Areas | Node.js | .NET |
API Security | Nestjs JwtModule | JWT Authentication |
API Versioning | Nestjs URL Versioning | Microsoft AspNetCore Versioning |
API Validation | Nestjs ValidationPipe | FluentValidation |
API Documentation | Nestjs OpenApi | NSwag |
Using DTOs (Object to Object Mapper) | TypeORM | AutoMapper |
CORS Policy | Nestjs CORS | CORS with named policy and middleware |
Health Check | Healthchecks (Terminus) | Health Checks Middleware and Use watchdogs |
Dependency Injection | Built-in DI | Built-in service container |
Logging | Nestjs-OpenTelemetry | Opentelemetry.NET |
ORM | TypeORM | EF Core |
CQRS pattern | Nestjs CQRS | MassTransit or MediatR |
JSON Serialization | class-transformer | System.Text.Json or Json.NET |
Cross-cutting API calls | Nestjs ClientProxy | Refit |
Handle Errors Globally | useGlobalFilters | Exception Handling Middleware |
Keep common code paths fast | Middleware | Middleware components |
Caching | Nestjs Caching | IDistributedCache interface |
Data Protection | Nestjs Security | Data Protection extensions |
Avoid blocking calls | Asynchronous providers | Asynchronous APIs |
Complete long-running Tasks outside of HTTP requests | Nestjs Schedule | Job Scheduler (like Hangfire/Quartz.NET/SignalR/etc.) |