- reworked links to associated repositories
- fix github chapter link in concept.adoc
- replaced wrong C.HCI.OSIG with C.HCI.AUT identity in concept (for entitlement)
- integrate all changes from ePA-3.0.2-3:
- added optional parameter x-redirecturi to sendAuthorizationRequestFdV in I_Authorization_Service.yaml (C_12039)
- integrate all changes from ePA-3.0.2-2:
- resolved an issue in I_Audit_Event.yaml related to the source.type field. It is now correctly defined as a list of code data types, rather than an object.
- corrected the structure of the Identifier element in I_Audit_Event.yaml. The Identifier element now properly utilizes the CodeableConcept format for the type field instead of a code.
- added tutorial "Strukturierte Dokumente"
- corrections for response content and counter value in I_Device_Management_Insurant.yaml (C_11981)
- changed http-statuscodes for some operations from '201' to '204' in I_Health_Record_Relocation_Service.yaml, I_Information_Service.yaml and I_Information_Service_Accounts.yaml (C_11990)
- release ePA-3.1.0
- integrate all changes from ePA-3.0.2-1:
- added x-authoriztaion-validation parameter in I_Authoriztaion_Service.yaml (C_11901)
- introduce 'data' as common property for arrays in responses in I_Consent_Decision_Management.yaml, I_Entitlement_Management.yaml and I_Information_Service.yaml (C_11949)
- editorial correction spelling actorId and insurantId in I_Entitlement_Management.yaml and I_Entitlement_Management_EU.yaml
- corrections regarding email handling in case of representative entitlement in I_Entitlement_Management.yaml (alignment with changes from C_11885)
- renamed lastLogin to lastUse in I_Device_Management_Insurant.yaml
- define deviceIdentifier and -Token as mandatory in I_Device_Management_Insurant.yaml
- removed obsolete status code 403 in setEmailAddress in I_Email_Management.yaml
- fixed examples in I_Audit_Event.yaml
- added kvnr and name in response of sendAuthCodeFdv in I_Authorization_Service.yaml
- removed redundant deviceIdentifier in registerDevice response schema in I_Device_Management_Insurant.yaml (C_11957)
- added status code 404 'notHomeSystem' to replaceEmailAddress in I_Email_Management.yaml
- replaced operationOutcome responses in I_Audit_Event.yaml (C_11958)
- changed logging conditions in I_Entitlement_Management.yaml (C_11960)
- reworked email address management in I_Email_Management.yaml (C_11965)- changed status code for data usage purposes operations in I_Consent_Decision_Management.yaml
- revised API for research data centre package download in I_Data_Submission_Service.yaml
- introduce user specific deny policy for medication service access
- update list of affected oids and fixed some typos in I_Entitlement_Management.yaml (editorial)
- renamed I_Research_Data_Submission.yaml to I_Data_Submission_Service.yaml
- renamed several terms related to "research". Purposes of submitted data is now "secondary usage" in I-Consent_Management.yaml and I_Data_Submission_Service.yaml
- transitioned the Audit Event Service from its existing OpenAPI specification to a FHIR Implementation Guide (IG)
- changed logging conditions in I_Entitlement_Management_EU.yaml (according to change in ePA-3.0.2-1 - C_11960)
- add tutorial "Strukturierte Dokumente"
- release candidate ePA-3.1.0
- new interface I_Entitlement_Management_EU.yaml
- update concept for research data submission
- added operations for research data consent management in I_Consent_Decision_Management.yaml
- removed the sources for the FHIR R4 profiles. All profiles are provided by simplifier.net.
