- Ignoring files using .syignore file
- First developer/alpha release (NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE!)
- Command line interface (CLI) with commands
- init: initialize local folder and remote repository
- connect: connect to an existing remote repository
- up: index and upload local files
- down: download changes and apply locally
- status: list local changes
- ls-remote: list remote changes
- watch: watches local dir, subscribes to pub/sub, and calls down/up command in a set interval
- restore: restores a given set of files (experimental)
- log: Outputs formatted file histories (experimental)
- genlink: Generates syncany:// links to share
- cleanup: Deletes old file versions and frees remote space
- Storage plugins:
- Local: Allows to store repository files in a local/mounted folder
- FTP: Allows the use of an FTP folder as repository
- WebDAV: Allows using a WebDAV folder as repository (currently no HTTPS)