Write a function that takes a string and returns it by converting it into a spongebob meme. Every letter with odd index should be lowercase and every letter with even index should be uppercase.
Input | Output |
stop making sponge bob memes | StOp mAkInG SpOnGe bOb mEmEs |
CMPE will be fun in the next few years | CmPe wIlL Be fUn iN ThE NeXt fEw yEaRs |
There are different naming conventions: lowercase lower_case_with_under_scores UPPERCASE CamelCase.
Write a function that converts dash/underscore delimited words into camel casing. Every word should start with a uppercase letter and continue with lowercase letters. (known as Upper Camel Case or Pascal Case.
Input | Output |
to_camel_case | ToCamelCase |
Hard_exam-pLe | HardExamPle |
unnecessarily-LONG-Example | UnnecessarilyLongExample |
Write a function called abbreviation() that takes a string st.
If st has strictly more than 14 characters: returned string:
- has the same first and last two characters as st.
- the characters in the middle should be replaced by the number of characters being replaced. (if you are replacing 15 characters return value should look like ww15ww)
Else return st as is.
afyonkarahisarlarstiramadiklarimizdan | af33an |
helo | helo |
Write a function that takes a string of one or more words, and returns the same string, but with all five or more letter words reversed.
Input | Output |
This is another test | This is rehtona test |
You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. | You know er’uoy in love when you t’nac fall peelsa esuaceb ytilaer is yllanif retteb than your .smaerd |
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. | segnellahC are what make life gnitseretni and gnimocrevo them is what sekam life .lufgninaem |
Write a function which takes a password as parameter and return whether the password is valid or not. The password has the following requirements:
The password must be at least 6 characters and at most 20 characters.
It must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number.
Input | Output |
Covid19 | True |
123456 | False |
Write a program to find shortest and largest word in a given string.
Input | Output |
the house is a long way from here | a house |
This room is exclusively for women | is exclusively |
Write a program that accepts a comma separated sequence of words as input and prints the words in sorted form (alphanumerically).
Input | Output |
red, white, black, red, green, black | black, black, green, red, red, white |
Write a program that prompts the user for a string. Then find and print out the second most repeated character (lowercase) in the string (not case-sensitive). Do not take whitespaces into consideration.
Hint : You can use replace() method of strings to get rid of whitespaces. Then you can use count() method to check if a character is in the string. Alternatively, you can use a dictionary to store the occurrences of each character.
" Hey there partner! " | "r" |
"CaN you CAn a CAN as a canner CaN CAn a CAN?" | "n" |
" LEsSer leather weaTheREd weTTer weathEr BettEr" | "t" |
Write a function to find the first appearance of the substring 'not' and 'poor' from a given string, if 'not' follows the 'poor', replace the whole 'not'...'poor' substring with **'good'. ** and return the resulting string.
Input | Output |
The lyrics is not that poor! | The lyrics is good! |
The lyrics is poor! | The lyrics is poor! |
Write a function that takes 3 strings input
, a
and b
and replaces all the instances of a
in input
with b
input |
a |
b |
Output |
This is another test | "is" | "is not" | This not is not another test |
I mean, it went badly last time but surely it will go much better this time. | "it" | "filling zepplins with hydrogen" | I mean, filling zepplins with hydrogen went badly last time but surely filling zepplins with hydrogen will go much better this time. |
Test test TeSt te st TEst teSt crest TEA | "st TE" | " test " | Test test TeSt te testst teSt cretestA |
You are a very skilled artist who can read sentences backwards. Jury will test you by giving you four strings. i
value will be given by the jury.
- Read the first one changing the order of the words in backwards.
- Read the second one by changing the letters of the words as well.
- Read the third one backwards but starting from the ith word (according to the given order) without changing the words.
- Read the last one, again starting from the ith word but changing the words as well.
But then I took an arrow in the knee i = 6 |
knee the in arrow an took I then But eenk eht ni worra na koot I neht tuB in arrow an took I then But ni worra na koot I neht tuB |
I want to play a game i = 12 |
game a play to want I emag a yalp ot tnaw I play to want I yalp ot tnaw I |
It can't be for nothing i = 4 |
nothing for be can't It gnihton rof eb t'nac tI be can't It eb t'nac tI |