or data that cannot be split equally. The default quantile method used here is `Quantile.mode`._
+Let's sample 1000 data points from a normal distribution and calculate some percentiles.
+open System
+open FSharp.Stats
+open FSharp.Stats.Signal
+let rng = Distributions.ContinuousDistribution.normal 3. 1.
+let sample = Array.init 1000 (fun _ -> rng.Sample())
+let quantile25 = Quantile.mode 0.25 sample
+let quantile50 = Quantile.mode 0.50 sample
+let quantile75 = Quantile.mode 0.75 sample
+let quantile100 = Quantile.mode 1.00 sample
+These special quantiles are also called quartiles since the divide the data into 4 sections.
+Now we can divide the data into the ranges defined by the quantiles and plot them. Here the ranges defines half-open intervals:
+let range25 = sample |> Array.filter (fun x -> x < quantile25)
+let range50 = sample |> Array.filter (fun x -> x > quantile25 && x < quantile50)
+let range75 = sample |> Array.filter (fun x -> x > quantile50 && x < quantile75)
+let range100 = sample |> Array.filter (fun x -> x > quantile75)
+(*** hide ***)
+let quartilePlot =
+ [|
+ Chart.Histogram(range25,"25",ShowLegend=false) |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored |> Chart.withXAxisStyle("",MinMax=(0.,6.)) |> Chart.withYAxisStyle("Quartil 25")
+ Chart.Histogram(range50,"50",ShowLegend=false) |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored |> Chart.withXAxisStyle("",MinMax=(0.,6.)) |> Chart.withYAxisStyle("Quartil 50")
+ Chart.Histogram(range75,"75",ShowLegend=false) |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored |> Chart.withXAxisStyle("",MinMax=(0.,6.)) |> Chart.withYAxisStyle("Quartil 75")
+ Chart.Histogram(range100,"100",ShowLegend=false) |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored |> Chart.withXAxisStyle("",MinMax=(0.,6.)) |> Chart.withYAxisStyle("Quartil 100")
+ |]
+ |> Chart.Grid(4,1)
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#endif // IPYNB
+quartilePlot |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
+## QQ plot
+QQ plots allow to compare sample distributions if:
+ - the underlying population distribution is unknown or if
+ - the relationship between two distributions should be evaluated in greater detail than just their estimated parameters.
+When a sample is compared to a known distribution, every quantile can be calculated exactly by inverting their CDF. If you compare two samples, there is no uniquely defined CDF,
+so quantiles have to be interpolated.
+### Comparing two sample distributions
+Two sample populations can be compared by QQ-plots where quantiles of the first sample are plotted against quantiles of the second sample. If the sample length is equal, both samples are ordered and plotted as pairs.
+$qq_i = X_i,Y_i$ with $X$ and $Y$ beeing ordered sample sequences of length $n$ and $(1 \le i \le n)$
+If samples sizes are unequal the quantiles of the larger data set have to be interpolated from the quantiles of the smaller data set.
+**Lets create four samples of size 300 first:**
+ - two that are drawn from a normal distribution of mean $3.0$ and standard deviation $0.5$
+ - two that are drawn randomly between 0 and 1
+//create samples
+let rnd = System.Random()
+let norm = Distributions.ContinuousDistribution.normal 3.0 0.5
+///Example 1: Aamples from a normal distribution
+let normalDistA = Array.init 300 (fun _ -> norm.Sample())
+let normalDistB = Array.init 300 (fun _ -> norm.Sample())
+///Example 2: Random samples from values between 0 and 1
+let evenRandomA = Array.init 300 (fun _ -> rnd.NextDouble())
+let evenRandomB = Array.init 300 (fun _ -> rnd.NextDouble())
+let exampleDistributions =
+ [
+ Chart.Histogram(normalDistA,Name="normalDistA") |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+ Chart.Histogram(normalDistB,Name="normalDistB") |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+ Chart.Histogram(evenRandomA,Name="evenRandomA") |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+ Chart.Histogram(evenRandomB,Name="evenRandomB") |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+ ]
+ |> Chart.Grid(2,2)
+ |> Chart.withSize(800.,700.)
