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Monadic Combinators for Putback Style Bidirectional Programming

  • get functions in general not injective: many possible corresponding put functions exist to form a well-behaved lens
  • PUTINJ: put s is injective for any source s, i.e., $s' \in put s v \wedge s' \in put s v' \Rightarrow v = v'$
  • PUTTWICE: $s' \in put s v \Rightarrow s' = put s' v$

Combinators for Bi-Directional Tree Transformations

  • domain-specific programming language on tree-structures to define bidriectional transformations
  • transformations map a concrete tree into a simplified abstract view, and map a modified abstract view, together with the original concrete tree, to a correspondingly modified concrete tree
  • the design emphasizes robustness and ease of use
  • guarantees well-behavedness and totality properties
  • they state connection with update translation under a constanc complement from databases concerning definedness and continuity
  • definition of a handful of lens combinators, which can be put together to describe transformations on tree
  • combinators include familiar construct from functional programming
  • background: Harmony, generic framework for synchronising tree-structured data, e.g. synchronising boockmark files of different web browsers
  • language provides type declarations that are designed to verify well-behavedness and totality of composite lens expressions
  • first step: indentifyin mathematical space of well-behaved lenses over arbitrary data structures
  • second: define notion of well-behavedness that captures intuition about behavour of get and put
  • third: establish foundation to define lenses by recursion; use standard tools from domain theory to define monotonicty and continuity; this is needed, because the used trees may have arbitrarily deep nested structures
  • fourth: allow lenses to be used to create new conctrete structures
  • well-behaved and very very well-behaved lenses correspond to classes of update translators from database
  • put is injective for ${(a,c) | (a,c) \in A \times C \vee get (put (a,c)) \downarrow}$; for total lenses, put is injective on $a \times C$
  • a lens is oblivious: if put (a,c) = put (a,c') for all $a,c,c' \in V$, where $V$ is a fixed set of views
  • defined collection of lens combinators: identity, composition, constant
  • collection of lens combinators for trees: hoisting, plunging, forking, pruning, focussing (on a child), renaming, filtering, mapping, copying and merging, conditionals
  • derived lenses for lists: lists are represented as trees (with two edges named head and tail or the empty tree) and a set of combinators is defined (head, tail, map, reverse, grouping, concatenation, filter)
  • extended example concerning bookmark synchronisation designed with XML structures
  • first approach to take totality as primary goal and emphasize types as an organizing design principle
  • problem multiple reasonable translations for a given update: allow programmer to described update policy at the same time as the view definition, by enriching the relational primitives with enough annotations to select among a variety of reasonably update policies

Validity Checking of Putback Transformation in Bidirectional Programming

  • requires putback functions to be affine and in treeless form, that is, each view variable is used at most once and no intermediate data structures are used in definitions
  • this class of functions has similarities to tree transducers
  • assumes only total functions
  • hybrid compositional approach, but focus on designing language to specify various primitive putback functions over algebraic data structures
  • validity of putback transformations - A put is valid, if there exists a get such that GETPUT and PUTGET are satisfied
  • Uniqueness of get - Given a put function, there exists at most one get function that forms a well-behaved BX
  • PUTDETERMINATION: $\forall s,s',v,v' . put s v = put s' v' \rightarrow v = v'$
  • PUTSTABILITY: $\forall s . \exists v . put s v = s$
  • validity - A put function is valid if and only if it satisfies the PUTDETERMINATION and PUTSTABILITY properties

Matching Lenses - Alignment and View Update

  • problem: previous papers only consider positional lens updates - reordering is not considered
  • heuristics for calculating alignments
  • sources $S$, views $V$, complements $C$ with following functions for a lens $l$
    • l.get $\in S \rightarrow V$
    • l.res $\in S \rightarrow C$
    • l.put $\in V \rightarrow C \rightarrow S$
    • l.create $\in V \rightarrow S$
  • set of all basic lenses between $S$ and $V$ with respect to $C$: $S \LeftRightarrow^C V$
  • laws
    • l.get (l.put v c) = v (PutGet)
    • l.put (l.get s) (l.res s) = s (GetPut)

An Algorithm for Layout Preservation in Refactoring Transformations

  • laws for correctness and preserveration are based on lens laws
  • presents algorithm that reconstructs source code after refactoring transformations: "CONSTRUCTTEXT(node) takes an abstract syntax term as input and constructs a string representation for this term. Three cases are distinguished; re- construction for nodes (l. 1-5), reconstruction for lists (l. 6-11), and pretty printing in case the origin term is missing, i.e. when a term is newly created in the transformation (l. 12-14). We discuss those cases."

