Serbian Language Leader #400
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I also noticed that Croatian translation is using a lot of my pioneering work on Serbian language, and l that's ok as languages are really quite similar... ... and I've finally got some independent help and guidance for my contributions. |
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Thanks @cvladan! I'm adding you as a language leader now 🙂 |
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@maretodoric please coordinate with @cvladan. We're asking new contributors to submit at least two PRs before coming a language leader 👍 |
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@maretodoric predlažem da zajedno završimo ovo! Osim toga, ako imaš volje, značilo bi i da se angažuješ oko lokalizacije Home Assistent-a jer smo i tu kao Srbija vrlo tanki do sada. Samo 7% je prevedeno, a koliko sam ja video poslednji submit je bio baš davno za to. Koristi se platforma Lokalise koja se dosta lako koristi. |
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Može. Što se tiče lokalizacije, već sam ubacivao neke prevode tu, postadoh neaktivan zbog privatnih obaveza i stigao mi mail da mi je istekao trial. Sad vidim da taj trial nema veze sa ovim i da mogu da nastavim da doprinosim prevođenju pa ću se baciti na to. |
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Ја волим ћирилицу, али већ дуго времена од имплементације гласовне функције "wisper" и даље не даје команде на ћирилици већ само на латиници, или барем ја не знам то да подесим |
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Zdravo drustvo Ja bih se isto vrlo rado pridruzio u prevodu 😃 |
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Hi @synesthesiam |
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@synesthesiam Given that I'm short on time, it might be best to pass this on to someone with more capacity, such as @ddxic , and promote him to language leader for the Serbian language. |
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I would like to officially apply for the position as Serbian language leader as I've already started contributing days ago and would like to continue doing so.
I'm native Serbian speaker and have experience with internationalisation and localisation of software.
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