- 🎒️ Courses
- 👮️ Hacking
- 📚 Books
- 🖼 Free stock images
- 🔧 Development tools
- 📌 Project management
- 🔔 Blogs
- 📝 Code editors
- 👨🎤️ Frontend
- 🔮️ Image editing
- 🎠 Icon libraries
- 🔤 Developer Docs
- 🏆 Challenges
- 🏨 Hosting
- Balta.io - Learn frontend, backend and mobile
- Css Grid Garden - Online tool for Grid Studies (CSS)
- Css flex origamid - How to use flex css
- Css grid origamid - How to use grid css
- Video Course - Free basic courses for beginners
- Digital Innovation One - Free teaching platform that develops and connects talent
- Duolingo - The world's best way to learn a language
- Facebook Business - Official Facebook Marketing Courses
- Flexbox Defense - Learn flexbox with a game
- Flexbox Froggy - Online tool for studying Flexbox (CSS)
- Flukeout - Online application to learn HTML, CSS in a practical way
- FreeCodeCamp - Learn how to code for free and earn portfolio helping nonprofits
- Khan Academy - Reputable study platform on gamified learning
- Loiane - Angular, Java, Spring and more...
- Mozilla Developer Network - Learn web development from the professionals
- Rocketseat - We boost thousands of devs daily
- School of Net - Online School of Technology
- Silent Teacher - Learn JavaScript with a game
- SoloLearn - Learn to program for free on mobile or web
- Tech Guide - Alura - Be a professional in T
- Udemy - +100 courses in every topic
- W3Schools - Online exercises to practice in numerous languages
- Bugcrowd - Crowdsourced cybersecurity solution offering vulnerability, bug, and penetration detection.
- C.S. university - Hacking zero to hero
- Ctf time - List that aggregates CTF events, join and participate
- Desec - Introduction to hacking and pentesting
- Hackerone - Vulnerability research and bug bounty platform
- HackTheBox - A massive, online cybersecurity training platform, allowing individuals, companies, universities and all kinds of organizations around the world to level up their hacking skills.
- Portswigger - Web hacking course
- TryHackMe - A free online platform for learning cyber security, using hands-on exercises and labs, all through your browser!
- Free Computer Books - Free technology books and ebooks
- GoalKicker - Programming notes for professionals
- Le livros - A place for you to download books
- Manga Livre - Online reader and host of manga's
- zLibrary - The best place for you to download all kind of books
- 500px - Free Stock Images
- Burst - Shopify ecommerce service image platform
- Cupcake - Free images for commercial use
- DrawKIT - Illustrations for anyone to use
- FlatIcon - Stock vector icons
- Flickr - Social network of photographers
- FreeImages - Free stock images
- FreePik Stories - Free stock illustrations
- Freerange - Free stock images
- Glaze - Stock illustration, no copyright
- Gratisography - Free stock images
- Humaaans - Illustrations of humanoids
- Icons8 - Icons in different styles
- Imgur - Platform with millions of images
- IraDesign - Editable color and object illustrations
- Life of Pix - Free Stock Images
- Little Visuals - Free Stock Images
- Lorempixel - Stock image for use as template
- Lukas Zadam - SVG illustrations in different sizes and styles
- ManyPixels - Illustration gallery with color editing rights
- Morguefile - Free Stock Images
- Nappy - Free Stock Images (attribution recommended)
- Nos.twnsnd - Public archive of old photos
- OpenMoji - Bank of emojis for use
- Pexels - Free Stock Images
- PhotoPin - Free stock images in creative style
- Picjumbo - Free Stock Images
- Picsum - Stock image for use as a template
- Pixabay - Free image bank (no attribution required)
- Public domain archive - Free Stock Images
- RemixIcon - Icon Bank for free use
- StockSnap - Free stock images (no attribution required)
- unDraw - Free illustrations to use
- Unsplash - Free Stock Images
- Visual Hunt - Free Stock Images
- Wikimedia Commons - Worldwide Image Bank
- .NET Fiddle - Code and share C# projects online
- 1PageRank - Rank your site in search engines and learn from the competition
- Any API - Free directory with public APIs
- Autoprefixer CSS - Transpile current CSS code to CSS code with greater coverage of older browsers
- Browser diet - Performance guide for web development
- BrowserLing - Test your website in different browsers and different operating systems
- Can I email... - Find out what HTML and CSS can be used in email frameworks
- Can I use... - Find out if you can use certain web technologies
- Carbon - Share chunks of your code in a visually pleasing way
- CloudFlare - Free CDN
- CMDER - Simple command line, can run bash and shell commands, alternative to Hyper
- CodePen - Social network of front-end developers