Bidirectional Transformations Based on Automatic Derivation of View

Complement Functions

  • general first-order functional language: VDL
  • affine (each variable is used at most once)
  • treeless (no intermediate data structure is used in the definition)
  • view complement functions can be automatically derived from view functions
  • inference system for validation of changes in the view
  • bidirectional transformation between arbitrary algebraic data structures (like lists and trees)
  • three steps: derivation of complement function, tupling and inverse transformation
  • get function and complement form the tupling, that mus be injective
  • minimal complement
  • injectivity is decidable in VDL
  • algorithm to check for injectivity: sound and complete
  • backward transformation can be derived if the tupled function and its inverse can be derived effectively
  • the inverse transformation is not guaranteed to be deterministic; non-failing equations can overlap on the left-hand sides and, thus, lead to nondeterministic programs, in which case a backtracking search becomes necessary

Bidirectionalization for free

  • semantic approach inspired by relational parametricity, uses free theorems for proving the consistency conditions
  • higher-order function bff :: forall a. [a] -> [a]) -> (forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a] implemented in Haskell that takes a polymorphic get function as argument and yields the appropriate put function, generic on input and output
  • the resulting put function is not a syntatical defintion, but a functional value semantically equivalent to such a function
  • no restrictions on a sublanguage, any Haskell function of appropriate type can be used as argument
  • restriction: any update on the shape of the view (length of the list) leads to failure
  • distiguishes between bff, bff_EQ, bff_ORD
  • considered data structures: shape plus content (Categories of container by Th. Altenkirch et al)
  • GetPut, PutGet laws are proven by free theorems
  • main idea: use assumption that get is polymorphic over its element argument of type |a|, then, its behaviours does not depend on any concrete list elements, but only on positional information
  • every position in the template list [0..n] has a mapping in g with its associated values in the original source; apply get to the template source to get an additional mapping h between the template view and the original updated view; combine both mappings to a mapping h' with precedence to h, when an integer template index is found in both mappings; in the end, fill the positions in the template mappin with the associated values according to the combined mapping h'
  • simple approach fails for duplicated elements; solutions: elements of the list must be mapped in a more sophistaced way, equal elements in the origial list map to the same elements in the template

Semantic Bidirectionalization Revisited

  • generalises Voigtlaender's approach for higher order functions that are not expressed by type classes
  • defines one function bff that is parametrized over a so-called observer function, and extends the associations maps to observer tables

Bedirectionalization for Free with Runtime Recording

  • introduces a type class PackM delta alpha mu to turn monomorphic into polymorphic transformations; a concrete datatype delta is abstracted to a type alpha and the observerations made by transformations by values of type delta are recorded by a monad mu
  • liftIO lifts any observer function [delta] -> beta on a concrete datatype delta to a monadic function [alpha] -> mu beta on an abstract datatype alpha where beta is an instance of Eq
  • Eq b is needed to check validity of updates by comparing the observation results
  • polymorphism of a permits semantic bidirectionalization and polymorphic mu guarantees integrity of the observation results recorded in the writer monad
  • consistency check in observation table: the observation results are not allowed to be different to possible update results, if they are different, the update is rejected; key for application of free theorems
  • optional locations for newly created elements that do not have a corresponding location in the original list
  • approach in this paper: same values are not mapped to the same label, that is, same values are not considered to be duplicates
  • says its harder to find get functions that are suitable for syntactic bidirectionalization than semantic

