diff --git a/docs/sphinx/source/tutorials/level3/solvation-energy.rst b/docs/sphinx/source/tutorials/level3/solvation-energy.rst
index e4b5390..46b64c5 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/source/tutorials/level3/solvation-energy.rst
+++ b/docs/sphinx/source/tutorials/level3/solvation-energy.rst
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ Create the configuration file
.. container:: justify
First, let us convert the *.pdb* file into a *.gro* file
- within a cubic box of lateral size 3.5 nanometers using the *gmx trjconv*
+ within a cubic box of lateral size 3 nanometers using the *gmx trjconv*
command. Type the following command in a terminal:
.. code-block:: bw
- gmx trjconv -f FJEW_allatom_optimised_geometry.pdb -s FJEW_allatom_optimised_geometry.pdb -o hbc.gro -box 3.5 3.5 3.5 -center
+ gmx trjconv -f FJEW_allatom_optimised_geometry.pdb -s FJEW_allatom_optimised_geometry.pdb -o hbc.gro -box 3 3 3 -center
.. container:: justify
@@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ Solvate the HBC in water
The new *solvated.gro* file contains all *8804* atoms from the HBC
molecule (called FJEW) and the water molecules. A new line
- *SOL 2186* also appeared in the topology *.top* file:
+ *SOL 887* also appeared in the topology *.top* file:
.. code-block:: bw
[ molecules ]
- SOL 2186
+ SOL 887
.. container:: justify
@@ -328,6 +328,9 @@ NVT and NPT equilibration
Solvation energy measurement
+Files preparation
.. container:: justify
The equilibration of the system is complete. Let us perform the solvation
@@ -346,144 +349,231 @@ Solvation energy measurement
.. container:: justify
Within the *solvation/* folder, create an *inputs/*
- folders. Copy the two following
- |solvation-npt-bis.mdp| and |solvation-pro.mdp| files in it.
+ folders, and copy the following input file into it:
+ |equilibration.mdp|.
+.. |equilibration.mdp| raw:: html
-.. |solvation-npt-bis.mdp| raw:: html
+ equilibration.mdp
- npt_bis.mdp
+.. container:: justify
-.. |solvation-pro.mdp| raw:: html
+ This input file starts similarly as the inputs previously used in this
+ tutorial, with the exception of the integrator. Instead of the *md*
+ integrator, a *sd* for stochastic dynamics integrator:
+.. code-block:: bw
- pro.mdp
+ integrator = sd
+ nsteps = 20000
+ dt = 0.001
.. container:: justify
- Both files contain the following commands that are
- related to the free energy calculation:
+ This stochastic integrator creates a Langevin dynamics by adding a friction
+ and a noise term to Newton equations of motion. The *sd* integrator also
+ serves as a thermostat, therefore *tcoupl* is set to *No*:
+.. code-block:: bw
+ tcoupl = No
+ ld-seed = 48456
+ tc-grps = Water non-Water
+ tau-t = 0.5 0.5
+ ref-t = 300 300
+.. container:: justify
+ A stochastic integrator can be a better option for free energy measurements,
+ as it generates a better sampling, while also imposing a strong control
+ of the temperature. This is particularly useful when the molecules are
+ completely decoupled.
+.. container:: justify
+ The rest of the input deals with the progressive decoupling of the HBC molecule
+ from the water:
.. code-block:: bw
free_energy = yes
vdw-lambdas = 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
coul-lambdas = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
- sc-alpha = 0.5
- sc-power = 1
+.. container:: justify
+ The *vdw-lambdas* is used to turn-off (when *vdw-lambdas = 0*) or
+ turn-on (when *vdw-lambdas = 1*) the van der Waals interactions,
+ and the *coul-lambdas* is used to turn-off/turn-on the Coulomb interactions.
+.. container:: justify
+ Here, there are 21 possible states, from *vdw-lambdas = coul-lambdas = 0.0*,
+ where the HBC molecule is fully decoupled from the water, to
+ *vdw-lambdas = coul-lambdas = 1.0*, where the HBC molecule is fully coupled
+ to the water. All the other state correspond to situation where the HBC
+ molecule is partially coupled with the water.
+.. container:: justify
+ The *sc-alpha* and *sc-power* options are used to turn-on a soft core
+ repulsion between the HBC and the water molecules. This is necessary
+ to avoid overlap between the decoupled atoms.
