You can contribute to Todo MVP in the following ways:
One of the goals of Todo MVP is to demonstrate that simple, server-side web applications can be written in the language of your choice. So please, write an implementation of the application! All that I ask is that it must pass the acceptance test, and that it should hew closely to the priciples as outlined in the README (i.e. don't use a framework).
Other than that, anything goes! You may even see an implementation in a language you're familiar with and think "I can do that better - or at least differently". That's great! There's no reason we can't have more than one representative of a single language.
Please include a to your implementation to describe your approach, the libraries used, your personal feelings about it, and (more importantly) how to run it locally and (possibly) deploy it.
Then put in a pull request. Glory awaits!
As the HTML is consistent across all applications, perhaps you will be inspired to write some CSS to show off just how great at presentation CSS 3 is. We currently don't have a way of switching styles for an application in any automated way, but maybe we should have a folder with a list of styles in.
Again, write a little bit of documentation to go with it - a neat trick you used, why you like the colors, the best way of styling a button - and then put in a pull request.
The sooner this is done, the better, because the whole idea of the project is predictated on all the implementations having the same HTML. So if there's some way in which the HTML could be improved (I'm thinking especially in terms of a11y here), then please open an issue and give me your ideas.
Is this the right way of writing a server side todo web application? Did I miss something glaring? Is there a better way, a way which you want to show me? Please, open an issue and let's talk about it.