Enhancing semantic bidirectionalization via shape bidirectionalizer plug-ins

  • takes combination one step further: any syntactic bidirectionalization approach can be plugged in to obtain transformations on shapes
  • generalises approach from lists to arbitrary data types
  • enables bootstrapping in which pluggable bidirectionalisation is itself used as a plug-in

Combining Syntactic and Semantic Bidirectionalization

  • combines syntactic and semantic bdirectionalization
  • divides usage of both approaches by their specialties: semantic for content, syntactic for shape
  • inherits limitations in program coverage from both techniques: only functions written in first-order language, linear, treeless and moreover polymorphic are suitable for this approach
  • in a meaningful way/suitable: GetPut, PutGet, restricted to a defined put s v' for PutGet, and that put s v should be preferably defined for all s and v' of appropriate type
  • improved updatability: shape-changing update that are not applicable for semantic bidirectionalization; superior to syntactic bidirectionalization on its own in many cases
  • syntactic bidirectonalization as black box
  • semnatic bidirectionalization as glass box: look into it and refactor it to enable a plugging in of the syntactic technique
  • syntactic technique on its own is never worse than the semantic technique own its own
  • assumes semantic linearity: for every $n$ get [0..n] does not contain any duplicates, which clearly is fulfilled, if get's syntactic definition is lineary: linearity rules out one important cause for a potential failure, namely potential equality mismatcg in v'
  • key idea: abstracting from lists to length of lists, or more generally, from data structures to shapes
  • uses Nat instead of Int, move from [a] to Nat: get-function gets simpler, no data values have to be kept; can lead to injectivity and, hence, to simpler complement functions
  • explicit bias: bias to apply when reflecting specific updated views back to the source level
  • this bias could be determined on a case-by-case basis, e.g. depending on a diff between updated view and original view
  • approach does not hold_PutPut_ and undoability law, albeit, the two approach on their owd do satisfy these laws

Boomerang: Resourceful Lenses for String Data

  • bidirectional transformations over strings, first to tackle the problem for ordered data types: misaligned data in input and output
  • propose collection of lens combinators for strings (based on regular transducers, i.e., union, concatenation, Kleene-star)
  • type system based on regular expressions
  • design of dictionary lenses, which is an enrichement of lenses of Foster et al.
  • design of Boomerang as bidirectional programming language with dictionary lenses at primitive operations
  • defines property of resourcefulness and quasi-oblivious lenses
  • definition of set of string lenses combinators based on typing rules that ensure lens laws
  • tackle problem of previous approaches: mapping by key and not by position
  • quasi-oblivious lenses: let $~$ be an equivalence relation on C, and $l$ a lens from $C$ to $A$; $l$ is ~ if its put functions ignores differences between equivalent concrete arguments
  • domain and codomain types for dictionary lenses are regular languages, so that it allows precise checking



  • state-based vs. operation-based
  • symmetric vs. asymmetric
  • lens laws and "softer" lens laws




  • non-injective get
    • some variables on the left-hand side of a rule disappear in the corresponding right-hand side (|fst (x, y) = x|.
    • The ranges of two right-hand sides of a view function overlap.(|f ( A ) = A; f ( B ) =ˆ A|)


  • generating corresponding get for a defined put-function

  • functions for put direction are kind of dull

    • putAppend, putZip
  • tedious to define put direction

    • putLength (put for length is take)
  • corresponding get function is dull

    • putDrop just yields 0 for get direction
  • non-terminating examples (see Problems with internal structures)

    • putHalve - combination of length and lists
    • putSumTree - quotRemNat is too strict (fixed for free variables in first component)


  • test laws: PutGet, GetPut, PutPut
    • adjust PutGet and GetPut: laws has to hold for valid domains/defined values only (that cannot be guarenteed by type)
  • test put laws: PutDet PutStab (TODO)
  • reanimate EasyCheck
    • inefficient for lists

Practical Examples


  • labeling bug: if a corresponding label is missing, a non-determinism error occurs
  • high-potential library to include lenses for getter, setter and projection
  • reads entities from database on page load - why?


  • readQTerm (showQTerm ()) fails with parse error
  • difference between wJoinTuple and wPair?


