The spray-json integration is a easy way to manipulate entities from/to json. To use it, import the “activate-spray-json” module. If the spray dependency is not found, please add the spray repository to your sbt configuration:
There are two ways to use the integration:
- Extend you activate context from SprayJsonActivateContext:
import net.fwbrasil.activate.json.spray.SprayJsonContext
object myActivateContext extends ActivateContext with SprayJsonContext {
val storage = ...
- Create a separate json context:
import net.fwbrasil.activate.json.spray.SprayJsonContext
object myJsonContext extends SprayJsonContext {
val context = myActivateContext
import myJsonContext._
Entity to json:
val entityJson: JsObject = myEntity.toJson
val entityJsonString: String = myEntity.toJsonString
By default, references to other entities will print only the referenced id. It is possible to define a depth to print the referenced entities content:
val entityJson: JsObject = myEntity.toJson(depth = 1)
val entityJson: JsObject = myEntity.toJson(fullDepth)
val entityJsonString: String = myEntity.toJsonString(depth = 1)
val entityJsonString: String = myEntity.toJsonString(fullDepth)
Update entity from json:
def updateEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: String, id: String): E
def updateEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: JsObject, id: String): E
def updateEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: String, entity: E): E
def updateEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: JsObject, entity: E): E
def updateEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: String): E
def updateEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: JsObject): E
If it is not provided an id or an entity instance, the id field is read from the json content.
Create entity from json:
def createEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: String): E
def createEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: JsObject): E
There are methods to create or update entities based on a json:
def createOrUpdateEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: String): E
def createOrUpdateEntityFromJson[E <: Entity : Manifest](json: JsObject): E
If the json has an id, the entity is updated. Otherwise, a new entity is created.
The @Alias annotation allows to define the "jsonName" to be used during the field serialization.
class Person(@Alias(value = "PERSON_NAME", jsonName = "name") name: String) extends Entity