The Nova Scotia Water data set (i.e., the Nova Scotia Hydrographic Network) and supporting data are provided by the Nova Scotia Geospatial Data Directory. This data includes Z values and is an example of data distributed through a mainstream channel that requires more than one identifier to capture the CRS (horizontal + vertical CRS identifiers).
These data were obtained under an Unrestricted Data Use License Agreement for Government Geographic Data as specified by the Province of Nova Scotia Geospatial Data Directory.
- elevation (fgb, arrows, arrows/interleaved, arrows/wkb, geoparquet, geoparquet/native, parquet)
- land-poly (fgb, arrows, arrows/interleaved, arrows/wkb, geoparquet, geoparquet/native, parquet)
- water-junc (fgb, arrows, arrows/interleaved, arrows/wkb, geoparquet, geoparquet/native, parquet)
- water-line (fgb, arrows, arrows/interleaved, arrows/wkb, geoparquet, geoparquet/native, parquet)
- water-point (fgb, arrows, arrows/interleaved, arrows/wkb, geoparquet, geoparquet/native, parquet)
- water-poly (fgb, arrows, arrows/interleaved, arrows/wkb, geoparquet, geoparquet/native, parquet)