All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fixed: variable type
- Fixed: exception when download not exist or is invalid
- Added: field for aria label and title for custom link text (#20)
- Added: contao 5 support
- Changed: minimum php version is now 8.0
- Changed: update bundle structure
- Fixed: issue in page teaser migration
- Fixed: warning in backend
- Fixed: exception in CePageteaserMigration
- Fixed: warning with php 8
- Fixed: page teaser migration always triggers in some circumstances
- Fixed: missing backend fields
- Fixed: return onload callback when data container id is not set
- Fixed: migration lead to exception with older doctrine versions
- Fixed: migration leads to exception on empty databases
- Fixed: Typo in linkteaser templates "lable" to "label"
- Fixed: InvalidFieldNameException at migration in some cases
- Fixed: missing doctrine/dbal dependency
- Fixed: syntax error (#15)
- Added: ce_page_teaser and teaser module contao migrations
- Changed: minimum php version is now 7.4
- Changed: minimum contao version is now 4.9
- Changed: refactored some code
- Changed: renamed Bundle class
- Removed: MigrationCommand
- Added: headline partial template
- Added: headline-block to linkteaser_content_image templates
- Fixed: palette issues with source field
- Added: support for php 8
- Added: custom-Option to teaserLinkText field which will show a user input field to set a custom link text
- Added: Polish translation
- fixed autowiring issue
- renamed data container listener service
- fixed migration command not avaiable in contao 4.9 (#9)
- fixed ContentListener autowiring
- removed alt-attribute from ce_linkteaser link
- removed title-attribute from span
- added aria-label to ce_linkteaser link
- fixed error in partials_linkteaser_image
- an html comment is now added in dev mode if show more is false (source entity was not found or hook returned false)
- linkteaser now respects overwriteMeta.imageUrl, if element is not set to linkAll
- added alt-attribute to ce_linkteaser link
- fixed an exception in backend when overwriting teaser template from an template theme folder (
) (#5)
- BREAKING: use already existing article db field instead of articleId -> use the migration command for update your db
- migration command