+.. container:: justify
+ The *init-lambda-state* is an integer that specifies which values of
+ *vdw-lambdas* and *coul-lambdas* is used. When *init-lambda-state*,
+ then *vdw-lambdas = coul-lambdas = 0.0*. 21 one independent simulations
+ will be performed, each with a different value of init-lambda-state:
+.. code-block:: bw
init-lambda-state = 0
+.. container:: justify
+ The *couple-lambda0* and *couple-lambda1* are used to specify that indeed
+ interaction are turn-off when the *lambdas* are 0, and turn-on when the
+ *lambdas* as 1:
+.. code-block:: bw
couple-lambda0 = none
couple-lambda1 = vdw-q
- nstdhdl = 100
- calc_lambda_neighbors = -1
- couple-moltype = FJEW
.. container:: justify
- These lines specify that the decoupling between the
- molecule of interest (FJEW) and the rest of
- the system (water) must be done by
- progressively turning off the van der Waals and the Coulomb
- interactions. The parameter *nstdhdl* controls the frequency at
- which information are being printed in a xvg file during
+ The parameter *nstdhdl* controls the frequency at
+ which information are being printed in a *.xvg* file during
the production run.
+.. code-block:: bw
+ nstdhdl = 0
+.. container:: justify
+ For the equilibration, there is no need of printing information. For
+ the production runs, a value :math:`>0` will be used for nstdhdl.
.. container:: justify
- In addition, the stochastic integrator 'sd' is used
- instead of 'md', as it provides a better sampling,
- which is crucial here, particularly when the HBC
- and the water molecules are not coupled.
+ The 2 last lines impose that lambda points will be written out,
+ and which molecule will be used for calculating solvation free energies:
+.. code-block:: bw
+ calc_lambda_neighbors = -1
+ couple-moltype = FJEW
.. container:: justify
- Copy as well the following |solvation-topol.top| file within the
- *solvation/* folder (the only difference with the previous one if the path
- to the *ff/* folder).
+ Let us create a second input file almost identical to *equilibration.mdp*.
+ Duplicate *equilibration.mdp*, name the duplicated file *production.mdp*.
+ Within *production.mdp*, simply change *nstdhdl* from 0 to 100, so that
+ information about the state of the system will be printed by GROMACS
+ every 100 step during the production runs.
+.. container:: justify
+ Finally, copy the previous *topol.top* file from the *preparation/* folder into
+ *solvation/* folder. In oder to avoid duplicating the force field
+ folder *ff/*, modify the path to the *.itp* files as follow:
+.. code-block:: bw
+ #include "../preparation/ff/gromos54a7_atb.ff/forcefield.itp"
+ #include "../preparation/ff/FJEW_GROMACS_G54A7FF_allatom.itp"
+ #include "../preparation/ff/h2o.itp"
+ [ system ]
+ Single HBC molecule in water
+ [ molecules ]
+ FJEW 1
+ SOL 887
-.. |solvation-topol.top| raw:: html
+Perform a 21-step loop
- topol.top
+.. container:: justify
+ We need to a total of 2 x 21 simulations, 2 simulations per value of
+ *init-lambda-state*. This can be done using a small bash script
+ with the *sed* (for *stream editor*) command.
.. container:: justify
- We need to create 21 folders, each containing the
- input files with different value of
- init-lambda-state (from 0 to 21). To do so, create
- a new bash file fine within the 'solvation/'
- folder, call it 'createfolders.sh' can copy the
+ Create a new bash file fine within the 'solvation/'
+ folder, call it *local-run.sh* can copy the
following lines in it:
.. code-block:: bw
- # delete runall.sh if it exist, then re-create it
- if test -f "runall.sh"; then
- rm runall.sh
- fi
- touch runall.sh
- echo '#/bin/bash' >> runall.sh
- echo '' >> runall.sh
- # folder for analysis
+ set -e
+ # create folder for analysis
mkdir -p dhdl
# loop on the 21 lambda state
- for state in $(seq 0 20);
+ for state in $(seq 0 20)
- # create folder
+ # create folder for the lambda state
mkdir -p $DIRNAME
- # copy the topology, inputs, and configuration file in the folder
- cp -r topol.top $DIRNAME
- cp -r ../preparation/npt.gro $DIRNAME/preparedstate.gro
- cp -r inputs $DIRNAME
- # replace the lambda state in both npt_bis and production mdp file