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#endif // IPYNB
+exampleDistributions |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
+To compare if two distributions are equal or to identify ranges in which the distributions differ, a quantile pair from each of the two distributions can be calculated and plotted against each other.
+If both distributions are similar, you would expect the quantiles to be identical and therefore are located on a straight line. If the samples are of different length $m$ and $n$ the number
+of quantiles is limited to $min$ $m$ $n$. For every data point of the smaller data set a corresponding quantile of the larger data set is determined.
+Lets calculate the quantiles from _normalDistA_ vs _normalDistB_.
+// Here a tuple sequence is generated that pairwise contain the same quantiles from normalDistA and normalDistB
+let qqData = QQPlot.fromTwoSamples normalDistA normalDistB
+// Lets check out the first 5 elements in the sequence
+Seq.take 5 qqData
+You can use this tuple sequence and plot it against each other.
+open FSharp.Stats.Signal
+open FSharp.Stats.Signal.QQPlot
+//plots QQ plot from two sample populations
+let plotFrom2Populations sampleA sampleB =
+ //here the coordinates are calculated
+ let qqCoordinates = QQPlot.fromTwoSamples sampleA sampleB
+ Chart.Point (qqCoordinates,Name="QQ")
+ |> Chart.withXAxisStyle "Quantiles sample A"
+ |> Chart.withYAxisStyle "Quantiles sample B"
+ |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+let myQQplot1 = plotFrom2Populations normalDistA normalDistB
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#endif // IPYNB
+myQQplot1 |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
+Both samples were taken from the same distribution (here normal distribution) and therefore they match pretty well.
+In the following plot you can see four comparisons of the four distributions defined in the beginning (2x normal + 2x uniform).
+let multipleQQPlots =
+ [
+ plotFrom2Populations normalDistA normalDistB |> Chart.withXAxisStyle "normalA" |> Chart.withYAxisStyle "normalB"
+ plotFrom2Populations normalDistA evenRandomB |> Chart.withXAxisStyle "normalA" |> Chart.withYAxisStyle "randomB"
+ plotFrom2Populations evenRandomA normalDistB |> Chart.withXAxisStyle "randomA" |> Chart.withYAxisStyle "normalB"
+ plotFrom2Populations evenRandomA evenRandomB |> Chart.withXAxisStyle "randomA" |> Chart.withYAxisStyle "randomB"
+ ]
+ |> Chart.Grid(2,2)
+ |> Chart.withLegend false
+ |> Chart.withSize(800.,700.)
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#endif // IPYNB
+multipleQQPlots |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
+When QQ-plots are generated for pairwise comparisons, it is obvious, that the _random_-_random_ and _normal_-_normal_ samples fit nicely. The cross comparisons between normal and random samples do not match.
+Its easy to see that the random samples are distributed between 0 and 1 while the samples from the normal distributions range from $1$ to ~$5$.
+### Comparing a sample against a distribution
+You can plot the quantiles from a sample versus a known distribution to check if your data follows the given distribution.
+There are various methods to determine quantiles that differ in handling ties and uneven spacing.
+Quantile determination methods(rank,sampleLength):
+ - Blom -> (rank - 3. / 8.) / (sampleLength + 1. / 4.)
+ - Rankit -> (rank - 1. / 2.) / sampleLength
+ - Tukey -> (rank - 1. / 3.) / (sampleLength + 1. / 3.)
+ - VanDerWerden -> rank / (sampleLength + 1.)
+_Note that this method does not replace a significance test wether the distributions differ statistically._
+#### Normal distribution
+The data can be z standardized prior to quantile determination to have zero mean and unit variance. If the data is zTransformed the bisector defines a perfect match.