- CodeSandbox - Area box for web developers
- Connection Strings - Site with connection strings for various platforms
- CSS Formatter - Remove minification and format CSS code
- CSS Minifier - CSS to minified CSS code converter
- CSS W3.org - Validate CSS
- Debuggex: Online visual regex tester. JavaScript, Python, and PCRE - Build and test regular expressions
- docsify - Create awesome project docs
- EasyForms - Open source API that allows creating contact forms with pure HTML
- Editor.md - Markdown editor online and open source
- ES6console - JS Compiler for Ecmascript
- Firebase - Develop amazing mobile and web apps this Google service
- Firefox Developer Edition - Web browser for web developers
- Full Page Screen Capture - Capture entire pages with a Chrome extension
- generatedata - Test data generator
- Git Command Explorer - Find the right commands you need without scouring the web
- GitHub Gist - Make small notes and small code on GitHub Gist
- Google Transparency Report - Check security of a website
- Grader - Site Rating
- Hyper - Simple, useful and free command line
- Invertexto - text tooling online
- Joomla - Free CMS
- JS Bin - Code and share HTML, CSS and JS projects
- JSCompress - Converter from JS to Minified JS code
- JSON Editor Online - Tool to view and edit JSON files
- JSON sort - Tool to sort JSON alphabetically
- JSFiddle - Code JS projects online
- JSONLint - Tool to validate your JSON
- KeyCDN Tools - Analyze your web applications
- Liveweave - Code HTML, CSS and JS projects
- Lorem Ipsum - dummy text generator
- Mapbox - Maps and location for developers
- Memcached - Improve your website performance with caching
- Mockaroo - Data generator for testing
- Mussum Ipsum - Mock text generator
- NextDocs - Open source template for documentation using Next.js and Markdown
- NPM HTTP-Server - Run a local server with an npm package
- Password Generator - A simple password generator with a focus on security
- Photopea - Cloud photoshop editor
- Online C Compiler - Tool to compile C online
- React Dev Tools - ReactJS debug tool
- React Hook Form - Validate your project forms using React or React Native
- RESP.app - GUI tool for redis. Save, manipulate and erase data within your redis
- RelaX - Create relational algebraic expressions from queries
- Responsive - Test your website's responsiveness
- Shields.io - Badge generator for markdown
- Simple CSS Media Query Generator - Generate media queries for a specific device size
- SSL Server Test - Test SSL of websites
- Squoosh - Compress images using the browser
- StreamYard - StreamYard is a live streaming studio in your browser
- Swagger - Tool to design, build, document and use RESTful web services
- ASCII Table - Complete table with ASCII characters
- Telegram - Encrypted messenger
- W3.org - Validate HTML
- WakaTime - Manage your development time
- Wappalyzer - See the technologies a website is running
- Web Developer - Extension for Chrome with multi-functions
- Web.dev - Test website (created by Google)
- WebPageTest - Test site performance
- Wedsites - List your activities and track your progress
- WordPress - Creating blogs
- XML Sitemaps - Sitemaps.xml builder
- Asana - Work management
- Azure DevOps - Project management focused on planning, collaboration and deliverables
- Dontpad - No-register note tabs
- Draw.io - Develop amazing mind maps
- Evernote - Sticky notes in the cloud
- Google Keep - Sticky Notes in the Cloud
- Jira - Project manager and task monitoring
- lucidchart - Documentation and team task management
- Miro - Real-time collaborative whiteboard
- Notion - Cloud sticky notes and online project management
- Pipefy - Project Manager (PMS)
- Protectedtext - Encrypted note tabs with no registration required
- Runrun.it - Project and task manager by boards
- Slack - Project management with teams
- Taiga - Project control with teams through boards
- Things - Personal Task Manager
- Todoist - Management of personal and team projects
- Trello - Manage your projects with boards
- YouTrack - Online Project Manager
- Octoverse - The state of software, by github
- StackOverflow survey - Annual Stack Overflow survey
- CSS Tricks - Blog with several frontend tutorials
- Desktop
- Beekeeper Studio - SQL code editor and database manager
- Brackets - Adobe Code Editor
- CodeBlocks - IDE for C and C++
- Eclipse - IBM's free software IDE
- Jetbrains IDE's - Whichever technologies you use, there's a JetBrains tool to match
- Micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
- NeoVim - Code editor via terminal
- NetBeans - Free Apache IDE
- Notepad++ - Root code editor
- Sublime Text - Your license has expired
- Visual Studio - Microsoft IDE
