% Introduction to the Elixir Programming Language % George Lesica % June 2014
- Software developer
- Graduate student
- Programming language hipster
- Contact me
- [email protected]
- Web: http://lesica.com
- GitHub: glesica
- Twitter: glesica
- I am not an expert
I'm going to try to cover a lot of ground. This is just an intro, there won't be a ton of depth. The goal is to show you enough that you can play around with it and decide if you want to use it.
- The Erlang ecosystem
- Functional programming
- Elixir syntax and style
- Demo code
Code: https://github.com/glesica/tcpchat
Demo: telnet 4000
- Developed at Ericsson in 1986
- Designed for telephony systems
- Proprietary until 1998
- Growing popularity
- Amazon
- Call of Duty
- GitHub
- Goldman Sachs
- Heroku
- Concurrency
- Fault-tolerance
- Soft real-time
- Scheduler per thread
- BEAM processes are super lightweight (less than 1K)
- Schedulers can preempt BEAM processes
- Process gets 2000 "reductions"
- Everything (basically) costs reductions
- Sending messages to full mailboxes is more expensive
- Example: 100 things to do, first one will take 50 ms, the rest will be fast, in other languages job 2 would take at least 50 ms, in Erlang job 1 gets preempted.
- Node.js attempts to do this but it doesn't work if you do any computation
Erlang uses the actor model for concurrency: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model
- Processes are actors
- Each process has a mailbox (queue)
- Messages are sent using PIDs
- Sending a message costs reductions
- Messages sent asynchronously
- Eliminates (largely) the need for callbacks
- Common pattern:
send(pid, {:message, self()})
- Receiver replies to variable bound to
- Common pattern:
More on this when we look at the demo application!
- Friendlier syntax (similar to Ruby)
- Unicode support baked-in
- Modern tool chain (Mix)
- Everything is a function
- Inputs map to outputs
- Given inputs guarantee the same outputs
- Emphasis on pure functions - no side effects
- Variables can't be reassigned (immutability)
- Lots of recursion
Immutability makes code more predictable, easier to reason about and understand.
Is there a way I can have browser dev tools breakpoint every time a variable changes value? It'd be like console.breakOnChange(this.context)
Source: https://twitter.com/pamelafox/status/472416563950153728
- Classic operation
- Imperative way to do it
- Functional way to do it
- Using Python (since it is basically pseudo code and many people know it)
Classic C-style loop most of us learned first. We mutate state in order to loop.
We change the value of i
and the values stored in the elements of outlist
def square(inlist):
outlist = [0] * len(inlist)
for i in range(len(inlist)):
outlist[i] = inlist[i] ** 2
return outlist
More modern iteration. We no longer rely on mutating a counter and looping as a
side effect. The loop is explicit and therefore safer, but we still have state
since outlist
grows as the loop runs. This could be a source of bugs.
def square(inlist):
outlist = []
for i in inlist:
outlist.append(i ** 2)
return outlist
We can simulate a loop using recursion. Note that we could optimize this further using tail recursion, but Python doesn't support it anyway (Elixir does).
def square(inlist):
if len(inlist) == 0:
return []
head = inlist[0]
tail = inlist[1:]
return [head ** 2] + square(tail)
This would be the One True way to solve this problem functionally. Note that quite a few modern languages support, or have added support, for the map operation in recent years. Note the complete lack of state.
def square(inlist):
return map(lambda x: x ** 2, inlist)
We could even use a comprehension instead (another increasingly popular functional concept).
def square(inlist):
return [x ** 2 for x in inlist]
- Safer concurrency
- Can't change data anyway
- Predictable results from functions
- Fewer bugs
- Harder to accidentally violate assumptions or invariants
- Testing is generally easier
- Brief overview
- Code organization
- Control flow
- Variables
- Data structures
- To run the REPL:
$ iex
- Some simple examples (more in a moment):
iex(1)> 375 * 3492
iex(2)> [1, 3, 5] ++ [7, 9, 11]
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
iex(3)> {"hello", "there"}
{"hello", "there"}
iex(4)> :atom
We have a fairly simple type system in Elixir:
- atoms, like Ruby symbols, memory efficient"hello world"
- binary strings'hello world'
- character lists (for Erlang inter-op)73
- integers3.14
- floats
There are some other, more specialized types as well.