  • lmap :: Lens a b -> f b -> f a, where f is a FormLens
  • use WUILenses instead of WUI in blog example of Spicey

Problems with internal structures {#structures}

We have the following interface for put-based lenses that generate a corresponding get-function for a defined lens.

data Lens a b = a -> b -> a
put :: Lens a b ->  a -> b -> a
put lens s v = lens s v

get :: Lens a b -> a -> b
get lens s | put s v == s = v
 where v free

Our aim is to generate a get-Function for putHalve:

putHalve :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
putHalve xs xs' | length xs' == n = xs' ++ drop n xs
  n  = length xs `div` 2

putHalve takes to lists, a source list and a view list, and concatenates the second list with the second half of the first list. Valid view lists have half the length of the source list, if otherwise, the function yields failed, i.e., no result is produced. (BeginHint: the wished get function is equivalent to

halve :: [a] -> [a]
halve xs = take (length xs `div` s) xs


With help of our interface, we can derive a correspondingget function by simply calling get with putHalve and our source value.

getHalve = get putHalve

Unfortunately, a function call like getHalve [(),()] does not terminate. The problem is the combination of the internal list and and numbers data structures, they do not harmonize well. This effect is triggered by the usage of length. The free variable v corresponds to xs' in the definition of putHalve,i.e., the system guesses values for xs'. To be more precise, the system needs to guess lists of type () for xs' and check, if their length is the same as div length [(),()] 2. For the specific example above, we can simplify our definition of putHalve in order to focus on the problematic part.

putHalveSimple :: [a] -> [a]
putHalveSimple xs' | length xs' == 1 = xs' ++ drop 1 [(),()]

If we now consider the internal structure for Int values, we end up with the following function

putHalveSimple :: [a] -> [a]
putHalveSimple xs' | length xs' == Pos IHi = xs' ++ drop 1 [(),()]

with respect to the internal data structure BinInt.

data BinInt = Neg Nat | Zero | Pos Nat
data Nat = IHi | O Nat | I Nat

Guessing lists with a specific length

So, how does the evaluation steps look like, when we want to compute the length of a list?

length :: [a] -> Bin Int
length []     = Zero
length x:xs = inc (length xs)

inc :: BinInt -> BinInt
inc Zero        = Pos IHi
inc (Pos n)     = Pos (succ n)
inc (Neg IHi)   = Zero
inc (Neg (O n)) = Neg (pred (O n))
inc (Neg (I n)) = Neg (O n)

That is, for an empty list, we can directly compute the result, but for a non-empty list we build a sequence of inc-operations, e.g. inc (inc Zero) for a two-valued list, inc (inc (inc Zero)) for a three-valued list etc. In order to take this investigation one step ahead, we need to look at the definition of inc, where only lines 6 and 7 are of further interest.

(1) Zero == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ False

(2) inc (Zero) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ Pos IHi == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ True

(3) inc (inc Zero)) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ inc (Pos IHi) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ Pos (succ IHi) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ Pos (O IHi) == Pos IHi $\rightarrow$ False

(4) inc (inc (inc Zero))) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ inc (inc (Pos IHi)) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ inc (Pos (succ IHi)) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ Pos (succ (succ IHi)) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ Pos (succ (O IHi)) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ Pos (I IHi) == Pos IHi
$\rightarrow$ False

The attentive reader may have already noticed that the definition of inc is strict in its first argument and does not propagate its constructor, the successor function on binary numbers is also strict. Unfortunately, the length function cannot be implemented in a way that is sufficient to propagate a constructor, because, as we will see later, it is problematic to map the empty list to a value of type Nat. Therefore, the whole list has to be evaluated in order to determine its length, which leads to non-evaluation when guessing a list with a specific length. The built-in search for free variables in KICS2 can be translated in nested injections of ?-operations, where every constructor of the given type is a possible guess and arguments of constructors are also free variables. For our example, we can illustrate the built-in search as follows.

length v == Pos IHi where v free


length ([] ? _x2:xs) == Pos IHi where _x2,xs free


(length [] ? length _x2:xs) == Pos IHi where _x2, xs free


length [] == Pos IHi ? length _x2:xs == Pos IHi where _x2,xs free


Zero == Pos IHi ? length _x2:xs == Pos IHi where _x2,xs free


False ? length _x2:xs == Pos IHi where _x2,xs free


False ? inc (length xs) == PosIHi where xs free


False ? inc (length [] ? length _x4:ys) == PosIHi where _x4,ys free


False ? inc length [] == Pos IHi ? inc (length _x4:ys) == PosIHi where _x4,ys free

$\rightarrow$ ...