- Visual Studio Code - Microsoft Code Editor
- Cloud
- CodeAnywhere - Cloud coding platform
- CodeChef - Cloud coding platform
- Coding Ground - Various online coding platforms
- Gitpod - Online IDE for GitHub
- IDE One - Online IDE for C, Python, Java, etc
- My Compiler - Online IDE with support for many languages
- RStudio.Cloud - Online IDE for coding in R language with GitHub integration
- Repl.it - Cloud coding platform
- Stackblitz - Cloud coding platform
- Animista - Css animations on demand
- Awwwards - Inspiration for interfaces and templates with the latest in interface design
- Bootstrap - CSS Framework
- BuildBootstrap - Create responsive layout for Bootstrap framework in version 3 and 4
- Bulma CSS - Free CSS framework based on Flexbox
- Buttons Generator - CSS button styles that can be used in projects
- Chart.js - JavaScript chart creation library
- Colors and Fonts - Features color palettes and typography
- Coolors - Color palettes and build your own
- Colors lol - Color palette repository
- Cruip - Template resources
- CSS Effects Snippets - Ready-to-use CSS animations
- CSS Layout - Popular layouts and patterns made with CSS
- CSS Reference - Visual guide to CSS with usage references
- DevSamples - Easy-to-use code examples for HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Fancy Border-Radius - Shape generator with border-radius in CSS
- Flatui Color Picker - Interactive color palette to harmonize the front
- Font Flipper - Tool for testing fonts
- FontPair - Tool for font combinations
- FontSpark - Generates random fonts from a list of famous fonts used on the web
- Foundation - Responsive Framework
- Framer - Tool for creating interactive interfaces
- FreeFrontEnd - Code examples, tutorials and HTML, CSS, Javascript articles (Angular, JQuery, React, Vue)
- Grid Layoutit - Grid generator for CSS code
- HTML DOM - Manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript
- Image Color Picker - Get the desired image color palette
- Interfacer - Resources for creating interfaces
- Interfaces.pro - Inspiration for interfaces
- Invision - Design software for projects
- Lottie - After effects animations via json
- Luna - Brazilian CSS Framework
- Material-UI - A UI framework for React
- Mockup - View and collaborate on mobile app design
- Nes.css - NES-style CSS framework
- Neumorphism - Trend border-radius application
- Normalize CSS - Normalizes structures across browsers
- PSD-To-CSS-Shadow - Generates the script for a shadow (box-shadow & text-shadow) in CSS based on the shadow settings in Photoshop
- Pure.css - Responsive CSS Framework
- SweetAlert2 - JavaScript library of responsive and customizable alerts
- Tailwind CSS - CSS styling framework
- UI Gradients - UI Gradients to use
- Atmos - Everything you need to create color palettes
- Adobe XD - Design software for projects
- Canva - Online design tool
- Excalidraw - Draw diagrams as if they were handmade
- Figma - Design online projects for apps, software and websites
- Gimp - GIMP is an open source program primarily aimed at creating and editing images
- Gravit Designer - Online design tool with vector illustration support
- Photoshop - Incredible images, advanced designs and spectacular artwork
- Pixilart - Draw pixel arts online
- Pixlr - Cloud-based image editing tools and utilities suite
- Remove.bg - Removes backgrounds from images automatically
- Sketch - Development of high quality layouts
- Squoosh.app - Image compressor and comparator, via browser
- Vectorizer - Convert images like PNGs, BMPs and JPEGs into vector graphics (SVG, EPS, DXF)
- Whimsical - Flowchart, Wireframe, Sticky Notes and Mind Map
- X-Icon Editor - High resolution favicon generator from images
- Feather Icons - Free and customizable icons
- Font Awesome - Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome
- Iconfinder - Site containing millions of icons and illustrations
- Iconfonts - 2100+ free icons to spice up your creative designs
- Iconify Design - 100+ icon collections within a single library
- Iconmonstr - Website with 316 free icon collections
- Iconscout - Site brings together a large collection of free icons
- LineIcons - 2000+ line icons style
- Streamline - Library full of icons to use
- Angular - The modern web developer's plataform
- C# - Programming language based on C++
- Clojure - Functional programming language (commonly used for AIs)
- Dart - Web-oriented scripting language developed by Google, used in Flutter
- Elixir - Functional programming language running on Erlang virutal machine
- F# - Object-oriented and functional programming language
- Fortran - Programming language developed by IBM, used in computer science and numerical analysis