+ # update the value of init-lambda-state
newline='init-lambda-state = '$state
- linetoreplace=$(cat $DIRNAME/inputs/npt_bis.mdp | grep init-lambda-state)
- sed -i '/'"$linetoreplace"'/c\'"$newline" $DIRNAME/inputs/npt_bis.mdp
- sed -i '/'"$linetoreplace"'/c\'"$newline" $DIRNAME/inputs/pro.mdp
- # create a bash file to launch all the simulations
- echo 'cd '$DIRNAME >> runall.sh
- echo 'gmx grompp -f inputs/npt_bis.mdp -c preparedstate.gro -p topol.top -o npt_bis -pp npt_bis -po npt_bis -maxwarn 1' >> runall.sh
- echo 'gmx mdrun -v -deffnm npt_bis -nt 4' >> runall.sh
- echo 'gmx grompp -f inputs/pro.mdp -c npt_bis.gro -p topol.top -o pro -pp pro -po pro -maxwarn 1' >> runall.sh
- echo 'gmx mdrun -v -deffnm pro -nt 4' >> runall.sh
- echo 'cd ..' >> runall.sh
- echo '' >> runall.sh
+ linetoreplace=$(cat inputs/equilibration.mdp | grep init-lambda-state)
+ sed -i '/'"$linetoreplace"'/c\'"$newline" inputs/equilibration.mdp
+ linetoreplace=$(cat inputs/production.mdp | grep init-lambda-state)
+ sed -i '/'"$linetoreplace"'/c\'"$newline" inputs/production.mdp
+ gmx grompp -f inputs/equilibration.mdp -c ../preparation/npt.gro -p topol.top -o equilibration -pp equilibration -po equilibration -maxwarn 1
+ gmx mdrun -v -deffnm equilibration -nt 4
+ gmx grompp -f inputs/production.mdp -c equilibration.gro -p topol.top -o production -pp production -po production -maxwarn 1
+ gmx mdrun -v -deffnm production -nt 4
+ mv production.* $DIRNAME
+ mv equilibration.* $DIRNAME
# create links for the analysis
- cd dhdl
- ln -sf ../$DIRNAME/pro.xvg md$state.xvg
- cd ..
+ cd dhdl/
+ ln -sf ../$DIRNAME/production.xvg md$state.xvg
+ cd ..
.. container:: justify
- Change the *-nt 4* to use a different number of thread if necessary
- or/and possible.
+ Within this bash script, the variable *state* increases from 0 to 20 in a
+ for loop. At eash step of the loop, a folder *lambdastateX* is created,
+ where *X* goes from 0 to 20. Then, the *sed* command is used twice to
+ update the value of *init-lambda-state* in both *equilibration.mdp*
+ and *production.mdp*.
.. container:: justify
- Execute the bash script by typing:
-.. code-block:: bash
- bash createfolders.sh
+ Then, GROMACS is used to run the *equilibration.mdp* script, and then
+ the *production.mdp* script. When the simulations are done, the generated
+ files are moved into the *lambdastateX* folder. Finally the *ln* command
+ creates a link toward the *production.xvg* file within the *dhdl/* folder.
.. container:: justify
- The bash file creates 21 folders, each containing
- the input files with init-lambda-state from 0 to
- 21, as well as a 'topol.top' file and a
- 'preparedstate.gro' corresponding to the last
- state of the system simulated in the
- 'preparation/' folder. Run all 21 simulations by executing the 'runall.sh' script:
+ Execute the bash script by typing:
.. code-block:: bash
- bash runall.sh
+ bash createfolders.sh
.. container:: justify
- This may take a while, depending on your computer.
- When the simulation is complete, go the dhdl folder, and type:
+ Completing the 2 x 21 simulations may take a while, depending on your
+ computer. When the simulation is complete, go the dhdl folder, and
+ call the *gmx bar* command:
.. code-block:: bash
@@ -491,18 +581,20 @@ Solvation energy measurement
.. container:: justify
- The value of the solvation energy is printed in the terminal:
+ The value of the solvation energy is printed in the terminal.
+ In my case, I see:
.. code-block:: bash
- total 0 - 20, DG -37.0 +/- 8.40
+ DG -64.62 +/- 6.35
.. container:: justify
- The present simulations are too short to give a
+ This indicate that the solvation energy is of :math:`-64.6 \pm 6.3`~kJ/mol.
+ Note however that the present simulations are too short to give a
reliable result. To accurately measure the solvation
- energy of a molecule, use much longer equilibration
- (typically one nanosecond) and production runs
- (typically several nanoseconds).
+ energy of a molecule, you should use much longer equilibration,
+ typically one nanosecond, as well as much longer production runs,
+ typically several nanoseconds.
.. include:: ../../non-tutorials/accessfile.rst