+// The raw qq-plot data of a standard normal distribution and the sample distribution
+// defaults:
+// Method: QuantileMethod.Rankit
+// ZTransform: false
+let qq2Normal sample = QQPlot.toGauss(Method=QuantileMethod.Rankit,ZTransform=true) sample
+// plots QQ plot from a sample population against a standard normal distribution.
+// if the data is zTransformed the bisector defines a perfect match.
+let plotFromOneSampleGauss sample =
+ //this is the main data plotted as x,y diagram
+ let qqData = QQPlot.toGauss(Method=QuantileMethod.Rankit,ZTransform=true) sample
+ let qqChart =
+ Chart.Point qqData
+ let expectedLine =
+ let minimum = qqData |> Seq.head |> snd
+ let maximum = qqData |> Seq.last |> snd
+ [
+ minimum,minimum
+ maximum,maximum
+ ]
+ |> Chart.Line
+ |> Chart.withTraceName "expected"
+ [
+ qqChart
+ expectedLine
+ ]
+ |> Chart.combine
+ |> Chart.withXAxisStyle "Theoretical quantiles (normal)"
+ |> Chart.withYAxisStyle "Sample quantiles"
+ |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+let myQQPlotOneSampleGauss = plotFromOneSampleGauss normalDistA
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#endif // IPYNB
+myQQPlotOneSampleGauss |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
+As seen above the sample perfectly matches the expected quantiles from a normal distribution. This is expected because the sample was generated by sampling from an normal distribution.
+// compare the uniform sample against a normal distribution
+let my2QQPlotOneSampleGauss = plotFromOneSampleGauss evenRandomA
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#endif // IPYNB
+my2QQPlotOneSampleGauss |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
+As seen above the sample does not matches the expected quantiles from a normal distribution. The sample derives from an random sampling between 0 and 1 and therefore is overrepresented in the tails.
+#### Uniform Distribution
+You also can plot your data against a uniform distribution. Data can be standardized to lie between $0$ and $1$
+let uniform =
+ QQPlot.toUniform(Method=QuantileMethod.Rankit,Standardize=false) normalDistA
+ |> Chart.Point
+ |> Chart.withXAxisStyle "Theoretical quantiles (uniform)"
+ |> Chart.withYAxisStyle "Sample quantiles"
+ |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#endif // IPYNB
+uniform |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
+#### Any specified distribution
+You also can plot your data against a distribution you can specify. You have to define the _inverse CDF_ or also called the _Quantile function_.
+**LogNormal distribution**
+// generate a sample from a lognormal distriution
+let sampleFromLogNormal =
+ let d = Distributions.ContinuousDistribution.logNormal 0. 1.
+ Array.init 500 (fun _ -> d.Sample())
+// define the quantile function for the log normal distribution with parameters mu = 0 and sigma = 1
+let quantileFunctionLogNormal p =
+ let mu = 0.
+ let sigma = 1.
+ Math.Exp (mu + Math.Sqrt(2. * (pown sigma 2)) * SpecialFunctions.Errorfunction.inverf(2. * p - 1.))