- release ePA-3.0.2
- changed regex for pattern of jwts (now for base64url only) (C_11878)
- added statuscode 403 (invalidAuth) for getFHIRVZDToken in I_Authorization_Service.yaml (C_11879)
- added timestamp in response of getGeneralConsentDecision in I_Information_Service_Accounts.yaml (C_11884)
- fixed the EPAParticipationRoleType ValueSet
- I_Test_Driver_FdV.yaml moved to: https://github.com/gematik/api-ePA-Testtreiber
- added tutorials
- reduced maximum amount of email addresses per user to 1, including change of all releated operations, in I_Email_Management.yaml (C_11885)
- added authorization with device attestation for sendAuthCodeFdv in I_Authorization_Service.yaml (C_11885)
- removed paging and filtering in I_Email_Management.yaml, I_Entitlement_Management_Insurant.yaml and I_Device_Management.yaml m(C_11912)
- update fhir profiles for I_Audit_Event.yaml
- pre-release ePA-3.0.2
- renamed 'challenge' to 'freshness (parameter)' and removed claims in bearer token in I_Authorization_Service.yaml (C_11806)
- added list of notified emails in response of registerDevice in I_Device_Management_Insurant.yaml (C_11818)
- added maximum limit of 10 mail addresses per user to I_Entitlement_Management.yaml and I_Email_Management.yaml (C_11805)
- allowing additional pagination parameters to make navigation in the Audit Event Service more efficient
- bugfixes in I_Test_Driver_FdV.yaml
- bugfix regex in TelematikIdType in I_Entitlement_Management,yaml and I_Test_Driver_FdV.yaml
- added validTo to response of setEntitlementPS in I_Entitlement_Management.yaml
- changed path parameter insurantid to header parameter x-insurantid (C_11834)
- removed log-entry requirement (Audit Event) from setEmail operation in I_Email_Management.yaml
- update chapter 4 "Aktenlokalisierung und Login" in concept.adoc
- bugfix regex UserAgentType (C_11780)
- typo correction in I_Authorization_Service.yaml
- x-useragent mandatory in I_Information_Service.yaml (C_11779)
- changed http-statuscodes from 200 to 201 or 204 in openapis (C_11811)
- all changed consent decisions in response of updateConsentDecision in I_Consent_Decision_Management.yaml (C_11783)
- regex correction TelematikIdType I_Entitlement_Management.yaml and I_Test_Driver_FdV.yaml (C_11782)
- release ePA-3.0.1
- (all changes from changelist 'ePAfueralle_3.0.1' and final review)
- added 'exp' to JWT 'bearerToken' and 'clientAttestation' in I_Authorization_Service.yaml (C_11759)
- changed enc-certificate handling for health record relocation (C_11697)
- changes in legal policy (concept) for KTR and new category added
- correction of several typos
- added link to 'ref-ePA-HealthRecordMigration' repo for information
- changed amr for the x-authorize-representative situation in I_Authorization_Service.yaml
- reworked correction of depending consent decisions 'medication' and 'erp-submission' (C_11720) after review
- added handling of export package in I_Health_Record_Relocation_Service.yaml (C_11763)
- removed requirement to delete email address of representative if entitlement is deleted
- removed fixed validTo for entitlements via ePA-FdV (OEGD, AM) (concept)
- added vau user pseudonym (VAU-NP) to authorization operation responses in I_Authorization_Service.yaml
- release candidate ePA-3.0.1
- added description for allowed PDF/A formats (I_Audit_Event_Render - C_11690)
- I_Audit_Event_Render_Insurant.yaml renamed to I_Audit_Event_Render.yaml (C_11725)
- rendered audit events pdf signed or unsigned, also for ombudsoffice (I_Audit_Event_Render - C_11725)
- correction of depending consent decisions 'medication' and 'erp-submission' (I_Consent_Decicion_Management - C_11720)
- exclude users with oid_versicherter from category locking related to consent 'medication' (I_Consent_Decicion_Management - C_11691)
- representative can delete own entitlement (I_Entitlement_Management - C_11699)
- reworked device management for explicit device registration and confirmation with confirmation code (I_Device_Management_Insurant - C_11689)
- reworked concept for device management with confirmation code (concept)
- changes from comment gkv-sv_216 (concept)
- added email management API (I_Email_Management - C_11738)
- reworked authorization service (I_Authorization_Service - C_11707)
- changed http statuscode for setUserExperienceResult (I_Information_Service - C_11750)
- clarification of 'validTo' timestamp for entitlements (I_Entitlement_Management - C_11417)
- bugfixes in I_Audit_Event.yaml
- reworked test driver fdv considering all changes of release 3.0.1 (C_11743)
- release ePA-3.0
- editorial changes
- state change fhir resources to active
- release candidate ePA-3.0
- initial content (pre-release ePA-3.0)
- initial setup branch
- initial setup repository