Write a program which asks the user for a number and test if the number is odd or even. The program should output a message as shown below.
> 5
> Number 5 is odd
> 24
> Number 24 is even
Hint: the modulo
operation will be useful for this exercise. Python uses the %
for modulo operation.
Write a program which will ask the user for his/hers birth year and print out when the user "turned"/"will turn" 18, 30, 50, 100 years old.
Extend your program to also print how many years after the end of Napoleon wars the user was born.
Did you know that the oldest man, Gustav Gerneth, born in 1906, was born closer to Napoleon wars than to the year 2019?
Rewrite your program using as few LOC (lines of code) as possible.
Rewrite your program using as few characters as possible.
Write a simple calculator. The program should ask the user for two numbers and what operation to perform: +, -, *, / , %. Perform the operation on supplied numbers and display the result.
> 21[enter]
> 12[enter]
> /[enter]
> 1.75
Write a program which will compute the interest for a bank deposit. The program should ask the user for:
- deposit sum
- annual interest rate for the deposit
- period of deposit in number of months
The interest rate is capitalized only once at the end of the deposit.
> 1000[enter]
> 20[enter]
> 6[enter]
> Deposit: 1000
> Interest rate: 20%
> Period of deposit: 6 months
> Interest: 100
> Total account after 6 months: 1100
Extend the program to compute deposit interest taxes and deduct them from the interest.
> 1000[enter]
> 20[enter]
> 19[enter]
> 6[enter]
> Deposit: 1000
> Interest rate: 20%
> Taxes: 19%
> Period of deposit: 6 months
> Interest: 81
> Total account after 6 months: 1081