All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Major changes are referred to testnests
- Security improvements
- Automating creation of testnets from provisioning steps to cluster setup and running
- Improved Helm template, now also able to create node from a custom branch of the Gno repository
- Fully dynamic Gnoland binary configuration via Helm values
- Supporting a fully P2P oriented configuration for Sentry nodes and Validators
- Allowing replacement of the Gnoland binary with an in-place compiled version, even starting from a branch
- Fixing several issues preventing the Observability Stack to work as expected
- Introducing AWS resources provisioning with Terraform, creating VPC, EKS cluster, EC2 nodes, Security Groups ...
- Storing Terraform state remotely instead of locally, leveraging AWS S3 for state folder and DynamoDB for state locking
- Binding Helm Chart version to Testnets, for Test6 it is
- Introducing backups and snapshots
- Creating Kubernetes CronJobs to spin up snapshots in AWS S3
- Dynamic tagging of PVCs in AWS EBS using AWS Tags
- Provisioning AWS Backup Plan in Terraform targeting EBS Volumes dynamically
- Initial setup collecting existing Nomad configuration and Dockerfile templates
- Added an initial setup in Kubernetes leveraging:
- Created a basic
template to spin up validators and sentry nodes - Created a custom tool to generate key pairs for validatrs, sentries and RPCs
- Created a custom tool to create monitors and update status page in the BetterStack service
- Minor security updates