Thank you for considering to contribute to this repository!
In the spirit of open-source coding, we encourage contributions. Any help in making wavey better is appreciated.
- Create a pull request
- Create an issue
To ensure a level of consistency, please do the following when making contributions where applicable:
- Use short and straight to the point commit names.
- Use the commit description to provide more information on the commit.
- Don't use unnecessarily hateful speech in commits, PRs or issues.
- Ensure commit names are relevant to the commit itself.
- Don't be a dick in general.
- Bug fixes
- Please heavily test bug fixes to ensure they don't create other bugs/impare functionaly of anything on Wavey.
- Spelling mistakes
- Syntax improvements
- Feature requests/implimentations
- Please DO NOT make PRs for implementing feature requests. Use issues instead as new features won't be implimented by anyone besides acatia.
- Constructive criticism
- Anything else providing it's beneficial