File tree
743 files changed
lines changed- ci/scripts
- eclipse
- spring-boot-project/spring-boot-docs/src/main/asciidoc
- spring-boot-samples
- spring-boot-sample-cache
- spring-boot-sample-custom-layout/src/it
- spring-boot-sample-data-cassandra
- spring-boot-sample-data-couchbase
- spring-boot-sample-data-neo4j
- spring-boot-sample-flyway
- spring-boot-sample-jooq
- gensrc/main/java/sample/jooq/domain
- spring-boot-sample-jta-jndi
- spring-boot-sample-liquibase
- spring-boot-sample-oauth2-client
- spring-boot-sample-quartz
- spring-boot-sample-reactive-oauth2-client
- spring-boot-sample-session
- spring-boot-sample-session-webflux
- spring-boot-sample-web-groovy-templates
- spring-boot-sample-webservices
- spring-boot-sample-xml/src/main/java/sample/xml/service
- spring-boot-smoke-tests
- spring-boot-smoke-test-activemq
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/activemq
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/activemq
- spring-boot-smoke-test-actuator
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/actuator
- resources
- test
- java/smoketest/actuator
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-actuator-custom-security
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/actuator/customsecurity
- resources
- static/css
- templates
- test
- java/smoketest/actuator/customsecurity
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-actuator-log4j2
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/actuator/log4j2
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/actuator/log4j2
- spring-boot-smoke-test-actuator-noweb
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/actuator/noweb
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/actuator/noweb
- spring-boot-smoke-test-actuator-ui
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/actuator/ui
- resources
- static/css
- templates
- test/java/smoketest/actuator/ui
- spring-boot-smoke-test-amqp
- src/main/java/smoketest/amqp
- spring-boot-smoke-test-animated-banner
- src/main
- java/smoketest/animated
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-ant
- src
- main/java/smoketest/ant
- test
- java/smoketest/ant
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-aop
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/aop
- monitor
- service
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/aop
- spring-boot-smoke-test-atmosphere
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/atmosphere
- resources
- static
- javascript
- test/java/smoketest/atmosphere
- spring-boot-smoke-test-batch
- src
- main/java/smoketest/batch
- test/java/smoketest/batch
- spring-boot-smoke-test-cache
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/cache
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/cache
- spring-boot-smoke-test-custom-layout
- src
- it
- custom
- src/main/java/org/test
- default
- src/main/java/org/test
- main
- java/smoketest/layout
- resources/META-INF
- test/java/smoketest/layout
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-cassandra
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/data/cassandra
- resources
- test
- java/smoketest/data/cassandra
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-couchbase
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/data/couchbase
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/data/couchbase
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-elasticsearch
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/data/elasticsearch
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/data/elasticsearch
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-jdbc
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/data/jdbc
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/data/jdbc
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-jpa
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/data/jpa
- domain
- service
- web
- resources
- test
- java/smoketest/data/jpa
- service
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-ldap
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/data/ldap
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/data/ldap
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-mongodb
- src
- main/java/smoketest/data/mongo
- test/java/smoketest/data/mongo
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-neo4j
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/data/neo4j
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/data/neo4j
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-redis
- src
- main/java/smoketest/data/redis
- test/java/smoketest/data/redis
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-rest
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/data/rest
- domain
- service
- resources
- test
- java/smoketest/data/rest
