You could join the community, and help by doing any of these, or other if you 've more ideas.
- Help with hosting the meetup (creating the page, informing, conversing with attendees)
- collect Feedbacks and collate, and keep it, improve on it
- Maintain the speaker list, host list with capacity, volunteers (very useful)
- Manage social media, meetup, and comments
- Collect resources, links, slides etc share with audience in all medium
- Record video and publish in youtube (edit/captions are optional)
- Improve Networking
- Write blogs (colloborate with others) in Golang medium
- Meetup
- get more Speakers
- Post in meetup
- figure out host location
- Get feedbacks for speakers and for us
- Get the metrics from the meet
- GoStudyGroup
- Host the session
- organise questions and discussion
- Publish the recording
- Marketting