For reference, here is a list of public packet capture repositories.
- ACandeias/IntrusionDetection/PCAP
- automayt/ICS-pcap - A collection of ICS/SCADA PCAPs
- chrissanders/packets - Packet Captures
- contagio - Collection of Pcap files from malware analysis
- DeepEnd Research - DeepEnd Research
- DEF CON® - Capture the Flag Archive
- elcabezzonn/Pcaps - spans from malware, to normal traffic, to pentester tools
- EvilFingers ( cache)
- goffinet/sip_captures - SIP Captures
- ITI/ICS-Security-Tools/pcaps - ICS PCAPs developed as a community asset
- kholia/my-pcaps
- M57 Patents Scenario
- Malware PCAPs
- - Traffic Analysis Exercises
- markofu/pcaps
- - publicDatasets
- nesfit/DI-cryptominingdetection/PCAPs - PCAP files and data sets to Digital Investigation article
- Network Forensics Puzzle Contest
- packetrat/packethunting - Resources and materials for DEF CON 2018 Packet Hunting Workshop
- PacketTotal
- PracticalPAcketAnalysis
- Security Onion
- and the ultimate PCAP
- Wireshark Samples
- Wireshark Tutorial - Exporting Objects from a Pcap
- WRCCDC Public Archive
- arkime/arkime
- dd-wrt
- ntop/nDPI/tests/pcap
- pevma/mrp
- the-tcpdump-group/tcpdump
- Zeek and Zeek Plugins
- 0xl3x1/zeek-EternalSafety
- 0xxon/cve-2020-0601
- 0xxon/cve-2020-13777
- cisagov/icsnpp-bacnet
- cisagov/icsnpp-bsap
- cisagov/icsnpp-dnp3
- cisagov/icsnpp-enip
- cisagov/icsnpp-ethercat
- cisagov/icsnpp-genisys
- cisagov/icsnpp-hart-ip
- cisagov/icsnpp-modbus
- cisagov/icsnpp-opcua-binary
- cisagov/icsnpp-profinet-io-cm
- cisagov/icsnpp-s7comm
- cisagov/icsnpp-synchrophasor
- corelight/CVE-2020-16898
- corelight/CVE-2021-1675
- corelight/CVE-2021-38647
- corelight/CVE-2021-41773
- corelight/cve-2021-44228
- corelight/cve-2022-21907
- corelight/cve-2022-22954
- corelight/CVE-2022-23270-PPTP
- corelight/CVE-2022-24491
- corelight/CVE-2022-24497
- corelight/cve-2022-26809
- corelight/CVE-2022-26937
- corelight/CVE-2022-30216
- corelight/CVE-2022-3602
- corelight/hassh
- corelight/http-more-files-names
- corelight/zeek-agenttesla-detector
- corelight/zeek-asyncrat-detector
- corelight/zeek-community-id
- corelight/zeek-netsupport-detector
- corelight/zeek-quasarrat-detector
- corelight/zeek-spicy-ipsec
- corelight/zeek-spicy-openvpn
- corelight/zeek-spicy-ospf
- corelight/zeek-spicy-stun
- corelight/zeek-spicy-wireguard
- corelight/zeek-strrat-detector
- corelight/zeek-xor-exe-plugin
- corelight/zerologon
- cybera/zeek-sniffpass
- FoxIO-LLC/ja4
- ncsa/bro-simple-scan
- precurse/zeek-httpattacks
- SeisoLLC/zeek-kafka
- zeek/spicy-dhcp
- zeek/spicy-dns
- zeek/spicy-http
- zeek/spicy-ldap
- zeek/spicy-pe
- zeek/spicy-tftp
- zeek/spicy-zip
- zeek/zeek