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File metadata and controls

57 lines (45 loc) · 2.12 KB


Running the dev server

The videojs-ima plugin includes a continuous build dev server you can use to manually test changes as you make them. To start developing, run the following:

npm install
npm start

and open http://localhost:8000 in your browser. This will take you to our list of samples. When you save source files, the development server will re-compile the JavaScript and you can refresh the page to see your changes.

Submitting code

For information on submitting your changes, please take a look at


Testing can be done by running the following:

npm test

If you're a member of our BrowserStack group and want to run tests on BrowserStack, you must:

  • Set your BROWSERSTACK_USER and BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. These values are available under "Automate" on the BrowserStack account settings page.
  • Set the BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL_IDENTIFIER environment variable to a string of your choice.
  • Download the BrowserStackLocal binary and run ./BrowserStackLocal --key $BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY --local-identifier $BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL_IDENTIFIER.

The BrowserStack tests will be skipped if the environment variables listed above are not set.


Releases should only be created by the repository owners. If you're not an owner and think we're in need of a new release, please open an issue in our issue tracker.

To create a new release, run the following (you may need to run npm login first):

npm version [major|minor|patch]
npm publish

Push changes in dist/ to the github repo. Confirm that these files are on the correct version.

Common issues

If the plugin starts failing the travis-ci test, a possible cause is an out of date version of chromedriver. To fix the issue, simply update this dependency to the latest chromdriver version.