+let logNormalNormalDist = QQPlot.toInvCDF(quantileFunctionLogNormal,Method=QuantileMethod.Rankit) normalDistA
+let logNormalLogNormal = QQPlot.toInvCDF(quantileFunctionLogNormal,Method=QuantileMethod.Rankit) sampleFromLogNormal
+let logNormalChart =
+ [
+ Chart.Point(logNormalNormalDist,Name="normal sample")
+ Chart.Point(logNormalLogNormal,Name="log normal sample")
+ ]
+ |> Chart.combine
+ |> Chart.withXAxisStyle "Theoretical quantiles Log Normal"
+ |> Chart.withYAxisStyle "Sample quantiles"
+ |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
+(*** condition: ipynb ***)
+#if IPYNB
+#endif // IPYNB
+logNormalChart |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
+The log normal sample fits nicely to the bisector, but the sample from the normal distribution does not fit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/Signal.fsx b/docs/Signal.fsx
index df45547d..e4f83a17 100644
--- a/docs/Signal.fsx
+++ b/docs/Signal.fsx
@@ -540,4 +540,4 @@ fftChart
fftChart |> GenericChart.toChartHTML
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Stats/FSharp.Stats.fsproj b/src/FSharp.Stats/FSharp.Stats.fsproj
index ee417b24..8f1f3744 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Stats/FSharp.Stats.fsproj
+++ b/src/FSharp.Stats/FSharp.Stats.fsproj
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Stats/Signal/QQPlot.fs b/src/FSharp.Stats/Signal/QQPlot.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2d43b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FSharp.Stats/Signal/QQPlot.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+namespace FSharp.Stats.Signal
+open FSharp.Stats
+open System
+open FSharp.Stats.SpecialFunctions
+open FSharp.Stats.Quantile
+open FSharp.Stats.Interpolation
+module QQPlot =
+ type QuantileMethod =
+ | Blom
+ | Rankit
+ | Tukey
+ | VanDerWerden
+ /// computes the quantile quantile coordinates of two sample distributions. Uses default quantile (Quantile.mode)
+ // tested against R qqnorm
+ //let internal fromTwoSamples method sampleA sampleB =
+ // let sampleALength = Seq.length sampleA
+ // let sampleBLength = Seq.length sampleB
+ // let minSampleLength = float (min sampleALength sampleBLength)
+ //
+ // let (smallSet,bigSet) = if sampleALength <= sampleBLength then (sampleA,sampleB) else (sampleB,sampleA)
+ //
+ // let getQuantile rank =
+ // match method with
+ // | Blom -> (rank - 3. / 8.) / (minSampleLength + 1. / 4.)
+ // | Rankit -> (rank - 1. / 2.) / minSampleLength
+ // | Tukey -> (rank - 1. / 3.) / (minSampleLength + 1. / 3.)
+ // | VanDerWerden -> rank / (minSampleLength + 1.)
+ //
+ // smallSet
+ // |> Seq.sort
+ // |> Seq.mapi (fun i x ->
+ // let rank = float (i + 1)
+ // let pi = getQuantile rank
+ // x,Quantile.mode pi bigSet
+ // )
+ /// Computes the quantile quantile coordinates of two sample distributions.
+ /// If samples are not the same size, the larger samples is interpolated to match the quantiles of the smaller.
+ // tested against R qqplot
+ let fromTwoSamples sampleA sampleB =
+ let sampleALength = Seq.length sampleA
+ let sampleBLength = Seq.length sampleB
+ let ((sN,smallSet),(bN,bigSet)) =
+ if sampleALength <= sampleBLength then
+ ((sampleALength,Seq.sort sampleA),(sampleBLength,Seq.sort sampleB))
+ else ((sampleBLength,Seq.sort sampleB),(sampleALength,Seq.sort sampleA))
+ let linearSpl = LinearSpline.initInterpolate [|0. .. float bN - 1.|] (Array.ofSeq bigSet)
+ let stepwidth = float (bN-1) / float (sN-1)
+ let approxbigSet =
+ Array.init sN (fun i ->
+ let xV = (float i) * stepwidth
+ let yV = LinearSpline.interpolate linearSpl xV
+ yV
+ )
+ if sampleALength <= sampleBLength then
+ Seq.zip smallSet approxbigSet
+ else
+ Seq.zip approxbigSet smallSet
+ /// Computes the quantile quantile coordinates of a sample distributions against a normal distribution.
+ /// The sample can be z transformed. StandardMethod = Rankit
+ // tested against R qqnorm
+ let internal fromSampleToGauss method zTransformSample (sample:seq) =
+ let sampleLength = Seq.length sample |> float
+ let standardizedData =
+ if zTransformSample then
+ Signal.Normalization.zScoreTransformPopulation (vector sample)
+ |> Vector.toArray
+ else
+ sample |> Seq.toArray
+ let getQuantile rank =
+ match method with
+ | Blom -> (rank - 3. / 8.) / (sampleLength + 1. / 4.)
