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For the first four minor releases for Python 3 (3.1 to 3.4), this did not change. There are two features that are worth noting in Python 3.5. One being the type checker/hints.<a class=footnote-reference href=#typechecker id=id1>[1]</a> The other being the async/await key words coming to Python 3.5.<a class=footnote-reference href=#async id=id2>[2]</a> Question is, how relevant?</p> <div class=section id=type-hints> <h2><a class=toc-backref href=#id6>Type Hints</a></h2> <blockquote> <p>This PEP aims to provide a standard syntax for type annotations, opening up Python code to easier static analysis and refactoring, potential runtime type checking, and performance optimizations utilizing type information.</p> <p><cite>PEP 0484</cite></p> </blockquote> <p>Python now has a type <em>checker</em>. This does not mean that python is going to magically become a <em>statically typed</em> language. In other words, the type checker is merely a tool for a better development experience. For example, if your IDE/Editor knows what type you're working with, it can provide better code completion. Some IDEs actually provide rudimentary type checking.<a class=footnote-reference href=#pycharm id=id3>[3]</a> However, this will standardize the way in which types are declared and that means this will raise the bar for all the python tools available at our disposal.</p> <p>Think of this as the python equivalent to <a class="reference external" href=https://github.com/facebook/flow>flow</a>, which is a static type checker for javascript. The type checking will happen through stub files, a lot like DefinitelyTyped's Typescript stubs.<a class=footnote-reference href=#dt id=id4>[4]</a></p> <p>Other than better tooling, this also means that a type induced runtime errors can be thwarted before they happen, which is something that makes developing large code bases with Python a lot easier. You will hear no end of war stories about how a function that <em>sometimes</em> returned <code>None</code> deep in the source brought about <em>pyapocalypse</em>. Having type problems deep within your source code, is by no means uncommon.</p> <p>A friend of mine had to deal with this kind of problem once. The problem was with a function (buried deep in the source code as one of many decorators) that usually returned a <code>list</code> but under a certain circumstances, it returned <code>None</code>. This wasn't noted before because most of the time, the result would be checked in a simple <code>if</code> statement.</p> <p>In other words <code>bool(None)</code> and <code>bool([])</code> return the same thing, which is <code>False</code>. The problem was happening because <em>another</em> branch still <em>thought</em> that the returned value was a <code>list</code> and so tried to <code>append</code> to it. As you might expect, the traceback wasn't pretty.</p> <p>I'm not saying that the person who originally wrote the code is a bad programmer. I'll leave that up to you. What I am saying is that python allows you to make such silly mistakes. This is especially problematic when you're working with really large code-bases.</p> <p>However, while this is all good in terms of development tools, this does not mean a large boost in performance. PyPy's FAQ talks about this issue and addresses some of the key concerns. <a class=footnote-reference href=#pypyfaq id=id5>[5]</a> In a nutshell, the performance will not increase simply because python's types are objects and do not correspond directly to how types are represented in binary. For example, python's <code>int</code> type isn't necessarily a 64-bit number, but has the ability to grow to whatever size you need it to grow.</p> <blockquote> <p>... annotations are at the wrong level (e.g. a PEP 484 “int” corresponds to Python 3’s int type, which does not necessarily fits inside one machine word; even worse, an “int” annotation allows arbitrary int subclasses).</p> <p><cite>PyPy FAQ (Would type annotations help PyPy’s performance?)</cite></p> </blockquote> </div> <div class=section id=async-await> <h2><a class=toc-backref href=#id7>Async/Await</a></h2> <blockquote> <p>This proposal makes coroutines a native Python language feature, and clearly separates them from generators. This removes generator/coroutine ambiguity, and makes it possible to reliably define coroutines without reliance on a specific library. This also enables linters and IDEs to improve static code analysis and refactoring.</p> <p><cite>PEP 0492</cite></p> </blockquote> <p><code>async</code> and <code>await</code> are very good ideas. In fact, these two keywords have been an integral part of C# for quite some time now and make programing with tasks much easier. These two key words makes python feel a lot more abstract, whereas turning generators into coroutines (even through the use of a decorator) and then using them like generators feels rather clumsy. In simple terms, <code>async</code> creates a coroutine for you. For example, the following is a coroutine:</p> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><span class=kn>import</span> <span class=nn>asyncio</span>
<span class=kn>import</span> <span class=nn>datetime</span>
<span class=nd>@asyncio.coroutine</span>
<span class=k>def</span> <span class=nf>display_date</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>loop</span><span class=p>):</span>
<span class=n>end_time</span> <span class=o>=</span> <span class=n>loop</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>time</span><span class=p>()</span> <span class=o>+</span> <span class=mf>5.0</span>
<span class=k>while</span> <span class=bp>True</span><span class=p>:</span>
<span class=k>print</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>datetime</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>datetime</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>now</span><span class=p>())</span>
<span class=k>if</span> <span class=p>(</span><span class=n>loop</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>time</span><span class=p>()</span> <span class=o>+</span> <span class=mf>1.0</span><span class=p>)</span> <span class=o>>=</span> <span class=n>end_time</span><span class=p>:</span>
<span class=k>break</span>
<span class=k>yield from</span> <span class=n>asyncio</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>sleep</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=mi>1</span><span class=p>)</span>
<span class=n>loop</span> <span class=o>=</span> <span class=n>asyncio</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>get_event_loop</span><span class=p>()</span>
<span class=c1># Blocking call which returns when the display_date() coroutine is done</span>