- service
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-data-solr
- src
- main/java/smoketest/data/solr
- test/java/smoketest/data/solr
- spring-boot-smoke-test-devtools
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/devtools
- resources
- public
- static/css
- templates
- test/java/smoketest/devtools
- spring-boot-smoke-test-flyway
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/flyway
- resources
- db/migration
- test/java/smoketest/flyway
- spring-boot-smoke-test-hateoas
- src
- main/java/smoketest/hateoas
- domain
- web
- test/java/smoketest/hateoas
- spring-boot-smoke-test-integration
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/integration
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/integration
- consumer
- producer
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jersey
- src
- main/java/smoketest/jersey
- test/java/smoketest/jersey
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jetty
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/jetty
- service
- web
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/jetty
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jetty-jsp
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/jetty/jsp
- resources
- webapp/WEB-INF/jsp
- test/java/smoketest/jetty/jsp
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jetty-ssl
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/jetty/ssl
- web
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/jetty/ssl
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jooq
- gensrc/main/java/smoketest/jooq/domain
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/jooq
- util
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/jooq
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jpa
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/jpa
- domain
- repository
- web
- resources
- templates
- test/java/smoketest/jpa
- repository
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jta-atomikos
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/atomikos
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/atomikos
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jta-bitronix
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/bitronix
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/bitronix
- spring-boot-smoke-test-jta-jndi
- src/main
- java/smoketest/jndi
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-junit-jupiter
- src
- main/java/smoketest
- test/java/smoketest
- spring-boot-smoke-test-junit-vintage
- src
- main/java/smoketest
- test/java/smoketest
- spring-boot-smoke-test-kafka
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/kafka
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/kafka
- spring-boot-smoke-test-liquibase
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/liquibase
- resources
- db/changelog
- test/java/smoketest/liquibase
- spring-boot-smoke-test-logback
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/logback
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/logback
- spring-boot-smoke-test-oauth2-client
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/oauth2/client
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/oauth2/client
- spring-boot-smoke-test-oauth2-resource-server
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/oauth2/resource
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/oauth2/resource
- spring-boot-smoke-test-parent-context
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/parent
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/parent
- consumer
- producer
- spring-boot-smoke-test-profile
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/profile
- service
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/profile
- spring-boot-smoke-test-property-validation
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/propertyvalidation
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/propertyvalidation
- spring-boot-smoke-test-quartz
- src
- main/java/smoketest/quartz
- test/java/smoketest/quartz
- spring-boot-smoke-test-reactive-oauth2-client
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/oauth2/client
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/oauth2/client
- spring-boot-smoke-test-reactive-oauth2-resource-server
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/oauth2/resource
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/oauth2/resource
- spring-boot-smoke-test-secure
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/secure
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/secure
- spring-boot-smoke-test-secure-webflux
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/secure/webflux
- resources
- static/css
- test/java/smoketest/secure/webflux
- spring-boot-smoke-test-servlet