+ | Rankit -> (rank - 1. / 2.) / sampleLength
+ | Tukey -> (rank - 1. / 3.) / (sampleLength + 1. / 3.)
+ | VanDerWerden -> rank / (sampleLength + 1.)
+ let inverseCDF x =
+ sqrt 2. * Errorfunction.inverf (2. * x - 1.)
+ standardizedData
+ |> Seq.sort
+ |> Seq.mapi (fun i x ->
+ let rank = float (i + 1)
+ let pi = getQuantile rank
+ inverseCDF pi,x
+ )
+ /// Computes the quantile quantile coordinates of a sample distributions against a normal distribution.
+ /// The sample can be standardized between 0 and 1.
+ let internal fromSampleToUniform method standardizeSample (sample:seq) =
+ let sampleLength = Seq.length sample |> float
+ let standardizedSample =
+ if standardizeSample then
+ let min = Seq.min sample
+ let max = Seq.max sample
+ sample |> Seq.map (fun x -> (x-min) / (max-min))
+ else
+ sample
+ let getQuantile rank =
+ match method with
+ | Blom -> (rank - 3. / 8.) / (sampleLength + 1. / 4.)
+ | Rankit -> (rank - 1. / 2.) / sampleLength
+ | Tukey -> (rank - 1. / 3.) / (sampleLength + 1. / 3.)
+ | VanDerWerden -> rank / (sampleLength + 1.)
+ standardizedSample
+ |> Seq.sort
+ |> Seq.mapi (fun i x ->
+ let rank = float (i + 1)
+ let pi = getQuantile rank
+ pi,x
+ )
+ /// Computes the quantile quantile coordinates of a sample distributions against a specified inverseCDF function. You can derive an inverse CDF of any statistical distribution.
+ let internal fromSampleToInverseCDF method invCDF (sample:seq) =
+ let sampleLength = Seq.length sample |> float
+ let getQuantile rank =
+ match method with
+ | Blom -> (rank - 3. / 8.) / (sampleLength + 1. / 4.)
+ | Rankit -> (rank - 1. / 2.) / sampleLength
+ | Tukey -> (rank - 1. / 3.) / (sampleLength + 1. / 3.)
+ | VanDerWerden -> rank / (sampleLength + 1.)
+ sample
+ |> Seq.sort
+ |> Seq.mapi (fun i x ->
+ let rank = float (i + 1)
+ let pi = getQuantile rank
+ invCDF pi,x
+ )
+type QQPlot() =
+ /// Computes the quantile quantile coordinates of a sample distributions against a normal distribution.
+ /// The sample can be z transformed. default = Rankit
+ static member toGauss(?Method:QQPlot.QuantileMethod,?ZTransform:bool) =
+ let standardize = defaultArg ZTransform false
+ let method = defaultArg Method QQPlot.QuantileMethod.Rankit
+ fun (sample: seq) ->
+ QQPlot.fromSampleToGauss method standardize sample
+ /// Computes the quantile quantile coordinates of a sample distributions against a normal distribution.
+ /// The sample can be standardized to the range between 0 and 1. default = Rankit
+ static member toUniform(?Method:QQPlot.QuantileMethod,?Standardize:bool) =
+ let standardize = defaultArg Standardize false
+ let method = defaultArg Method QQPlot.QuantileMethod.Rankit
+ fun (sample: seq) ->
+ QQPlot.fromSampleToUniform method standardize sample
+ /// Computes the quantile quantile coordinates of a sample distributions against a specified inverseCDF function. You can derive an inverse CDF of any statistical distribution.
