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Eric's Notes Page 2

Eric Taucher edited this page Aug 19, 2013 · 46 revisions

Page 2 of 2

These are the notes I keep for the project. Do not take everything here to be correct as I learn as I go.

I try to add any information I find relevant or that might be of use to someone new coming to this project. There are things I take for granted so if you have a question about something in my notes please ask. These notes are for everyone and not just me. As these are notes, they will not be well organized, just a common place to hold information of relevance.


In trying to identify the signatures used for the choice conversion I used the object browser within Visual Studio.

I used a custom component set consisting of NHol and Extcore.

When looking for failwithf in Object Browser I could not find it. Checking the ExtCore source code

/// Creates a Choice representing an error value.
/// The error value in the Choice is the specified formatted error message.
let inline failwithf (fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T, Choice<'U, string>>) =
    Printf.ksprintf failwith fmt

it became obvious that the use of the CompiledName attribute was changing the name.

Signatures of functions used with Choice conversion.

x - used in code

The standard failwith function that just generates an exception with a message.  

x Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.failwith    (msg            : string)                                                                                                                                     : ('T)

Used to add exception to return value within a Choice.  

  ExtCore.Choice.error                        (value          : 'T)                                                                                                                                         : (Choice<'T, 'Error>)
x ExtCore.Choice.result                       (value          : 'T)                                                                                                                                         : (Choice<'T, 'Error>)
x NHol.lib.Choice.failwith                    (msg            : string)                                                                                                                                     : (Choice<'T, System.Exception>)
  ExtCore.Choice.failwith                     (msg            : string)                                                                                                                                     : (Choice<'T, System.Exception>)
  ExtCore.Control.Choice.failwith             (msg            : string)                                                                                                                                     : (Choice<'T, System.Exception>)
x NHol.lib.Choice.attempt                     (f              : unit -> 'T)                                                                                                                                 : (Choice<'T, System.Exception>)
x                        (()             : unit)                                                                                                                                       : (Choice<'T, System.Exception>)
x NHol.lib.Choice.nestedFailwith              (innerException : System.Exception)                 (message : string)                                                                                        : (Choice<'T, System.Exception>)
x NHol.lib.Choice.failwithPair                (s              : string)                                                                                                                                     : (Choice<'T, System.Exception> * Choice<'U, System.Exception>)
  NHol.lib.Choice.pair                        ((x             : 'T), (y : 'U)                                                                                                                               : (Choice<'T, 'V> * Choice<'U, 'V>)

Will remove exception from Choice result.
Used during conversion phase; these are temporarily used to make the functions compile by discarding the exception so as not to pass to the calling function until the calling function can handle the Choice with exception.  

x NHol.lib.Choice.fill                        (defaultResult  : 'T)                                                                              (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : 'T
x NHol.lib.Choice.toOption                                                                                                                       (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : ('T Option)
  ExtCore.Choice.exists                       (predicate      : 'T -> bool)                                                                      (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : bool
  ExtCore.Choice.fold                         (folder         : 'State -> 'T -> 'State)           (state : 'State)                               (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : 'State
  ExtCore.Choice.foldBack                     (folder         : 'T -> 'State -> 'State)                                                          (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>) (state : 'State)             : 'State
  ExtCore.Choice.forall                       (predicate      : 'T -> bool)                                                                      (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : bool
  ExtCore.Choice.isError                                                                                                                         (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : bool
x ExtCore.Choice.isResult                                                                                                                        (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : bool
  ExtCore.Choice.failwithf                    (fmt            : Printf.StringFormat<'T, Choice<'U, System.Exception>> -> 'T)                                                                                : 'T
  ExtCore.Control.Choice.bindOrFail           (x              : Choice<'T,string>)                                                                                                                          : 'T
x ExtCore.Control.Choice.bindOrRaise                                                                                                             (x      : Choice<'T, System.Exception>)                    : 'T
x ExtCore.Choice.get                                                                                                                             (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : 'T

Used to pass exception from called function to calling function.