<span class=n>loop</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>run_until_complete</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>display_date</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>loop</span><span class=p>))</span>
<span class=n>loop</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>close</span><span class=p>()</span>
</pre></div> <p>The above will turn into the following under PEP-492:</p> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><span class=kn>import</span> <span class=nn>asyncio</span>
<span class=kn>import</span> <span class=nn>datetime</span>
<span class=n>async</span> <span class=k>def</span> <span class=nf>display_date</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>loop</span><span class=p>):</span>
<span class=n>end_time</span> <span class=o>=</span> <span class=n>loop</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>time</span><span class=p>()</span> <span class=o>+</span> <span class=mf>5.0</span>
<span class=k>while</span> <span class=bp>True</span><span class=p>:</span>
<span class=k>print</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>datetime</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>datetime</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>now</span><span class=p>())</span>
<span class=k>if</span> <span class=p>(</span><span class=n>loop</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>time</span><span class=p>()</span> <span class=o>+</span> <span class=mf>1.0</span><span class=p>)</span> <span class=o>>=</span> <span class=n>end_time</span><span class=p>:</span>
<span class=k>break</span>
<span class=n>await</span> <span class=n>asyncio</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>sleep</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=mi>1</span><span class=p>)</span>
<span class=n>loop</span> <span class=o>=</span> <span class=n>asyncio</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>get_event_loop</span><span class=p>()</span>
<span class=c1># Blocking call which returns when the display_date() coroutine is done</span>
<span class=n>loop</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>run_until_complete</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>display_date</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>loop</span><span class=p>))</span>
<span class=n>loop</span><span class=o>.</span><span class=n>close</span><span class=p>()</span>
</pre></div> <p>However, what is being introduced is syntactic sugar meaning that this does not change python on a fundamental level. For example, introducing these native constructs will not <em>magically</em> make python be able to compete with node (V8).</p> </div> <div class=section id=summary> <h2><a class=toc-backref href=#id8>Summary</a></h2> <p>The new features being added are subtle but will go a long way into making Python 3 the abstract language that it needs to be as well as provide the tooling required to make it a potential choice for huge code-bases. However, this does not mean that Python has become a better choice over other languages such as golang for high performance applications. So, although these new features will definitely persuade people to move from Python 2 to Python 3 (at least for new projects), it does not necessarily mean that more and more people will leave Python seeking abstract yet high performance alternatives.</p> <hr class=docutils> <table class="docutils footnote" frame=void id=typechecker rules=none> <colgroup><col class=label><col></colgroup> <tbody valign=top> <tr><td class=label><a class=fn-backref href=#id1>[1]</a></td><td><a class="reference external" href=https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/ >PEP-0484</a>. This type checker is based on the <a class="reference external" href=http://mypy-lang.org/ >mypy</a> type checker created by one of the authors of PEP-0484, Jukka Lehtosalo.</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="docutils footnote" frame=void id=async rules=none> <colgroup><col class=label><col></colgroup> <tbody valign=top> <tr><td class=label><a class=fn-backref href=#id2>[2]</a></td><td><a class="reference external" href=https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0492/ >PEP-0492</a>. This is a pretty radical change since it means Python will get new key words.</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="docutils footnote" frame=void id=pycharm rules=none> <colgroup><col class=label><col></colgroup> <tbody valign=top> <tr><td class=label><a class=fn-backref href=#id3>[3]</a></td><td>PyCharm provides type checking through its <a class="reference external" href=https://github.com/JetBrains/python-skeletons>skeletons</a>. These are a lot like the stubs that PEP-0484 is proposing.</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="docutils footnote" frame=void id=dt rules=none> <colgroup><col class=label><col></colgroup> <tbody valign=top> <tr><td class=label><a class=fn-backref href=#id4>[4]</a></td><td>DefinitelyTyped is a collection for stub files for a language called TypeScript which is basically a typed superset of JavaScript. These stub files help IDE and editors in providing better code completion.</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="docutils footnote" frame=void id=pypyfaq rules=none> <colgroup><col class=label><col></colgroup> <tbody valign=top> <tr><td class=label><a class=fn-backref href=#id5>[5]</a></td><td>PyPy's FAQ talks about this issue, and its lack of effect on performance under "<a class="reference external" href=http://pypy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq.html#would-type-annotations-help-pypy-s-performance>Would type annotations help PyPy’s performance?</a>". Look under the "PEP-484 Type Hints" sub section.</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class=post-meta><span class=meta-type>Category: </span> <span><a href=http://nafiulis.me/category/programming.html>Programming</a></span> <span class=meta-type> Tags: </span> <span> <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/python.html>python</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/async-await.html>async-await</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/python3.html>python3</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/type-hints.html>type-hints</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/pep.html>pep</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/pep-484.html>pep-484</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/pep-492.html>pep-492</a> </span> </div> <div id=disqus_thread style="margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;"></div> <script type=text/javascript>
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