- 3a33a56: Fixed several bugs in element attaching in reconciler
- e47bc82: Fixes a bug where immutable child are appended in the wrong order after a rerender
- 32602d9: Renamed primitive to olPrimitive
- d47967f: Added (very hacky) support for render functions using
<olFn />
- 8a03938: Fixed a bug when using Supense inside the reconciler
- 6046e9c: Hack for instance recreation with spring applyProps
- 60bb479: Added react-spring support
- f98e503: Automatically call changed if available
- 60196f6: BREAKING: Splitted args for native elements into args and arg. While args now takes always an array, arg can take the first object parameter.
- 1037b49: Updated internal deps
- 8ba0424: Added a
<OLPrimitive />
wrapper for primitives to maintain the correct type using generics
- 64437d8: Fixed correct target type in event handlers, now it will have the correct type for all events
- b56bf79: Manual typings for some event handlers. Now using any cast on the event parameter is not necessary anymore.
90c5337: Added support for controls:
<MapComponent> <zoomControl /> <attributionControl /> </MapComponent>
- 30dc50d: Updated dependencies
- 6615d99: Removed useless files from NPM
- d9a333f: Fixed JSX intrisics clashing for
<view />
, now it's callable using<olView />
- d194b16: Allow attachAdd to use setters
- cb62a44: Detect attach automatically in primitives
- 8a4634b: Fixed getImmutableChildren with components and attach prop priority
- f17dc72: Support for immutable objects re-creation
- Fixed style attach prop behaviour
- Add support for styles
- Add support for geometries
- Now features doesn't need the attach prop anymore
- Reduced package size.
- Initial alpha publish to npm.