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Tools used:
Framework: ReactJS, NodeJS
Database: MySQL via AWS-RDS , DynamoDB
AWS Services: Lambda, API Gateway, Cognito, S3, Amplify
Hosting: Netlify and Heroku
CICD – CircleCI
Unit Testing – Jest with Enzyme
Automation & UI Testing – Selenium with Mocha
Additional Implementation Details:
Pre-commit hook: Before new commit even takes place, Prettify and Husky modules will beautify the code.
We used Lambda triggers for API calls, thereby reducing server usage time.
Cookies support is enabled. Logged-in users will be remembered.
Code-splitting and Lazy Loading has been implemented to optimise performance.
Architecture Diagram:
If u explore long enough, you might run into this man, our special friend who helps in uploading files.(Wink Wink)
To replicate this project,
- Make sure to replace credentials in config.json with your own. By the time, you are seeing this, current credentials would no longer be valid