{v = []} False
{v = [_x2]} True
{v = [_x2,_x4]} False

The given type is [a] with two constructors [] for an empty list and (:) x xs for non-empty lists with an element x and the remaining list xs. In our example, for every free variable of type [a] both constructors are possible values, therefore, both expressions are introduced with the ?-operator. The ?-operator explicitly inserts non-determinism and is defined as follows.

(?) :: a -> a -> a
x ? y = x
x ? y = y

In the end, the built-in search collects all possible values and works henceforth with a set of values, i.e., every list of the resulting set is used for further function calls.

As we said in the beginning, the internal structure for lists and numbers do not harmonise well - how can we solve the problem that putHalve does not terminate with the current implementation? We will present two different approaches. Beforehand, we exchange the usage of BinInt by Nat to see, if this little change will do the difference. Up to now, it seems the built-in search cannot termine, because the Pos constructor takes to long to be propagated in front of the expression.

lengthNat :: [a] -> Nat
lengthNat [_]      = IHi
lengthNat (_:y:ys) = succ (lengthNat (y:ys))

lengthNat v == IHI where v free


lengthNat ([] ? _x2:xs) == IHi where _x2,xs free


(lengthNat [] ? lengthNat (_x2:xs)) == IHi where _x2,xs free


lengthNat [] == IHi ? lengthNat (_x2:xs) == IHi where _x2,xs free


failed ? lengthNat (_x2:xs) == IHi where _x2,xs free


failed ? lengthNat (_x2:([] ? (_x4:ys))) == IHI where _x2,_x4,ys free

$\rightarrow$ .. $\rightarrow$

failed ? lengthNat [_x2] == IHI ? lengthNat (_x2:_x4:ys) == IHi where _x2 _x4,ys


failed ? IHi == IHi ? succ (lengthNat (_x4:ys)) == IHi where _x4,ys free


failed ? True ? succ (lengthNat (_x4:([] ? (_x6:zs)))) == IHi where _x4,_x6,zs



Peano numbers

At first, we use another data structure for numbers that has an unary representation, i.e. we will use peano numbers.

data Peano = Zero | S Peano

lengthPeano :: [a] -> Peano
-- lengthPeano = foldr (const S) Z
lengthPeano []     = Z
lengthPeano (x:xs) = S (lengthPeano xs)

Peano numbers are represented with a constructor for Zero and a successor constructor S Peano. The corresponding length function introduces an S-constructor for every element of the list and yields Zero for an empty list.

Let us now take a look at the simplified implementation of putHalvePeano that uses peano numbers instead of Int values and works on a list with two elements.

putHalvePeano :: [a] -> [a]
putHalvePeano xs' | lengthPeano xs' == S Z = xs' ++ [()]

lengthPeano v == S Z where v free


lengthPeano ([] ? _x3:xs) == S Z where _x3,xs free


(lengthPeano [] ? lengthPeano (_x3:xs)) == S Z where _x3,xs free


lengthPeano [] == S Z ? lengthPeano (_x3:xs) == S Z where _x3,xs free


Z == S Z ? S (lengthPeano xs) == S Z where xs free


Z == S Z ? lengthPeano xs == Z where xs free


False ? lengthPeano [] ? lengthPeano (_x4:_x5) == Z where _x4,_x5 free


False ? lengthPeano [] == Z ? lengthPeano (_x4:_x5) == Z where _x4,_x5 free


False ? Z == Z ? S (lengthPeano _x5) == S where _x5 free


False ? True ? False

In the end, the expression yields the following result in KICS2:

{v = []} False
{v = [_x3]} True
{v = (_x3:_x4:_x5)} False

That is, the expression putHalve [(),()] v == [(),()] where v free evaluates to {v = [()]} True.