x NHol.lib.Choice.bindEither                  (resultBinding  : 'T       -> Choice<'U,'Failure>)  (errorBinding : 'Error -> Choice<'U,'Failure>) (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : (Choice<'U, 'Failure>)
x NHol.lib.Choice.bindError                   (binding        : ('Error  -> Choice<'T,'Failure>))                                                (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : (Choice<'T, 'Failure>)
x NHol.lib.Choice.attemptNested               (f              : unit -> Choice<'T,System.Exception>)                                                                                                        : (Choice<'T, System.Exception>)
  NHol.lib.Choice.nestedFailwithPair          (innerException : System.Exception)                 (message : string)                                                                                        : (Choice<'T, System.Exception> * Choice<'U, System.Exception>)
x                          (mapping        : 'T -> 'U)                                                                        (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : (Choice<'U, 'Error>)
x ExtCore.Choice.bind                         (binding        : 'T ->       Choice<'U,'Error>)                                                   (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : (Choice<'U, 'Error>)
x ExtCore.Choice.bind2                        (binding        : 'T -> 'U -> Choice<'V,'Error>)                                                   (value1 : Choice<'T, 'Error>) (value2 : Choice<'U,'Error>) : (Choice<'V, 'Error>)
x ExtCore.Choice.mapError                     (mapping        : 'Err1 -> 'Err2)                                                                  (value  : Choice<'T, 'Err1>)                               : (Choice<'T, 'Err2>)
  ExtCore.Control.Choice.setError             (error          : 'Error)                                                                                                                                     : (Choice<'T, 'Error>)
  ExtCore.Choice.iter                         (action         : 'T -> unit)                                                                      (value  : Choice<'T, 'Error>)                              : unit

When trying to add some images to a Github wiki pages I ran across GitHub Pages; looks interesting.

Some pages of note relating Haskell either:

Any module that exposes interesting functions for Choice type?


For the removing exceptions branch with this change, one can no longer test the code from within Visual Studio by selecting the code and sending to the FSI window. The preferred way to run the code is to use the HOL Light short cut.


I created a version of the project files to run with VS 2010 but only for the removing exceptions branch. When I tried to use NUnit with the generated code I received an error which was caused because all of the code uses F# 3 and VS 2010 only has F# 2 installed. The typical way to get F# is to use VS 2012. As I did not want to install VS2012 on the same machine as VS2010 I installed F# 3 using the F# Tools for Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web. See Option 4: Install the F# compiler and tools alone


Ran into the Experimental attribute in this push.

    let [<Literal>] private normalize_ratio_warning =
        "Ratio.normalize_ratio does not actually normalize the value \
         (the functionality has not yet been implemented), so other functions \
         which rely on that invariant will not work properly."

    // NOTE : not sure what kind of normalization should be done here
    // TODO : Implement this function correctly in the next version of
    // FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml, then upgrade to that version ASAP.
    let normalize_ratio x =
        Debug.Write "Warning: "
        Debug.WriteLine normalize_ratio_warning

Notice how the Experimental attribute makes use of the string with the Literal attribute and the Literal attribute is within the let statement.


When using F# Interactive, if you get an exception like

> System.Exception: Division_by_zero ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.NumModule.Num.op_Division(Num x, Num y)
   at <StartupCode$FSI_0014>.$FSI_0014.main@()
Stopped due to error

and want to get back to the F# Interactive prompt >, you do not have to Cancel Interactive Evaluation or Reset Interactive Session, just enter ;;, i.e.


I had a need to work with the type FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.Ratio.BigRationalLarge in F# Interactive.

When I created a type, e.g. Ratio.BigRationalLarge.Rational (7,2);; F# Interactive would respond with

val it : Ratio.BigRationalLarge = Q (7 {IsEven = false;
                                    IsOne = false;
                                    IsPowerOfTwo = false;
                                    IsZero = false;
                                    Sign = 1;},2 {IsEven = true;
                                                  IsOne = false;
                                                  IsPowerOfTwo = true;
                                                  IsZero = false;
                                                  Sign = 1;})  

which was a bit verbose. So I decided to override the printer with fsi.AddPrinter

let printBigRationalLarge (r : FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.Ratio.BigRationalLarge) = r.ToString()
fsi.AddPrinter printBigRationalLarge;;  

and now get

val it : Ratio.BigRationalLarge = 7/2  

which is much nicer.

