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When you define a new cropVariant with
the passed
parameter is used as the cropVariant name.
The given name is also used to retrieve a meaningful label (and translation) for the TYPO3 backend automatically.
We use the cropVariant name md
in the following example
Either the supplied XLF file is used or the XLF file in the configured extension is used depending on your extension configuration settings of ext:cropvariantsbuilder.
A label
is used as final string.
Make sure to add the proper translation string to the xlf file!
A label
is used as final string.
This returns the label "Medium (md) ⇡". This extension ships a label for that.
As you can see, everytime you can not rely on the shipped translation strings of ext:cropvariants!
If you do not want to use XLF files for translating labels at all or you want
to set a custom LLL:EXT:whateverforthislabel/...
label then you can use the
method setTitle()
of the CropVariant class.
Please see shipped locallang.xlf for details. If you need more common labels, please provide a pull request or create an issue!