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/servlet
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/servlet
- spring-boot-smoke-test-session
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/session
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/session
- spring-boot-smoke-test-session-webflux
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/session
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/session
- spring-boot-smoke-test-simple
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/simple
- service
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/simple
- spring-boot-smoke-test-test
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/test
- domain
- service
- web
- resources
- test
- java/smoketest/test
- domain
- service
- web
- resources
- smoketest/test/service
- spring-boot-smoke-test-test-nomockito
- src
- main/java/smoketest/testnomockito
- test/java/smoketest/testnomockito
- spring-boot-smoke-test-testng
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/testng
- service
- web
- resources/public
- test/java/smoketest/testng
- spring-boot-smoke-test-tomcat
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/tomcat
- service
- web
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/tomcat
- spring-boot-smoke-test-tomcat-jsp
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/tomcat/jsp
- resources
- META-INF/resources
- webapp/WEB-INF/jsp
- test/java/smoketest/tomcat/jsp
- spring-boot-smoke-test-tomcat-multi-connectors
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/tomcat/multiconnector
- web
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/tomcat/multiconnector
- spring-boot-smoke-test-tomcat-ssl
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/tomcat/ssl
- web
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/tomcat/ssl
- spring-boot-smoke-test-traditional
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/traditional
- config
- webapp
- views
- test
- java/smoketest/traditional
- resources
- spring-boot-smoke-test-undertow
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/undertow
- web
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/undertow
- spring-boot-smoke-test-undertow-ssl
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/undertow/ssl
- web
- resources
- test/java/smoketest/undertow/ssl
- spring-boot-smoke-test-war
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/war
- webapp
- test/java/smoketest/war
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-freemarker
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/freemarker
- resources
- templates
- test/java/smoketest/freemarker
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-groovy-templates
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/groovytemplates
- mvc
- resources
- static
- css
- js
- templates
- messages
- test/java/smoketest/groovytemplates
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-jsp
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/jsp
- resources
- webapp/WEB-INF/jsp
- test/java/smoketest/jsp
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-method-security
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/security/method
- resources
- static/css
- templates
- test/java/smoketest/security/method
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-mustache
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/mustache
- resources
- public/error
- templates
- error
- test/java/smoketest/mustache
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-secure
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/web/secure
- resources
- static/css
- templates
- test/java/smoketest/web/secure
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-secure-custom
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/web/secure/custom
- resources
- static/css
- templates
- test/java/smoketest/web/secure/custom
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-secure-jdbc
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/web/secure/jdbc
- resources
- static/css
- templates
- test/java/smoketest/web/secure/jdbc
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-static
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/web/staticcontent
- resources/static
- test/java/smoketest/web/staticcontent
- spring-boot-smoke-test-web-ui
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/web/ui
- mvc
- resources
- static
- css
- templates
- messages
- test/java/smoketest/web/ui
- spring-boot-smoke-test-webflux
- src
- main/java/smoketest/webflux
- test/java/smoketest/webflux
- spring-boot-smoke-test-webservices
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/webservices
- endpoint
- service
- resources
- META-INF/schemas
- test/java/smoketest/webservices
- spring-boot-smoke-test-websocket-jetty