However if I did this

let x2 = Ratio.BigRationalLarge.Rational (7,2);;
printfn "%A" x2;;  

with or without fsi.AddPrinter printBigRationalLarge;; I would always get

Q (7,2)
val it : unit = ()  


__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ can cause problems if you don't understand how it works with F# Interactive.

To see the value of __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ just use printfn "%A" __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__;;

If you type directly into F# Interactive window within Visual Studio will get the temp directory for the user profile, e.g. C:\Users\Eric.Windows7Ult\AppData\Local\Temp

If sent to F# Interactive window in Visual Studio from fsx script you will get the directory where the fsx script is located. e.g. E:\Projects\Github\NHol\NHol

If used in fsi.exe, running fsi.exe from a command prompt, you will get the directory where fsi.exe is located, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft F#\v4.0

If fsi.exe is started from a Windows Explorer search, you will get the directory where Windows Explorer is located, e.g. C:\Windows\system32

If fis.exe is started from a batch command, you will get the directory where the batch command is located, e.g. E:\Projects

If __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ is so unstable then why use it? It is stable within a compiled application, it is unstable when used with a stand alone F# Interactive.


I often need to run bat scripts in a Windows command prompt. To quickly open a command prompt to the directory where the script is lactated one can

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Navigate to folder with bat file
  3. Press Shift and Right click right panel of windows explorer
  4. Select Open command window here


  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Navigate to folder with bat file
  3. In Windows Explorer location bar enter cmd

The Logging support and setup code has been moved into a module for obvious reasons. The Logging module now has the RequireQualifiedAccess Attribute. If you look at the Logging.fs file you will see that it is a module named Logging

module NHol.Logging

with an inner module named Logging

module Logging =

so to use the function in this inner module you would call them fully qualified with

NHol.Logging.Logging.configureNLogProgramatically ()

but that is to long so you naturally add an open statement

open NHol.Logging.Logging

however doing this results in

error FS0892: This declaration opens the module 'FSI_0002.NHol.Logging.Logging', 
which is marked as 'RequireQualifiedAccess'. Adjust your code to use qualified 
references to the elements of the module instead, e.g. '' instead of 'map'. 
This change will ensure that your code is robust as new constructs are added to libraries.

So to use this without fully qualified names use

open NHol.Logging
Logging.configureNLogProgramatically ()

There is a need to have three different compiler directives useable in the code. So I used

#if USE  

which worked with the Visual Studio F# Iteractive, but failed when using fsi.exe --use opition with

error FS0010: Unexpected keyword 'elif' in directive. Expected identifier or other token.  

So the old way has to be used,

#if USE  


Those of us that use Visual Studio with C# make common use of the outlining features. My version of VS 2010 Pro does not have outlining for F#. Up to now it didn't make that much of a difference, but lately with a script I am using to develop test cases, think test creation playground, having outlining can be a big benefit. If you don't know about Visual Studio extensions, you should. They are installed with in Visual Studio from the menu: Tools -> Extension Manager, then for dialog in left panel click Online Gallery. In the upper right is a search bar.

So I found F# Outlining. Notice the tags: F#, Outlining, fsharp; these can be put in the search bar.

There are a few things to note about F# Outlining

  1. Instead of #region "something" you need to make it a comment //#region "something", likewise for #endregion as //#endregion.
  2. The keyboard short cuts
    a. Collapse current - CTRL M, CTRL S
    b. Collapse all - CTRL M, CTRL A
    c. Expand current - CTRL M, CTRL E
    d. Expand all - CTRL M, CTRL X

I tested this with a script and the HOL Light command prompt. Both worked with no problems.

Another extension for F# that I find invaluable is Indent Guides

In working with test cases for (|Failure|_|) there as some web pages worth noting.

Operators.Failure Active Pattern (F#)

Matches Exception objects whose runtime type is precisely Exception.

