Available for: Visitors and registered users (Guests, Contributors, Managers, and Administrators)
Please note that IMPACT OSS can optionally also be configured without SDGs
There is significant overlap between the SDGs and human rights (E.g. SDG 5: Gender Equality and CEDAW) and drawing these links helps to increase coordination in implementation and eliminate duplication of efforts and reporting.
There are 169 internationally agreed SDG targets, all of which are contained within the application. A State using the application may choose to add additional actions and indicators that reflect how a country is setting about achieving the SDGs.
The 'SDG Target list' view contains everything the Government is doing to achieve the SDGs and how the work being undertaken in the field of human rights is also helping to achieve the SDGs and vice versa.
SDG Targets should by default be grouped by SDG
Screenshot from demo site (demo.impactoss.org) - all content for demo purposes only
The 'SDG Targets' page works similarly to the 'Actions', 'Indicators' and 'Recommendations' pages in that it allows users to explore and filter recommendations based on areas of interest.
Please see List view options for options to customise your list view:
- grouping options
- sorting options,
- filtering options,
- switch to 'Implementation Plan' view mode to reveal all implementation details
You can explore a single SDG Target either from the SDG Target List or any associated Category (e.g. SDG), Action or Indicator view or list.
On the Single SDG Target View (pictured below) you can inspect all information about the target, including all associated categories (here SDGs only), as well as related Actions and Indicators: