Because is an OCI compatible runtime, it can work smoothly with other OCI-compatible management tools, namingly containerd and docker, by replacing the default runtime runc.
This document walks through the steps of setting up environment to run containerd and docker with runv.
runv by default uses qemu to start virtual machines and makes use of KVM if it is supported. Please make sure qemu is installed on the machine.
runv needs hyperstart to provide guest kernel and initrd. By default, it looks for kernel and hyper-initrd.img from /var/lib/hyper/
directory. Build hyperstart and copy them there:
$ git clone
$ cd hyperstart
$ ./ ;./configure ;make
$ mkdir /var/lib/hyper/
$ cp build/hyper-initrd.img build/arch/x86_64/kernel /var/lib/hyper
runv binary should be installed in a system path so that containerd and docker can find it.
$ git clone
$ cd runv
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
First, install containerd in the containerd release page, then save its default configuration to /etc/containerd/config.toml
, which is the default configuration file containerd looks for.
$containerd config default > /etc/containerd/config.toml
Then add following lines to /etc/containerd/config.toml
shim = "containerd-shim"
no_shim = false
runtime = "runv"
shim_debug = true
Now everything is configured. Start containerd with containerd
In another window, test with containerd's client commandline tool ctr
$ctr pull
$ctr run --rm -t foobar sh
/ # ls
bin dev etc home lib proc root sys tmp usr var
/ # exit
While containerd is a bit low level to users and lacks useful features like network management, docker is more mature and has a lot of fancy features. We choose docker CE, the community-edition of docker to demonstrate how to configure runv with docker.
First, install docker CE as illustrated in the docker CE download page. As of writing, docker CE version 17.06.1-ce
is used, which is the current latest docker CE edge build.
Stop docker service (with e.g., systemctl stop docker
) and then create docker's default configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json
with following contents, or add following contents to it if it exists already.
"default-runtime": "runv",
"runtimes": {
"runv": {
"path": "runv"
Now just start dockerd (with e.g., systemctl start docker
) and it's ready.
# docker info|grep Runtime
Runtimes: runc runv
Default Runtime: runv
$ docker run --rm -it busybox sh
/ # ls
bin dev etc home lib proc root sys tmp usr var
/ # exit