The main difference to the first implementation is that length can propagate the constructor at the front of the remaining evaluation. That is, the nested ?-operators only occur as the argument of a sequence of S-constructors, which leads to a terminating search. The last line of the example shows that no further guesses for free variables are necessary, because the partial evaluation of S n can never be evaluated to Z, hence, the expression fails and the evaluation terminates.

Binary List Representation

The second approach is to choose another list representation, more precisely, a representation that behaves well with the internal BinInt data structure. We define binary lists as follows.

data L a = LIHi a | LO (L (a,a)) | LI (L (a,a)) a
data BinaryList a = Empty | NonEmpty (L a)

At first, we define the data structure for non-empty lists that corresponds to binary numbers, where LIHi a is a list with one element, LO (L (a,a)) represents a list with at least two elements, and LI (L (a,a)) a is the constructor for an at least three-valued list. Since this data structure has no representation for an empty list, we introduce an additional data type BinaryList that wraps a constructor NonEmpty around the list representation L a and consists of a constructor Empty for an empty list, respectively.

lengthBList :: BinaryList a -> BinInt
lengthBList Empty           = Zero
lengthBList (NonEmpty list) = Pos (lengthL list)
  lengthL :: L a -> Nat
  lengthL (LIHi _) = IHi
  lengthL (LO l)   = O (lengthL l)
  lengthL (LI l _) = I (lengthL l)

With the given type BinaryList we can utilize that we have a special constructor for non-empty lists with an inner representation. Therefore, we can propagate Pos for an non-empty list without evaluating the actual inner list that NonEmpty is holding. Furthermore, the list structure reflects which Nat-constructor to use, so that, the constructor is again propagated to the front of the expression. Again, let us see the evaluation in action for the putHalve example.

putHalveBinaryList :: BinaryList a -> BinaryList a -> BinaryList a
putHalveBinaryList xs' | lengthBList xs' == Pos IHi = xs' ++ [()]

The following evaluation steps through the expression lengthBList v == Pos IHi where v free that is essential for the evaluation of get putHalveBinaryList applied to an arbitrary list.

lengthBList v == Pos IHi where v free


lengthBList (Empty ? NonEmpty xs) == Pos IHi where xs free


(lengthBList Empty ? lengthBList (NonEmpty xs)) == Pos IHi where xs free


lengthBList Empty == Pos IHi ? lengthBList (NonEmpty xs) == Pos IHi where xs free


Zero == Pos IHi ? Pos (lengthL xs) == Pos IHi where xs free


False ? Pos (lengthL (LIHI _x2 ? LO _x2 ? LI _x2 _x3) ) == Pos IHi where _x2,_x3 free


False ? (lengthL (LIHI _x2 ? LO _x2 ? LI _x2 _x3) == IHi where _x2,_x3 free


False ? (lengthL (LIHi _x2) ? lengthL (LO _x2) ? lengthL (LI _x2 y)) == IHi where _x2,_x3 free


False ? lengthL (LIHi _x2) == IHi ? (lengthL (LO _x2) ? lengthL (LI _x2 _x3)) == IHi where _x2,_x3 free


False ? IHi == IHi ? (O (lengthL _x2) ? I (lengthL _x2 _x3)) == IHi where _x2,_x3 free


False ? True ? O (lengthL _x2) == IHi ? I (lengthL _x2 _x3) == Pos IHi where _x2,_x3 free


False ? True ? False ? False

In the end, this expression yields the following result in KICS2:

{v = Empty} False
{v = (NonEmpty (LIHi _x2))} True
{v = (NonEmpty (LO _x2))} False
{v = (NonEmpty (LI _x2 _x3))} False

That is, the expression putHalveBinaryList v == [(),()] where v free yields {v = NonEmpty (LIHi ())} True and get putHalveBinaryList [(),()] yields NonEmpty (LIHi ()), respectively.