- Git - Git, the stupid content tracker
- Go - The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive
- Haskell - Purely functional and statically typed programming language
- Java - Typed, object-oriented and high-performance programming language
- JavaScript - Constant evolution and growth in the market
- Julia - Open source, high performance programming language for technical computing
- Kotlin - Cross-platform, object-oriented programming language compiles to MVJ
- Lua - Programming language developed in Brazil, allows procedural programming and OOP
- Markdown - Markdown language often used to format README files
- MatLab - High-level programming language focusing on calculations and graphing
- Pascal - Imperative, structured, object-oriented programming language
- Perl - Cross-platform and dynamic programming language
- PHP - The dominant programming language on the web
- Python - Very suitable for data projects, artificial intelligence and chatbot
- R - Programming language focusing on mathematics, statistics, data science and machine learning
- Ruby - Multiparadigm programming language and dynamic typing
- Rust - Language for fast, competitive and secure systems
- Swift - Created by Apple primarily for iPhone app development
- Scala - Modern, multi-paradigm, concise, elegant and type-safe programming language
- Visual Basic - Microsoft programming language (with graphical IDE)
- Ace Front End - Front-end programming challenges. Results via text. integrated IDE
- AdventoOfCode - Programming challenges by season. No built-in IDE. Manual validation done by the user
- App Ideas - Compiled challenges for you to test your knowledge and increase your portfolio
- Beecrowd - Back-end Programming, Mathematics and SQL Challenges. integrated IDE
- ChallengeRocket - Back-end Programming Challenges. integrated IDE
- Code Golf - StackExchange - Community-to-community programming challenges, Snippet-only integrated IDE
- CodeForces - Back-end Programming Challenges with compilation and testing done by the platform but without an integrated IDE
- CodePen Challenges - Front-end Programming Challenges. integrated IDE
- CoderByte - Back-end Programming Challenges. integrated IDE
- CodeSignal - Back-end Programming Challenges. integrated IDE
- CodeWars - Back-end Programming Challenges. integrated IDE
- Codier - Front-end Programming Challenges, analysis of results by the community. integrated IDE
- Codility - Back-end Programming Challenges. integrated IDE
- Coding Games - Back-end programming challenges focused on games theme. integrated IDE
- CSS Battle - Temporary CSS battles. integrated IDE
- DailyCodingProblem - Backend Programming Challenges sent via email. Premium Troubleshooting
- Desafio333 - Desafio333 is a SIMPLE bimonthly challenge with the aim of inviting the community to discover new tools
- DevChallenges.io - Site with responsive web projects, front-end and full-stack
- Edabit - Back-end Programming Challenges. integrated IDE
- Exercism.io - Back-end Programming Challenges. No built-in IDE. Requires CLI download.
- Front-End Challenges Club - Blog with front-end programming challenges
- Frontend Mentor - Front-end Programming Challenges, community analysis of results, no integrated IDE
- HackerRank - Backend Programming Challenges. integrated IDE
- ProjectEuler - Back-end Programming Challenges focused on mathematical problems. integrated IDE
- Sphere Onlune Judge (SPOJ) - Back-end Programming Challenges with compilation and testing done by the platform but without integrated IDE
- TopCoder - Challenges and Back-end Programming Arena with integrated IDE
- 1FreeHosting - Free website hosting with 100GB bandwidth
- Amazon Web Services - Server rental service and other services
- BlueHost - American web hosting company
- DigitalOcean - Dedicated and shared server rental
- DreamHost - High availability website hosting
- GoDaddy - Shared and dedicated server rental company and domain registration
- Google Cloud - Google Server Rental Service
- Heroku - Free website hosting with support for NodeJS, Java, Ruby, PHP, Python, Go, Scala and Clojure
- HostGator - Shared and dedicated hosting for websites and services
- Hostinger - Website Hosting
- Hostoo - Dedicated cloud computing website hosting
- InfinityFree - Completely free website hosting with PHP, MySQL
- iPage - Hosting of gringa websites with discounts for ads
- Netlify - Hosting for static websites that combines global deployment, continuous integration and automatic HTTPS
- One.com - General digital services (including website hosting)
- Surge - Free hosting for static pages
- Vercel - Free static and serverless website hosting