- Friends page (PHP) done
- Request Friendship (PHP) done
- Grant Friendship (PHP) done
- Delete friends (PHP) done
- Status page (PHP) done
- Delete locations - interval (PHP) done
- Delete locations - all (PHP) done
- fix back button (Android) done
- fix refresh (Android) done?
- upload on data connection becoming available (Android) done?
- correctly handle nested sql results (replace wiht $result1 $result2...?) (PHP) done
- Datenschutzerklärung & Info (PHP) done
- don't save passwords in plaintext (PHP) done
- fix token handling for usernames with ':' and '-' (strrpos) (PHP) done?
- add circle for accuracy of position (PHP) done?
- make sure updates are only done once (Android) done? -> probably not
- store hash of password (PHP) done
- dig out progress bar (from underneath title bar) (Android) wtf?
- still multiple asynchttptransfers? (Android) in progress
- Remove location jitter (Android) in progress
- handling ':' and '-' in usernames (PHP) in progress
- crash reports (synchronize sqlite in thread) (Android)
- make token more random (+username,timestamp,+hash) (PHP)
- give user-tables a prefix!! (PHP)
- auto-register (Android)
- max-zoom ++ (PHP)
- extra table for friends / extra table per user (PHP)
- refactor & clean code (Android)
- (auto)clean locationcache (Android)
- helper class for server api (Android)
- Delete pref (Android)
- Friends Activity (Android)
- Status Activity (Android)
- Info/Help screen (Android)
- more jitter removal (Android)
- logout (PHP)
- write error messages to serverlog everywhere(!) for debugging and testing (PHP)
- Move code into (self-contained?) libraries, eg. auth (PHP)
- Remove 'die's, clean error handling (PHP)
- every statement: mysql_real_escape_string, htmlspecialchars (PHP)
- check for other security problems (eg injection, no auth) (PHP)
- clean code, make sure functions are used (PHP)
- don't make local http connections (PHP)
- don't make blocking http requests (PHP)
- give sane error messages, and display them properly (PHP)
- getlocation optional parameter limit, make start-/endtime optional (PHP)
- implement all remaining TODOs from code
- make it work in subfolders instead only subdomains
- Bugfix
- Mapsforge View (osmdroid seems better suited) (Android)
- add marker with popups to path (PHP)
- translate backend (PHP)
- Bugfix
- stable api
- implement openlocation auth 0.2
- Encryption (Android)
- Bugfix
- Server2Server Encryption (PHP)
- Bugfix
- translate (PHP)
- refactor & clean code (PHP)
- Release
- Bugfix
- clone Latitude
- make stable
- Fake position
- custom update intervals etc. (Android)
- Delete user (PHP)
- clear auth data in webview when credentials change (Android)
- Fragments UI
- see [android-sdk/samples/SampleSyncAdapter]
- replace Credentials in SharedPreferences with AccountManager (Android) []
- implement OAuth2 (Android) []