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153 lines (122 loc) · 6.62 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (122 loc) · 6.62 KB


Service for removing user memberships in GitHub organizations and archiving repositories of those users.

The application connects to a messaging queue, where it waits for notifications about users who should be removed from managed GitHub organizations. Once the notification is received, repository forks belonging to given user are archived and his membership to the organization is cancelled.


Build a WAR with maven:

mvn clean package

WAR will be created in webapp/target/ directory.

Database preparation

Initialize your database with SQL scripts in dbscripts/ directory:

  • dbscripts/create.sql
  • dbscripts/load.sql

App Server Configuration and Deployment

You can deploy the app in any Java EE 8 / Jakarta EE 8 compliant application server. Configuration described here is for JBoss EAP / Wildfly.

Start with default standalone-full.xml.


Configure a datasource with JNDI name "java:jboss/datasources/mjolnir/MjolnirDS". Example for a local H2 database:

                <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/mjolnir/MjolnirDS" pool-name="MjolnirDS">

Resource Adapters Subsystem

Configure a resource adapter for connecting to the UMB messaging service:

        <property name="UMBServerUrl" value="failover:(ssl://server01:61616,ssl://server02:61616)?jms.rmIdFromConnectionId=true&amp;maxReconnectAttempts=0&amp;reconnectSupported=false&amp;updateURIsSupported=false&amp;priorityBackup=false"/>
        <property name="UMBQueueName" value="QueueName"/>
        <property name="UMBKeyStore" value="/etc/eap-secret-volume/umb.keystore"/>
        <property name="UMBKeyStorePassword" value="12345"/>
        <property name="UMBTrustStore" value="/etc/eap-secret-volume/umb.truststore"/>
        <property name="UMBTrustStorePassword" value="12345"/>
        <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:resource-adapters:5.0">
                <resource-adapter id="activemq-rar.rar">
                    <config-property name="ServerUrl">
                    <config-property name="KeyStore">
                    <config-property name="KeyStorePassword">
                    <config-property name="TrustStore">
                    <config-property name="TrustStorePassword">
                    <config-property name="UseInboundSession">
                        <connection-definition class-name="org.apache.activemq.ra.ActiveMQManagedConnectionFactory" jndi-name="java:/AMQConnectionFactory" enabled="true" tracking="false" pool-name="AMQConnectionFactory">
                            <config-property name="KeyStore">
                            <config-property name="KeyStorePassword">
                            <config-property name="TrustStore">
                            <config-property name="TrustStorePassword">
                            <config-property name="UseInboundSession">
                            <recovery no-recovery="true"/>
                        <admin-object class-name="org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue" jndi-name="java:/queue/EmployeeEventsQueue" use-java-context="true" pool-name="EmployeeEventsQueue">
                            <config-property name="PhysicalName">

ActiveMQ Resource Adapter

Download the resource adapter rar file from Rename it to activemq-rar.rar and place it into the application server deployment directory, or deploy it manually from CLI after the application server is started.

Start the Application Server

Copy the mjolnir-archive-service-webapp.war file from webapp/target/ to the application server deployment directory.

Start the application server:

./ -c standalone-full.xml

Triggering Tasks

The application exposes following endpoints which can trigger various tasks on request:

  • /archive-users - starts the job that archives repositories and removes membership of previously discovered offboarded users.
  • /ldap-scan - performs discovery of offboarded users by querying the company LDAP database.
  • /generate-email-report - generates an email report listing user removals performed during the last week, overview of current users, etc.
  • /generate-test-email - generates a test email to verify smtp setting.