+ static member toInvCDF(inverseCDF:(float -> float),?Method:QQPlot.QuantileMethod) =
+ let method = defaultArg Method QQPlot.QuantileMethod.Rankit
+ fun (sample: seq) ->
+ QQPlot.fromSampleToInverseCDF method inverseCDF sample
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Stats/SpecialFunctions/Erf.fs b/src/FSharp.Stats/SpecialFunctions/Erf.fs
index d2f6fdb5..4b5d129c 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Stats/SpecialFunctions/Erf.fs
+++ b/src/FSharp.Stats/SpecialFunctions/Erf.fs
@@ -73,4 +73,43 @@ module Errorfunction =
match x with
| x when (infinity.Equals(x)) -> nan
| x when ((-infinity).Equals(x)) -> infinity
- | _ -> _erfcx x
\ No newline at end of file
+ | _ -> _erfcx x
+ //helper arrays for inverse error function
+ let private a = [|0.886226899; -1.645349621; 0.914624893; -0.140543331|]
+ let private b = [|1.; -2.118377725; 1.442710462; -0.329097515; 0.012229801|]
+ let private c = [|-1.970840454; -1.62490649; 3.429567803; 1.641345311|]
+ let private d = [|1.; 3.543889200; 1.637067800|]
+ /// inverse of error function. uses newton refinement; from https://libit.sourceforge.net/
+ /// accuracy to the fifth digit
+ let inverf x =
+ match x with
+ | x when x = -1. -> -infinity
+ | x when x = 1. -> infinity
+ | _ ->
+ let sqrtPi = sqrt Math.PI
+ let z = abs x
+ let r =
+ if z <= 0.7 then
+ let x2 = x * x
+ let r = z * (((a.[3] * x2 + a.[2]) * x2 + a.[1]) * x2 + a.[0])
+ r / ((((b.[4] * x2 + b.[3]) * x2 + b.[2]) * x2 + b.[1]) * x2 + b.[0])
+ else
+ let y = sqrt( -log((1. - z)/2.))
+ let r = (((c.[3] * y + c.[2]) * y + c.[1]) * y + c.[0])
+ r / ((d.[2] * y + d.[1]) * y + d.[0])
+ let r' = r * float (sign x)
+ let z' = z * float (sign x)
+ let r'' = r' - (Erf(r') - z')/(2./sqrtPi * exp(-r' * r'))
+ r'' - (Erf(r'') - z')/(2./sqrtPi *exp(-r'' * r''))
+ /// inverse of complementary error function
+ /// accuracy to the fifth digit
+ let inverfc x =
+ inverf (1. - x)
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.Stats.Tests/SpecialFunctions.fs b/tests/FSharp.Stats.Tests/SpecialFunctions.fs
index f94c99cd..1e1bd132 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.Stats.Tests/SpecialFunctions.fs
+++ b/tests/FSharp.Stats.Tests/SpecialFunctions.fs
@@ -457,6 +457,34 @@ let erfTests =
testCase "erfcx(-infinity)" (fun _ ->
Expect.isTrue (infinity.Equals(Errorfunction.erfcx -infinity)) "expected erfcx(-infinity) to be infinity"
+ //tested against R Pracma and WolframAlpha
+ testCase "inverf(0.01)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.floatClose Accuracy.medium (Errorfunction.inverf 0.01) 0.00886250128095 "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )
+ testCase "inverf(0.5)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.floatClose Accuracy.medium (Errorfunction.inverf 0.5) 0.476936276204 "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )
+ testCase "inverf(0.99)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.floatClose Accuracy.medium (Errorfunction.inverf 0.99) 1.82138636772 "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )
+ testCase "inverf(-0.95)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.floatClose Accuracy.medium (Errorfunction.inverf -0.95) -1.38590382435 "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )
+ testCase "inverf(1)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.isTrue ((Errorfunction.inverf 1) = infinity) "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )
+ testCase "inverf(-1)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.isTrue ((Errorfunction.inverf -1) = -infinity) "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )
+ testCase "inverf(0)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.floatClose Accuracy.medium (Errorfunction.inverf 0.0) 0. "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )
+ testCase "inverf(2)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.isTrue (nan.Equals(Errorfunction.inverf 2)) "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )
+ testCase "inverf(-2)" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.isTrue (nan.Equals(Errorfunction.inverf -2)) "inverf returned insufficient approximation of the result"
+ )