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/websocket/jetty
- client
- echo
- reverse
- snake
- resources/static
- test/java/smoketest/websocket/jetty
- echo
- snake
- spring-boot-smoke-test-websocket-tomcat
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/websocket/tomcat
- client
- echo
- reverse
- snake
- resources/static
- test/java/smoketest/websocket/tomcat
- echo
- snake
- spring-boot-smoke-test-websocket-undertow
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/websocket/undertow
- client
- echo
- reverse
- snake
- resources/static
- test/java/smoketest/websocket/undertow
- echo
- snake
- spring-boot-smoke-test-xml
- src
- main
- java/smoketest/xml
- service
- resources/META-INF
- test/java/smoketest/xml
- spring-boot-smoke-tests-invoker
- src/checkstyle
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
743 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
125 | 125 |
| |
126 | 126 |
| |
127 | 127 |
| |
128 |
| - | |
| 128 | + | |
129 | 129 |
| |
130 | 130 |
| |
131 | 131 |
| |
| |||
196 | 196 |
| |
197 | 197 |
| |
198 | 198 |
| |
199 |
| - | |
| 199 | + | |
200 | 200 |
| |
201 | 201 |
| |
202 | 202 |
| |
| |||
241 | 241 |
| |
242 | 242 |
| |
243 | 243 |
| |
244 |
| - | |
245 |
| - | |
| 244 | + | |
| 245 | + | |
246 | 246 |
| |
247 | 247 |
| |
248 |
| - | |
| 248 | + | |
249 | 249 |
| |
250 | 250 |
| |
251 | 251 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
251 | 251 |
| |
252 | 252 |
| |
253 | 253 |
| |
254 |
| - | |
255 |
| - | |
256 |
| - | |
257 | 254 |
| |
258 | 255 |
| |
259 | 256 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 |
| - | |
| 8 | + | |
9 | 9 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
36 | 36 |
| |
37 | 37 |
| |
38 | 38 |
| |
39 |
| - | |
| 39 | + | |
40 | 40 |
| |
41 | 41 |
| |
42 | 42 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
127 | 127 |
| |
128 | 128 |
| |
129 | 129 |
| |
130 |
| - | |
| 130 | + | |
131 | 131 |
| |
132 | 132 |
| |
133 |
| - | |
| 133 | + | |
134 | 134 |
| |
135 | 135 |
| |
136 | 136 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
106 | 106 |
| |
107 | 107 |
| |
108 | 108 |
| |
109 |
| - | |
110 |
| - | |
| 109 | + | |
| 110 | + | |
111 | 111 |
| |
112 | 112 |
| |
113 | 113 |
| |
| |||
121 | 121 |
| |
122 | 122 |
| |
123 | 123 |
| |
124 |
| - | |
| 124 | + | |
125 | 125 |
| |
126 | 126 |
| |
127 | 127 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
557 | 557 |
| |
558 | 558 |
| |
559 | 559 |
| |
560 |
| - | |
| 560 | + | |
561 | 561 |
| |
562 | 562 |
| |
563 | 563 |
| |
| |||
819 | 819 |
| |
820 | 820 |
| |
821 | 821 |
| |
822 |
| - | |
823 |
| - | |
824 |
| - | |
825 |
| - | |
826 |
| - | |
827 | 822 |
| |
828 | 823 |
| |
829 | 824 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
699 | 699 |
| |
700 | 700 |
| |
701 | 701 |
| |
702 |
| - | |
703 |
| - | |
704 |
| - | |
| 702 | + | |
705 | 703 |
| |
706 | 704 |
| |
707 | 705 |
| |
| |||
1668 | 1666 |
| |
1669 | 1667 |
| |
1670 | 1668 |
| |
1671 |
| - | |
1672 |
| - | |
1673 |
| - | |
| 1669 | + | |
1674 | 1670 |
| |
1675 | 1671 |
| |
1676 | 1672 |
| |
| |||
1895 | 1891 |
| |
1896 | 1892 |
| |
1897 | 1893 |
| |
1898 |
| - | |
1899 |
| - | |
1900 |
| - | |
| 1894 | + | |
1901 | 1895 |
| |
1902 | 1896 |
| |
1903 | 1897 |
| |
| |||
2356 | 2350 |
| |
2357 | 2351 |
| |
2358 | 2352 |
| |
2359 |
| - | |
2360 |
| - | |
2361 | 2353 |
| |
2362 | 2354 |
| |
2363 | 2355 |
| |
| |||
2399 | 2391 |
| |
2400 | 2392 |
| |
2401 | 2393 |
| |
2402 |
| - | |
2403 |
| - | |
2404 |
| - | |
2405 | 2394 |
| |
2406 | 2395 |
| |
2407 | 2396 |
| |
| |||
3049 | 3038 |
| |
3050 | 3039 |
| |
3051 | 3040 |
| |
3052 |
| - | |
3053 |
| - | |
3054 |
| - | |
3055 |
| - | |
3056 |
| - | |
3057 |
| - | |
3058 |
| - | |
3059 |
| - | |
3060 |
| - | |
3061 |
| - | |
3062 |
| - | |
3063 |
| - | |
3064 |
| - | |
3065 |
| - | |
3066 |
| - | |
3067 |
| - | |
3068 | 3041 |
| |
3069 | 3042 |
| |
3070 | 3043 |
| |
| |||
3166 | 3139 |
| |
3167 | 3140 |
| |
3168 | 3141 |
| |
3169 |
| - | |
3170 |
| - | |
3171 |
| - | |
3172 |
| - | |
3173 |
| - | |
3174 | 3142 |
| |
3175 | 3143 |
| |
3176 | 3144 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1586 | 1586 |
| |
1587 | 1587 |
| |
1588 | 1588 |
| |
1589 |
| - | |
1590 |
| - | |
1591 |
| - | |
| 1589 | + | |
1592 | 1590 |
| |
1593 | 1591 |
| |
1594 | 1592 |
| |
| |||
3212 | 3210 |
| |
3213 | 3211 |
| |
3214 | 3212 |
| |
3215 |
| - | |
3216 |
| - | |
3217 |
| - | |
3218 | 3213 |
| |
3219 | 3214 |
| |
3220 | 3215 |
| |
| |||
3422 | 3417 |
| |
3423 | 3418 |
| |
3424 | 3419 |
| |
3425 |
| - | |
3426 |
| - | |
3427 |
| - | |
3428 | 3420 |
| |
3429 | 3421 |
| |
3430 | 3422 |
| |
| |||
3646 | 3638 |
| |
3647 | 3639 |
| |
3648 | 3640 |
| |
3649 |
| - | |
3650 |
| - | |
3651 | 3641 |
| |
3652 | 3642 |
| |
3653 | 3643 |
| |
0 commit comments