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Joachim Stolberg edited this page Jul 1, 2018
35 revisions
init() code:
a = 1
loop() code:
a = a + 1
$print("a = ", a)
init() code:
a = Array("Hello", "world", "of", "Minetest")
for i,text in a.next() do
$display("0669", i+2, text)
init() code:
DISPLAY = "1234"
min = 0
loop() code:
-- call code every 60 sec
if ticks % 60 == 0 then
-- output time in minutes
min = min + 1
$display(DISPLAY, 1, min, " min")
-- Cactus chest overrun
sts = $get_status("1034") -- read pusher status
if sts == "blocked" then $display(DISPLAY, 2, "Cactus full") end
-- Tree chest overrun
sts = $get_status("1089") -- read pusher status
if sts == "blocked" then $display(DISPLAY, 3, "Tree full") end
-- Furnace fuel empty
sts = $get_status("2895") -- read pusher status
if sts == "standby" then $display(DISPLAY, 4, "Furnace fuel") end
is the command to read the status string from a tubelib compatible node, like Pushers, Harvester, Quarry, and so on.
$display("0665", 3, "Tree full")
is the command,to write the text line "Tree full" in row 3 of the display with number "0665".
init() code:
-- node numbers
DISPLAY = "0669"
SWITCH = "0670"
DETECTOR = "0671"
SERVER = "0674"
-- read highscore data from Server, if available
-- otherwise generate a new 'Store'
highscore = $server_read(SERVER, "highscore") or Store()
loop() code:
if event then
if $get_input(SWITCH) == "on" then
time = $get_ms_time()
name = $playerdetector(DETECTOR)
$display(DISPLAY, 1, "running")
elseif $get_input(SWITCH) == "off" then
$display(DISPLAY, 1, "stopped")
time = $get_ms_time() - time
$display(DISPLAY, 2, "Time: ", time)
-- store the best (smallest) time only
time = math.min(highscore.get(name) or 999999, time)
highscore.set(name, time)
keys = highscore.keys("up")
-- output the top three with name and time
for i, name in keys.next() do
if i == 4 then break end
$display(DISPLAY, i+3, name, ": ", highscore.get(name) / 1000.0)
-- store results on the Server
$server_write(SERVER, "highscore", highscore)