TypeName | SA1202ElementsMustBeOrderedByAccess |
CheckId | SA1202 |
Category | Ordering Rules |
An element within a C# code file is out of order within regard to access level, in relation to other elements in the code.
A violation of this rule occurs when the code elements within a file do not follow a standard ordering scheme based on access level.
To comply with this rule, adjacent elements of the same type should be positioned in the following order by access level:
- public
- internal
- protected internal
- protected
- private
📝 Static constructors and explicitly implemented interface members are considered public for the purposes of this rule.
Complying with a standard ordering scheme based on access level can increase the readability and maintainability of the file and make it easier to identify the public interface that is being exposed from a class.
To fix an instance of this violation, order the elements in the file in the order described above.
[SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.OrderingRules", "SA1202:ElementsMustBeOrderedByAccess", Justification = "Reviewed.")]
#pragma warning disable SA1202 // ElementsMustBeOrderedByAccess
#pragma warning restore SA1202 // ElementsMustBeOrderedByAccess