2 | 2 | "ora-grading.demoAlert.warningMessage": "Grade submission is disabled in the Demo mode of the new ORA Staff Grader.",
3 | 3 | "ora-grading.demoAlert.confirm": "Confirm",
4 | 4 | "ora-grading.demoAlert.title": "Demo submit prevented",
5 |
| - "ora-grading.ReviewModal.demoHeading": "Demo Mode", |
6 |
| - "ora-grading.ReviewModal.demoMessage": "You are using the Demo Mode of the new Enhanced ORA Staff Grader interface. You will be unable to submit grades until you activate the feature.", |
7 | 5 | "ora-grading.FilePopoverContent.filePopoverNameTitle": "Nom du fichier",
8 | 6 | "ora-grading.FilePopoverCellContent.filePopoverDescriptionTitle": "Description du fichier",
9 | 7 | "ora-grading.FilePopoverCellContent.fileSizeTitle": "Taille du fichier",
28 | 26 | "ora-grading.RadioCriterion.optionPoints": "{points} points",
29 | 27 | "ora-grading.RadioCriterion.rubricSelectedError": "La sélection de la rubrique est requise",
30 | 28 | "ora-grading.CriterionFeedback.criterionFeedbackError": "Le feedback est requis",
| 29 | + "ora-grading.ReviewModal.demoHeading": "Demo Mode", |
| 30 | + "ora-grading.ReviewModal.demoMessage": "You are using the Demo Mode of the new Enhanced ORA Staff Grader interface. You will be unable to submit grades until you activate the feature.", |
31 | 31 | "ora-grading.ListView.ListViewBreadcrumbs.backToResponses": "Retour à toutes les réponses ouvertes",
32 | 32 | "ora-grading.ListView.noResultsFoundTitle": "Rien ici encore",
33 | 33 | "ora-grading.ListView.noResultsFoundBody": "Lorsque les apprenants soumettront des réponses, elles apparaîtront ici",
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