This section explains how layers, basemaps, visual appearance, extents, and map view can be configured.
The basemaps and layers are defined in the file src/config/data.json
, the initial location and zoom along with other options insrc/config/preferences.json
, both must be created otherwise the configuration is loaded by default in src/config/default
The data.json
file is made up of blocks called items, the first one groups the basemaps and the next the drop-down sections that group layers.
Basemaps are included in a separate listing:
In the data file within the default configuration is added an example like the one in the following image.
Green comments are added with the explanation of each attribute.
Inside the data.json
file you can add WMS and WMTS services.
In "items" you can define services, each one within a block (enclosed in braces "{}"). Each block is used for the application to request the capabilities document from the WMS / WMTS service, this file contains a list of the layers it publishes. With this information, the application automatically generates a collapsible section in the layers panel or side menu that contains the layers of that service, as seen in the following image.
Example with comments:
In the preferences.json
file you can define application startup options such as extensions to exclude, map position and zoom, among others.
Example with comments:
To modify the visual appearance of the application, the following directories and files must be added in src/config/styles
: CSS style rules (original is insrc/styles/css
: logos and other imagessrc/config/styles/images/legends
: the app searches by default in this location for images with the same name as the layers and adds them to layers buttons as a legend or preview
If the syntax of JSON files is incorrect, the application could stop running or be partially loaded.
If the sections or WMS / WMTS data sources do not have the attributes indicated in this article, they could be left without loading in the panel, or with an incorrect order or data.