Some people might be new to using Git and GitHub so here is a simple workflow to facilitite Pull Requests which can be reviewed and merged easily.
- Create a forked copy of the microsoft/sdn repo from
- Clone that copy to your local machine (git clone*GitUserName*/sdn.git)
- Create a new branch on your local machine with a descriptive name to indicate the changes you will be making (git checkout -b DescriptiveName)
- Update and commit docs (git add, git commit, git push) to generate a preview viewable via GitHub (e.g.<GitUserName/blob/DescriptiveBranchName/
- Iterate on this branch until satisfied
- Create a Pull Request into the master branch from (Select Pull requests, New pull request) and compare across forks
At this point, the PR will be reviewed and merged into the master branch by one of the Maintainers.