An autogenerated terraform provider based on the API specifications as provided by the /api/v2/
Currently, built provider versions for AWX.
- 24.2.0
- 24.6.1
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
You need to spin up a version of AWX you want to download the API spec from. Older version of AWX report incorrect API spec. So manual changes may be required to fix them.
export AWX_VERSION=24.2.0
mkdir -p resources/api/$AWX_VERSION/config resources/api/$AWX_VERSION/gen-data
cat <<EOF > resources/api/$AWX_VERSION/config/default.json
"api_version": "$AWX_VERSION"
make generate-config VERSION=$AWX_VERSION
make download-api VERSION=$AWX_VERSION
make generate-config VERSION=$AWX_VERSION
Check the previous version of the APIs inside the config/types
folder to see about customization.
make generate
If you want to build an API for the 23.7.0
version just run
make generate VERSION=23.7.0
Review Creating a minikube cluster for testing on how to setup your environment.
Username: admin
Password: admin
After that you can use the predefined manifests to quickly spin up your environment.
Make sure you have a fully clean environment, delete the namespace
and any lingering pv
❯ kubectl config current-context
❯ kustomize build tools/awx-k8s-manifests/overlays/24.3.1 | kubectl apply -f -
❯ minikube ip
Make sure that awx.local
is points to
in your /etc/hosts
file on your system.
To cleanup just run:
❯ kustomize build tools/awx-k8s-manifests/overlays/24.3.1 | kubectl delete -f -