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175 lines (128 loc) · 8.19 KB

JobCloud ApplyWith SDK

yarn version

@jobcloud/applywith-sdk is a JavaScript library that lets you easily integrate JobCloud's "Apply with" or "Apply with" button on your application form or ATS integration. The feature is mobile-friendly and allows job seekers to apply faster with their or profile, including their CV and uploaded documents.

In order to use it in production, you need an access key. Please contact [email protected] alongside with a logo image (400x400px) and the domain you want to run it on.

General prerequisites

  • Your site is running on HTTPS
  • Signed business agreement between JobCloud and the site owner
  • API access key generated by JobCloud

To get started with the implementation, you can set the OAuth environment to test (see config below). With this you don't need a valid API key and you can test your code with mocked user information.

Please read through this documentation before starting the implementation. We additionally provide a frequently asked questions section.


Using yarn:

$ yarn add @jobcloud/applywith-sdk

Then with a module bundler like webpack, use as you would anything else:

// using ES6 modules
import { injectButton } from '@jobcloud/applywith-sdk';

// using CommonJS modules
var injectButton = require('@jobcloud/applywith-sdk').injectButton;

The UMD build is also available on unpkg:

<script src=""></script>

You can find the library on window.JobCloudSDK.


@jobcloud/applywith-sdk provides the simple injectButton method that takes a few options to create all that is needed for the SDK to work. An implementation example can be found here.

Basic usage looks like this (using the UMD build as example):


The options that the injectButton method takes, along with its default values, are:

  accessKey: 'unique key',  // The key provided by JobCloud to identify your app.
                            // Please contact to get a personal key.
                            // Define any string when using the 'test' environment.

  env: 'prod',              // Setting 'test' here boots the SDK in test mode which
                            // can be used to test the implementation without hitting
                            // the actual JobCloud OAuth service. Also a genuine accessKey
                            // is not needed.

  injectElement: undefined, // A query selector string that references the HTML
                            // element in which the ApplyWith button will be rendered.
                            // Examples would be '#elementId' or '.elementClass'.
                            // Make sure that the injectElement is available on the DOM
                            // when you call `install`.

  locale: 'de',             // Locale. Supported locales are 'de', 'fr' or 'en' (jobs_ch),
                            // 'de', 'fr' for jobup_ch.

  useFileRefs: false,       // Setting this to true will remove the binary data for the
                            // documents in the callback. Instead files will be delivered
                            // as a url from which the files can be downloaded. Setting this
                            // is recommended for bandwidth reasons.

  callback: (data) => {},   // The callback function that gets called when the process was
                            // successful to provide the applicants data. Use this to
                            // map the data to the application form.

  tenant: 'jobs_ch',        // Tenant. Supported tenants are 'jobs_ch' or 'jobup_ch'.

  colorVariant: 'white',    // Color of the ApplyWith-Button. Supported colors for tenant
                            // 'jobs_ch' are 'blue' or 'white', for tenant 'jobup_ch' are
                            // 'green', 'white', 'grey'.

The callback option gets called on success with the following data structure:

  email: string,
  gender: 'M' | 'F',
  firstName?: string,
  lastName?: string,
  phone?: string,
  zipCode?: string,
  city?: string,
  country?: string,
  cv?: {                   (deprecated / will be empty in the future)
    mimeType: string,
    binary: string,
  picture?: string,
  documents?: Array<{
    mimeType: string,
    binary?: string,       (only when useFileRefs = false / deprecated)
    transientUrl?: string, (only when useFileRefs = true)
    fileSize?: number,     (only when useFileRefs = true / in bytes)
    expires?: number,      (only when useFileRefs = true / unix timestamp)
    fileName: string,
    tags?: Array<string>,

Handling documents

Using References

When the useFileRefs flag in the configuration is set to true, the callback will respond with urls from which the profile documents can be downloaded. These urls will work for 6 months (see expires field) after creation for security reasons. We additionally specify tags denoting the type of the files.

To not break backwards compatibility, the useFileRefs flag is not set by default - but enabling it is the recommended way to receive the documents as using the binary data puts a strain on bandwidth for potential mobile end users.

See the files response example when setting useFileRefs: true.

Using Binary Data (Deprecated)

The SDK will provide the documents a user has attached to his or her profile as base64 encoded strings together with a file name and the mime type. In order to save them on your server you'll need to decode them first. This strongly depends on your used server stack. An example on how to do this in an nodejs environment can be found in the example folder.

There is currently no way to attach these files to the form in a way that would mimic a file that was selected by the user in the browser.

See the files response example when setting useFileRefs: false.

This approach will be removed in version 2.0.0

Running the example

  1. Clone this project and cd into the directory.
  2. yarn install to fetch dependencies.
  3. yarn example to run the example.
  4. Open localhost:8082/index.html, press the applyWith button and send the application. The attachments are now uploaded and saved to example/uploads.

It's important to serve the page containing the ApplyWith button through a webserver. Otherwise the authentication will fail. In that case the browser console will show the following error:

  • Firefox
    SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified
  • Chrome
    Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin
    provided ('file://') does not match the recipient window's origin ('null').

Contribution quickstart

  1. Install dependencies with yarn.
  2. The command yarn serve will spin up a simple http server that acts as a mocked OAuth endpoint that is needed for development. This server removes the need to develop against the live JobCloud OAuth service endpoint and needs to run in the background.
  3. yarn start will start the development server that prints out the url that can be used to access a test page (usually localhost:8080).

List of useful Commands

  • yarn build to build production code (UMD and ES modules).
  • yarn example to start the development client and server.
  • yarn lint to run eslint and flowtype check.
  • yarn release to cut a release.
  • yarn serve to spin up a mocked OAuth service endpoint.
  • yarn start to start the development server.
  • yarn test to run unit tests.