Exception Class

However, not all errors should be handled as exceptions in your code.
Usage errors. A usage error represents an error in program logic that can result in an exception. However, the error should be addressed not through exception handling but by modifying the faulty code.
Program errors. A program error is a run-time error that cannot necessarily be avoided by writing bug-free code.
System failures. A system failure is a run-time error that cannot be handled programmatically in a meaningful way.
Performance considerations Throwing or handling an exception consumes a significant amount of system resources and execution time. Throw exceptions only to handle truly extraordinary conditions, not to handle predictable events or flow control.

Core.exn Type Abbreviation (F#)

type exn = System.Exception i.e. type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.exn = System.Exception

SystemException Class

This class is provided as a means to differentiate between exceptions defined by the system versus exceptions defined by applications.
These errors result from failed runtime check (such as an array out-of-bound error), and can occur during the execution of any method.

Active Patterns (F#)

Partial active patterns Active patterns that do not always produce a value are called partial active patterns; they have a return value that is an option type. To define a partial active pattern, you use a wildcard character (_) at the end of the list of patterns inside the banana clips.

Examples of the use of (|Failure|_|) in code:

try .. with Failure _ as e ->  
(function Failure _ -> th1 | e -> Choice.error e)

Note: I am aware of three Failure functions accessible within NHol

  1. Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.Failure
  2. FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.Core.Failure
  3. NHol.lib.Failure

After many test cases I now know what

Matches Exception objects whose runtime type is precisely Exception.

means. If you use try .. with Failure _ you will only catch exactly System.Exception or its other name exn. You will not catch anything that inherits from System.Exception or that inherits from exn. It catches just the one exception type. So what is the usefulness of a function that catches just one type of exception? The usefulness comes from overriding the function to filter other types of exceptions so that you can handle them. i.e.

let (|Failure|_|)(exn : exn) = 
    match exn with
    | :? System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException -> Some exn.Message
    | :? System.ArgumentException -> Some exn.Message
    | Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.Failure s -> Some s
    | _ -> None 

here we additionally capture KeyNotFoundException and ArgumentException.

In NUnit when working with functions that return exceptions, not as an exception but as a type, I prefer to convert the exception to a string before comparing. This way I can print the string out when developing the test to see what EOL characters need to be inserted. e.g.

Expected string length 110 but was 157. Strings differ at index 110.  
Expected: "...d' was thrown."  
But was:  "...d' was thrown.\r\n   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---"  

In writing unit test we use a code coverage tool, and naturally for such a large project there are inline functions. It is almost expected that a code coverage or profiling tool will not correctly handle inline code because it has been optimized and does not have debug information to help the tool identify the source code. That is the case I ran into today. I saw a suggestion to use <@ @> in the test case so that it might identify the real source code, but it did not work. I also looked for ways to disable inline functions and found none. Since I do want to see the code coverage identify the code as covered I will go the old fashioned route of adding a preprocessor directive, i.e. #if and have two versions of the code; one with the inline word and one without. The only thing I do have to be concerned about with this is that the type signature of an inline function is not the same as one without.

See: Inline Functions (F#)

The presence of inline affects type inference. This is because inline functions can have
statically resolved type parameters, whereas non-inline functions cannot.

We have started using pre/post conditions, think Debug.Assert, or Hoare logic. e.g.

        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the list is empty.</exception>

        let reduceBack (reduction : 'T -> 'T -> Choice<'T, 'Error>) (list : 'T list) =
            // Preconditions
            checkNonNull "list" list


F#The F# 3.0 Language Specification (pdf)

Statically Resolved Type Parameters (F#) (^T)

Inline Functions (F#)

When you use static type parameters, any functions that are parameterized by type parameters must be inline. This guarantees that that the compiler can resolve these type parameters.

MLton ValueRestriction


... a couple of tests were failing; as it turns out, they are failing due to typing-related issues.

These issues arise from the design of FsUnit – the “should”, “equal”, and “be” functions/values aren’t type-safe, so you may find that you have tests which look like they should be passing, but aren’t, because you’re actually comparing two values with slightly different types (which NUnit just treats as non-equal).

