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23 lines (17 loc) · 1.06 KB

File metadata and controls

23 lines (17 loc) · 1.06 KB

"Togglist" includes window position code coppied from asyncrun

Included Dependencies:

Any dependencies that are included in VimBox may have their own license. In the event any dependency is include in VimBox, an attempt has been made to also include its corresponding license in the directory containing that licensed work.

Each of the fonts carry their own license, which you should consult.

The VimBox application icon was derived from Jannik Siebert's excellent Sublime icon. See the icon's README for more information and links to the original works as well as the license that applies to that icon.

The SketchApp sources to the icon are also included in the dotVim/images/iconSources folder.

The colorscheme in dotVim/colors/vimboxColorsDurintLoad.vim was coppied from and vendored just to show something nice while plugins load.