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New Constructor for adding fields. Closes #23.
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jonniedie committed Jun 24, 2020
1 parent eb97a86 commit 5918c59
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ComponentArrays"
uuid = "b0b7db55-cfe3-40fc-9ded-d10e2dbeff66"
authors = ["Jonnie Diegelman <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.4.5"
version = "0.5.0"

LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
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45 changes: 16 additions & 29 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -28,47 +28,34 @@ in [DifferentialEquations.jl](
flat vectors is fair game.

## New Features!
### v0.4.0
- Zygote rules for DiffEqFlux support! Still experimental though!
### v0.5.0
- Constructor for making new `ComponentVector`s with additional fields! Watch out, it's slow!
using ComponentArrays, UnPack
using Flux: glorot_uniform

dense_layer(in, out) = ComponentArray(W=glorot_uniform(out, in), b=zeros(out))
julia> x = ComponentArray(a=5, b=[1, 2])
ComponentVector{Int64}(a = 5, b = [1, 2])

layers = (L1=dense_layer(2, 50), L2=dense_layer(50, 2))
θ = ComponentArray(u=u0, p=layers)

function dudt(u, p, t)
@unpack L1, L2 = p
return L2.W * tanh.(L1.W * u .+ L1.b) .+ L2.b
julia> moar_x = ComponentArray(x; c=zeros(2,2), d=(a=2, b=10))
ComponentVector{Int64}(a = 5, b = [1, 2], c = [0 0; 0 0], d = (a = 2, b = 10))
Check out [the docs]( for a complete example.

### v0.4.0
- Zygote rules for DiffEqFlux support! Check out [the docs]( for an example!

### v0.3.0
- Matrix and higher-dimensional array components!
julia> x = ComponentArray(a=rand(), b=rand(3), c=rand(3,3));

julia> x.c
3×3 reshape(view(::Array{Float64,1}, 5:13), 3, 3) with eltype Float64:
0.508171 0.740476 0.730907
0.112437 0.0329141 0.943972
0.661702 0.760624 0.777929
...and plenty more!

## General use
The easiest way to construct 1-dimensional ```ComponentArray```s is as if they were ```NamedTuple```s. In fact, a good way to think about them is as arbitrarily nested, mutable ```NamedTuple```s that can be passed through a solver.
The easiest way to construct 1-dimensional ```ComponentArray```s (aliased as `ComponentVector`) is as if they were ```NamedTuple```s. In fact, a good way to think about them is as arbitrarily nested, mutable ```NamedTuple```s that can be passed through a solver.
julia> c = (a=2, b=[1, 2]);

julia> x = ComponentArray(a=5, b=[(a=20., b=0), (a=33., b=0), (a=44., b=3)], c=c)
ComponentArray{Float64}(a = 5.0, b = [(a = 20.0, b = 0.0), (a = 33.0, b = 0.0), (a = 44.0, b = 3.0)], c = (a = 2.0, b = [1.0, 2.0]))
ComponentVector{Float64}(a = 5.0, b = [(a = 20.0, b = 0.0), (a = 33.0, b = 0.0), (a = 44.0, b = 3.0)], c = (a = 2.0, b = [1.0, 2.0]))

julia> x.c.a = 400; x
ComponentArray{Float64}(a = 5.0, b = [(a = 20.0, b = 0.0), (a = 33.0, b = 0.0), (a = 44.0, b = 3.0)], c = (a = 400.0, b = [1.0, 2.0]))
ComponentVector{Float64}(a = 5.0, b = [(a = 20.0, b = 0.0), (a = 33.0, b = 0.0), (a = 44.0, b = 3.0)], c = (a = 400.0, b = [1.0, 2.0]))

julia> x[8]
Expand All @@ -86,14 +73,14 @@ julia> collect(x)

julia> typeof(similar(x, Int32)) === typeof(ComponentArray{Int32}(a=5, b=[(a=20., b=0), (a=33., b=0), (a=44., b=3)], c=c))
julia> typeof(similar(x, Int32)) === typeof(ComponentVector{Int32}(a=5, b=[(a=20., b=0), (a=33., b=0), (a=44., b=3)], c=c))

Higher dimensional ```ComponentArray```s can be created too, but it's a little messy at the moment. The nice thing for modeling is that dimension expansion through broadcasted operations can create higher-dimensional ```ComponentArray```s automatically, so Jacobian cache arrays that are created internally with ```false .* x .* x'``` will be ```ComponentArray```s with proper axes. Check out the [ODE with Jacobian]( example in the examples folder to see how this looks in practice.
Higher dimensional ```ComponentArray```s can be created too, but it's a little messy at the moment. The nice thing for modeling is that dimension expansion through broadcasted operations can create higher-dimensional ```ComponentArray```s automatically, so Jacobian cache arrays that are created internally with ```false .* x .* x'``` will be two-dimensional ```ComponentArray```s (aliased as `ComponentMatrix`) with proper axes. Check out the [ODE with Jacobian]( example in the examples folder to see how this looks in practice.
julia> x = ComponentArray(a=1, b=[2, 1, 4], c=c)
ComponentArray{Float64}(a = 1.0, b = [2.0, 1.0, 4.0], c = (a = 2.0, b = [1.0, 2.0]))
ComponentVector{Float64}(a = 1.0, b = [2.0, 1.0, 4.0], c = (a = 2.0, b = [1.0, 2.0]))

julia> x2 = x .* x'
7×7 ComponentArray{Tuple{Axis{(a = 1, b = 2:4, c = (5:7, (a = 1, b = 2:3)))},Axis{(a = 1, b = 2:4, c = (5:7, (a = 1, b = 2:3)))}},Float64,2,Array{Float64,2}}:
Expand All @@ -115,7 +102,7 @@ julia> x2[:a,:a]

