Chapter 3: Lists
Three types of HTML lists
Ordered lists
- Lists where eacah item in the list is numbered
Unordered Lists
- Lists that begin with a bullet point (not numbers)
Definition Lists
- Made up of a set of terms along with the definitions for each of those terms
Lists can be nested inside one another
Chapter 13: Boxes
CSS treats each HTML element as if it has its own box
Every box has three available properties that can be adjusted to control appearance: border, margin, and padding
Padding and margin are helpful in adding space between various items on the page
Block-level boxes can be made into inline boxes, and inline boxes made into block-level boxes
Chapter 2: Basic JavaScript Instructions
An array is a special type of variable. It doesn't just store one value; it stores a list of values
Values in an array are accessed as if they are in a numbered list. It is imporant to know that the numbering of this list starts at zero, and not one
Chapter 4: Decisions and Loops
If...Else statements
- The if...else statement checks a condition
Switch Statements
- Starts with a variable called the switch value. Each case indicates a possible value for this variable and the cod ethat run if the variable matches that value
Loops and Loop counters
Loops check a condition. If it returns TRUE, a code block will run. It repeats until the conditions returns FALSE
Three types of loops: FOR, WHILE, and DO WHILE
- A FOR LOOP uses a counter as a condition. This instructs the code to run a specified number of times
Information taken from "HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites" and "Javascript & JQuery Interactive Front-End Web Development" by Jon Duckett