Pattern matching can look like assignment, but it really isn't and it is used in many more situations (stay tuned).
iex(1)> a = 1
iex(2)> {b, c} = {2, 3}
{2, 3}
iex(3)> c
iex(4)> {1, d} = {1, 4}
{1, 4}
iex(5)> d
iex(6)> {1, e} = {2, 5}
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {2, 5}
If statements aren't statements, they are expressions that evaluate to the value of the chosen clause.
a = 4
b = if a < 5
"a is less than 5"
"a is not less than 5"
Similar to if
in that it is an expression, it also allows pattern
a = {1, 2}
case a do
{1, c} -> c
{2, c} -> c * 2
Anonymous functions can be defined easily, the .
syntax is required to call
iex(1)> double = fn x -> 2 * x end
#Function<6.106461118/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(2)> double.(5.5)
Note: anonymous functions are closures, so you can accept variables in-scope where the function is defined.
Short syntax is shorter (obviously) but perhaps harder to read.
iex(1)> triple = &(3 * &1)
#Function<6.106461118/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(2)> triple.(4)
Lists are implemented as linked lists (makes sense when you think about recursively processing lists).
iex(1)> a = [1,2,3]
[1, 2, 3]
iex(2)> b = [4,5,6]
[4, 5, 6]
iex(3)> a ++ b
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
iex(4)> length a
iex(5)> hd a
iex(6)> hd []
** (ArgumentError) argument error
Tuples are similar to Python but with pattern matching (woo!).
ex(1)> greeting = {:hello, "Hi there, friend!"}
{:hello, "Hi there, friend!"}
iex(2)> {:hello, text} = greeting
{:hello, "Hi there, friend!"}
iex(3)> text
"Hi there, friend!"
iex(4)> set_elem greeting, 1, "Hello!"
{:hello, "Hello!"}
iex(5)> greeting
{:hello, "Hi there, friend!"}
iex(6)> get_elem greeting, 1
"Hi there, friend!"
Note: notice that tuples are immutable.
Elixir allows function chaining similar to Unix pipes. This is a very powerful technique we'll look at more later.
iex(18)> " hello there" |> String.strip |> String.split(" ")
["hello", "there"]
First, the identity function, it just returns its argument, unaltered.
def identity(arg) do
Functions go inside modules, use modules to organize your code.
defmodule Identity do
def identity(arg) do
These can be (and are) used for documentation or as constants.
defmodule Maths do
@moduledoc """
Some awesome math functions!
@pi 3.1415
def circle_area(radius)
radius * radius * @pi
Maps are associative arrays that map keys on to values. If the keys are atoms (which is a good idea) we can use a very concise syntax.
iex(1)> m = %{name: "George", disposition: "Grumpy"}
%{disposition: "Grumpy", name: "George"}
iex(2)> m[:name]
iex(3)> d = %{1 => 2, 2 => 4, 3 => 6}
%{1 => 2, 2 => 4, 3 => 6}
iex(4)> d[1]
We can have mixed type keys, but we use the fat arrow syntax in that case. We can also pattern match on them to pull out specific values.
iex(5)> r = %{:name => "George", "lastname" => "Lesica"}
%{:name => "George", "lastname" => "Lesica"}
iex(6)> r["lastname"]
iex(7)> r[:name]
iex(8)> %{name: name} = r
%{:name => "George", "lastname" => "Lesica"}
iex(9)> name
iex(1)> for n <- [1, 2, 3, 4], do: n * n
[1, 4, 9, 16]
iex(2)> for n <- 1..4, do: n * n
[1, 4, 9, 16]
iex(3)> require Integer
iex(4)> for n <- 1..4, Integer.odd?(n), do: n * n
[1, 9]
Note: We had to require Integer
because odd
is a macro.
- structs - maps with default values and compile-time checking
- protocols - polymorphism (basically interfaces)
- cond, unless
- error handling
Take a look at the demo project. Note that this isn't necessarily a good way to do what I've done, but it is simple and illustrates Elixir/Erlang concepts reasonably well.
- http://elixir-lang.org - language web site, including downloads and an excellent tutorial
- http://elixirsips.com/ - short tutorial videos demonstrating key features of Elixir and various Erlang libraries it can use
Questions or comments, contact me!
- [email protected]
- @glesica