julia> x2[:a,:c]
ComponentArray{Float64}(a = 2.0, b = [1.0, 2.0])
ComponentVector{Float64}(a = 2.0, b = [1.0, 2.0])

julia> x2[:b,:c]
3×3 ComponentArray{Tuple{Axis{NamedTuple()},Axis{(a = 1, b = 2:3)}},Float64,2,SubArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{UnitRange{Int64},UnitRange{Int64}},false}}:
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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/axis.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ abstract type AbstractAxis{IdxMap} end
@inline indexmap(::AbstractAxis{IdxMap}) where IdxMap = IdxMap
@inline indexmap(::Type{<:AbstractAxis{IdxMap}}) where IdxMap = IdxMap

Base.propertynames(::AbstractAxis{IdxMap}) where IdxMap = propertynames(IdxMap)

struct FlatAxis <: AbstractAxis{NamedTuple()} end

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,8 +127,9 @@ Axis(::Number) = NullAxis()
Axis(::NamedTuple{()}) = FlatAxis()
Axis(x) = FlatAxis()

const NotShapedAxis = Union{Axis{IdxMap}, FlatAxis, NullAxis} where {IdxMap}
const NotPartitionedAxis = Union{Axis{IdxMap}, FlatAxis, NullAxis, ShapedAxis{Shape, IdxMap}} where {Shape, IdxMap}
const NotShapedOrPartitionedAxis = Union{Axis{IdxMap}, FlatAxis, NullAxis} where {IdxMap}
const NotShapedOrPartitionedAxis = Union{Axis{IdxMap}, FlatAxis, NullAxis} where {IdxMap}

Base.merge(axs::Axis...) = Axis(merge(indexmap.(axs)...))
31 changes: 30 additions & 1 deletion src/componentarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ ComponentVector{T}(::UndefInitializer, ax) where {T} = ComponentArray{T}(undef,
ComponentVector(data::AbstractVector, ax) = ComponentArray(data, ax)
ComponentVector(data::AbstractArray, ax) = throw(DimensionMismatch("A `ComponentVector` must be initialized with a 1-dimensional array. This array is $(ndims(data))-dimensional."))

# Add new fields to component Vector
function ComponentArray(x::ComponentVector; kwargs...)
return foldl((x1, kwarg) -> _maybe_add_field(x1, kwarg), (kwargs...,); init=x)
ComponentVector(x::ComponentVector; kwargs...) = ComponentArray(x; kwargs...)

x = ComponentMatrix(data::AbstractMatrix, ax...)
x = ComponentMatrix{T}(data::AbstractMatrix, ax...) where T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,6 +130,10 @@ function make_idx(data, nt::NamedTuple, last_val)
return (data, ViewAxis(last_index(last_val) .+ (1:len), (;kvs...)))
function make_idx(data, pair::Pair, last_val)
data, ax = make_idx(data, pair.second, last_val)
return (data, ViewAxis(last_val:(last_val+len-1), Axis(pair.second)))
make_idx(data, x, last_val) = (
push!(data, x),
ViewAxis(last_index(last_val) + 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,6 +172,22 @@ function make_idx(data, x::A, last_val) where A<:AbstractArray

#TODO: Make all internal function names start with underscores
_maybe_add_field(x, pair) = haskey(x, pair.first) ? _update_field(x, pair) : _add_field(x, pair)
function _add_field(x, pair)
data = copy(getdata(x))
new_data, new_ax = make_idx(data, pair.second, length(data))
new_ax = Axis(NamedTuple{tuple(pair.first)}(tuple(new_ax)))
new_ax = merge(getaxes(x)[1], new_ax)
return ComponentArray(new_data, new_ax)
function _update_field(x, pair)
x_copy = copy(x)
x_copy[pair.first] = pair.second
return x_copy

pushcat!(a, b) = reduce((x1,x2) -> push!(x1,x2), b; init=a)

# Reshape ComponentArrays with ShapedAxis axes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,8 +261,10 @@ Base.size(x::ComponentArray) = size(getdata(x))

Base.reinterpret(::Type{T}, x::ComponentArray, args...) where T = ComponentArray(reinterpret(T, getdata(x), args...), getaxes(x))

Base.propertynames(x::ComponentVector) = propertynames(getaxes(x)[1])
Base.propertynames(x::ComponentVector) = propertynames(indexmap(getaxes(x)[1]))

Base.keys(x::ComponentVector) = keys(indexmap(getaxes(x)[1]))

Base.haskey(x::ComponentVector, s::Symbol) = haskey(indexmap(getaxes(x)[1]), s)

Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:ComponentArray{T,N,<:A,<:Axes}}) where {T,N,A,Axes} = IndexStyle(A)
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,17 @@ end
# Issue #24
@test ComponentVector(a=1, b=2f0) == ComponentVector{Float32}(a = 1.0, b = 2.0)
@test ComponentVector(a=1, b=2+im) == ComponentVector{Complex{Int64}}(a = 1 + 0im, b = 2 + 1im)

# Issue #23
sz = size(ca)
temp = ComponentArray(ca; d=100)
temp2 = ComponentVector(temp; d=4)
temp3 = ComponentArray(temp2; e=(a=20, b=[2 4; 1 4]))
@test sz == size(ca)
@test temp.d == 100
@test temp2.d == 4
@test !haskey(ca, :d)
@test all(temp3.e.b .== [2 4; 1 4])

@testset "Attributes" begin
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