My recommendation is to use the helper functions in ‘TestHelpers.fs’ – they’re roughly equivalent to those from FsUnit, except that they enforce type-safety so you won’t have any problems with tests compiling, then failing due to type-related issues. If you use the helper functions in the Collection module (e.g., Collection.assertEqual) you’ll get better error messages on failing tests too.


Domenico has started a very nice NHol manual written in LaTeX using fitch.sty for the proofs and proof.sty (A User Guide) for the rules. While it is not available to the public, it will be a valued addition for the project when completed.

Currently we have several preprocessor symbols:

use - If you are familiar with OCaml you may know this one. HOL Light is run as a script and not a compiled program. So one runs it by invoking each script file in the correct order which is done in which can be run from top-level. Now in F# we would like to do the same, but sadly F# does not support #use within F# Interactive but does support it as a command line option. So to run the F# script in the same manner as OCaml we run NHol from a command prompt making use of the --use option. Now when a script runs using the --use option, one does not need to use the F# Interactive open command in each fs file. e.g. lib.fs and fusion.fs So to have the fs files open a file only once we have the USE preprocessor directive.

the original version uses INTERACTIVE. If you load the code into F# Interactive, it fails since there are multiple files without module names. Using USE, loading the code into F# Interactive has module names just like compiling the code. I often use this when I would like to quickly override some functions for bug fixing.


When you are compiling code in F# Interactive, whether you are running interactively or running a script, the symbol INTERACTIVE is defined.

F# Interactive (fsi.exe) Reference

This symbol is mostly used with printers.

fsi.AddPrinter string_of_type
fsi.AddPrinter string_of_term
fsi.AddPrinter string_of_thm


When you are compiling code in the compiler, the symbol COMPILED is defined.

F# Interactive (fsi.exe) Reference

This one is not used by name, however either INTERACTIVE or COMPILED will be active so an #else section for INTERACTIVE is the same a using #if COMPILED.


Instead of proving some theorems, when BUGGY is defined, we assume the results, taken from OCaml output. Back when we used exceptions, the project failed arbitrarily by many reasons e.g. too-deep recursion, stack overflow, raised exceptions, etc. We defined BUGGY in order to load as many modules as possible for examining. Right now, it's still useful since the code is failing at multiple places. Some use of bindOrRaise is put inside BUGGY since they are raised due to incorrect states.


DEBUG and TRACE These are the standard .NET symbols. See: How to trace and debug in Visual C#

FSI_VER_2 This is for use with Visual Studio 2010 which comes with F# Interactive 2.x as opposed to the newer version of F# Interactive that comes with Visual Studio 2012. More specifically it is used when referencing assemblies. e.g.

#if FSI_VER_2
#r "./../packages/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.0.1.10/lib/net40/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.dll"
#r "./../packages/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.Format.0.1.10/lib/net40/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.Format.dll"
#r "./../packages/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.System.0.1.10/lib/net40/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.System.dll"
#r "./../packages/ExtCore.0.8.32/lib/net40/ExtCore.dll"
#r @"./../packages/NLog."
#I "./../packages"

#r "FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.0.1.10/lib/net40/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.dll"
#r "FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.Format.0.1.10/lib/net40/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.Format.dll"
#r "FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.System.0.1.10/lib/net40/FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.System.dll"
#r "ExtCore.0.8.32/lib/net40/ExtCore.dll"
#r @"NLog."

CODE_COVERAGE This is one currently used exclusively by Eric for use with code coverage. Since most code coverage tools have problems with inline code they report the code as not covered. To get a truer report we take out the inline keyword and then generate the code coverage report. There are caveats with this approach.

Most of the work on converting the code to use workflows has been completed, mostly by Phan. This work was done in a branch called removing-exceptions and has now been merged into master. removing-exceptions will be deleted in a few days. I am noting this here in case someone hits a rotted link to removing-exceptions.

The preference for test with result of option type is

|> assertEqual None

|> assertEqual (Some 1234)

instead of

|> assertEqual None

|> Option.get
|> assertEqual 1234