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Exercises 13.2-1

Write pseudocode for RIGHT-ROTATE.


image 就模仿书上的left,right对调一下哈

Exercises 13.2-2

Argue that in every n-node binary search tree, there are exactly n - 1 possible rotations.



You can only rotate nodes that have children. You can do either left, right, or both. If a node has 2 children, you can do 2 possible rotations. If a node has 1 child, you can only do 1 rotation. 0 children, 0 rotations.

For example, if a tree has 3 nodes, (1 root, 2 children of root), we can rotate Left and Right for the Root, and nothing for the children. You have 2 rotations, for 3 nodes.

If the same tree as above, but add another child onto one of the children of the root, you'd get 2 rotations for Root, and 1 rotation for the node which got the child. 4 nodes, 3 possible rotations.

We can see this follow for every addition of a new node. Thus, the amount of possible rotations is: Amount of Nodes - 1.

Exercises 13.2-3

Let a, b, and c be arbitrary nodes in subtrees α, β, and γ, respectively, in the left tree of Figure 13.2. How do the depths of a, b, and c change when a left rotation is performed on node x in the figure?



  • a的深度+1

  • b的深度不变

  • c的深度-1

  • a: +1 depth

  • b: +0 depth

  • c: -1 depth

If you're curious on why this is, simply draw the two situations and you can count the path-lengths. Doesn't matter which left-or-right child a, b, c is of their respective nodes.

Exercises 13.2-4

Show that any arbitrary n-node binary search tree can be transformed into any other arbitrary n-node binary search tree using O(n) rotations. (Hint: First show that at most n - 1 right rotations suffice to transform the tree into a right-going chain.)


思路挺有意思的. 对于根节点左边的节点,如果有右儿子就左旋;对于根节点右边的节点,如果有左儿子就右旋;最后我们得到了一根排序好的链表.



Exercises 13.2-5 ⋆

We say that a binary search tree T1 can be right-converted to binary search tree T2 if it is possible to obtain T2 from T1 via a series of calls to RIGHT-ROTATE. Give an example of two trees T1 and T2 such that T1 cannot be right-converted to T2. Then show that if a tree T1 can be right-converted to T2, it can be right-converted using O(n^2) calls to RIGHT-ROTATE.



O(n^2)是这样来的. 如果T1和T2的根节点不同,那么可以通过O(n)次右旋将T1的根节点变成T2的根节点. 接下来递归调用root的右节点. 可以得到T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n). 所以是O(n^2).

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