This is a demo application that implements Ranked Choice Voting, also known as Instant Runoff Voting, where voters rank candidates in order of preference, and a single winner is selected.
The sole purpose of this project is to demonstrate the capabilities of the (currently private) Go CQRS application framework.
The architecture leverages Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS). Business logic can be written in Commands, Queries, or Listeners.
Actions are Commands that modify state, or Queries that retrieve data. Commands can be asynchronously processed, with the status and log messages available for later retrieval.
- Commands
- AsyncCommands
- Queries
Events are used to remove temporal coupling between modules with separate responsibilities. Commands raise events and Listeners subscribe to them asynchronously.
- Events
- ElectionHasCommenced
- ProposalWasMade
- VoteWasCast
- ElectionWasClosedByOwner
- ElectionWinnerWasSelected
Listeners subscribe to Events and execute code asynchronously.
- ElectionWinnerVoterNotification
- TODO: notify voters via SMS, Slack, or email
- ElectionWinnerMediaNotification
- TODO: send press release email
The underlying Go CQRS application framework utilizes code generation to build
the APIs and SDKs to execute this application. The Vote App uses
directives to parse the domain and build various APIs.
The generated output is not yet included in this project.
APIs are exposed through HTTP, gRPC, and CLI tooling.
SDKs are auto-generated leveraging the gRPC clients.
go generate .
go test ./...
go run cmd/httpapi/main.go
go run cmd/grpcapi/main.go
go run cmd/cli-local/main.go --help
go run cmd/grpcapi/main.go
python3 -m doctest
Create a Docker network so that the containers can talk to each other.
docker network create otel